BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh106 - Blowing People Up


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Translator's Note

bullying the smaller group with the basis of having more men

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  1. After beating Yu Shuo again, he passed the date related to the shadow guard that Li Shu had sorted out to the staff member, telling him to send it to Zhao Chengqi. > he passed the data related to the shadow guard

  2. “Ping Shengchao was tucked up tight by Nie Yi, Zhang Zihai and Ping Shengchao were hugging each other, and even Qi An and Xiaomao…“

    I think it was supposed to be “Qi Jingchen was tucked up tight by Nie Yi ……”

    Correct me if I’m wrong 🙂

  3. “ Flying a helicopter was very tiring, and generally one would have to take a break after piloting it for a few years.” years? Is prince Qi An actually on an interstellar trip in a helicopter? 🤣🤣🤣 Nie Yi really has amazing stamina 😏