After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch36.3 - Gradual Clarity

Zhou Mian said with a smile: “He is the leader of the pirates, and I am the admiral of the Glacier empire.”


“Oh?I felt that when you two fought, you two were very familiar with each other’s moves. “Cecil shrugged, not intending to probe any further.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tsk Tsk, Zhou Mian, this person, is still hiding a lot of secrets.


Cecil looked at Zhou Mian, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Zhou Mian…” Cecil paused, holding his chin and laughingly said, “Ah Mian… MianMian…”



Itbe Zljc’r fsfr klvfcfv.




Jfmli yilcxfv, “Qtfc kf olgra wfa sbe rjlv atja sbeg cjwf lr Itbe Zljc, atf ufcfgji bo atf uijmlfg fwqlgf bg rbwfatlcu, cbk la lr abb geras jcv ybglcu. Lbk jybea, ifa’r mtjcuf beg cjwfr ? “

Itbe Zljc’r fjg gbbar kfgf rilutais gfv, jcv tf ktlrqfgfv, “Qtjafnfg.”


“How can it be so casual?” Cecil leaned over to Zhou Mian’s side, reached out and wrapped his hand around Zhou Mian’s waist, and said, “If you don’t give me any advice, I’ll just decide on my own, just call you…” GND6Vx


Cecil lowered his head and whispered in Zhou Mian’s ear: “Mianmian.” 

The warm breath hit the earlobes, and Zhou Mian’s body trembled.


“Call me Ah Mian…!” Zhou Mian sat up straight, thinking what a terrible name MianMian was! Also too, too…


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“All right, Ah Mian .” Cecil smiled.

  kTd5 s

“In the future, don’t call me Admiral, just call me Cecil.”


Zhou Mian frowned and looked at Cecil.


It always feels like this person has changed somehow!

Sorry for the super short chapter, 37 will be up soon!

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  1. Ahahahaah, I didn’t even get to sit when I already finished reading. Thanks for the food ^μ^