BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh108 - Person Behind The Scenes


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  1. Well she seems nice… I hope they deal with her soon. 😬 I’m also just waiting for the day Yu Xuguang finds out the truth about panacea 🙃

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. Soon we will see the difference between some too-confident-in-herself-girl and right hand of dark lord who is used to train loyalty in subordinates until it reaches the bone marrow

    thanks for the chapter~

  3. We’re not even halfway through the novel so… 😬

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  4. YXG you’re so dumb and why do I feel he’s going to make a big mess of things?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Hope this naive YXG not be so easily swept off by this hidden boss? He’s such a funny character every time he appeared. It would be too bad and sad if he became an enemy.

  6. ohhh, we now finally know the creator of shadow guards. she can also probably manipulate Yu Xuguang using his ‘feelings’, and we’ve kind of established that he isn’t the most astute in seeing through the fog. So I really feel that Yu Xuguang is totally gonna f*ck up. Especially if he just goes for revenge even when he’s known with their current interactions that Qi JingChen isn’t a bad guy.

    I can just imagine a scene where YXG’s protecting this woman against Nie Yi (for sure after her to eliminate all possible threats to QJC) and finds out the real deal with her, maybe also the truth about the panacea… I hope he’d be so nauseated by the thought of the panacea, and how the ‘dark Lord’s was skin and bones… and by skin I mean the dark thing QJC covers himself cause we aren’t sure if his skin was taken along with the meat or if they’d even left QJC his skin intact. probably not

  7. Oohhhh finally seeing the villain behind the scenes! I saw a comment saying that we aren’t even halfway through, ba

  8. I hate that mastermind woman. I understand that she hates the dark lord for killing her lover, but the rest is just complete trash. However, I have to keep calm, there’s still two hundred chapters to go and I refuse to believe that she can continue being a villain for more than fifty chapters!

  9. Okay so we know the name now. Now we shall write her name and offer her to the lords of death. So my precious darlings can be at ease and lovey-dovey with eachother 🙏