BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh18 - Leaving For B City


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Translator's Note

Katie: dies from adorableness

Translator's Note

Lmao this sounds like an ad for trucks during the apocalypse

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  1. Carrying around your ‘lover’ is also a way to exercising 😁

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. How’d you get so strong Nie Yi?

    Princess carry 😜

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. After Nie Yi’s apocalypse truck ad you will catch me riding a mf Belaz 75710 in the apocalypse B)

  4. What a trash son… Letting his parents do all the Hard work. I hope he dies soon.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. sleeping together


    scooting closer


    feeling hot


    teaching a lesson

    (๑´>₃<)(╯^╰) chu~❤