An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh43 - The Tonic

“Just spend the rest of your life with the memorial then.”

Ji Yue’s daily life is very regular. Get up early to attend court and listen to government affairs. After going down to court, he will handle official duties for a while in the royal study. Then he will go to the animal farm to play with Ameng, and then return to the palace to take a nap. After lunch break, I will go to Zhongling Palace to play chess and piano with Wei Lian, chat a few words, and spend a leisurely afternoon. After having dinner together, they would review the memorials in the imperial study for a while, and then return to Yangxin Hall to sleep alone at night. jtV8ST

Ji Yue’s day followed the same rhythm. He would get up early and listen to the ministers in the Court, afterward, he would attend his official document in the imperial study, then visit the Beast Vivarium to play with A’Meng, before returning to his palace hall for a rest. After a lunch break, he would go to the Spiritual Palace to play Weiqi and zither with Wei Lian, chatting and spending the rest of his leisure afternoon there. After the evening meal, he would return to imperial study and finish the memorial to the throne, before turning in for the night alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

What a diligent and self-disciplined ruler.

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Every time after Ji Yue had dinner with Wei Lian in the Spiritual Palace, Wei Lian would try to keep him from leaving, but he always firmly refused.

Using the same reason each time. yGMAHO

“We have official business to attend to.”

A mind filled with only official business, official business this, official business that.

Wei Lian smiled and said nothing. Like many times before, he administered a strong dose of medicine.

He is proficient in pharmacology and knows how to coordinate dietary supplements. As long as Ji Yue coaxes him to drink a bowl of tonic soup prepared by himself every time he comes back to him, and supplements it with dietary adjustments, he won’t have to worry about being unable to cure him.


As someone who was proficient in pharmacology, he knew how to arrange meals to nurse one’s health. Whenever Ji Yue came to his palace, he would coax the man into drinking a bowl of tonic soup made by him, as well as eating supplemented meals especially selected by him. He was confident he could treat Ji Yue.

Wei Lian used the warmth nurturing method. The so-called tonic soup was no different from ordinary soup, except for additional herbs. Along with the special diet, it would have an unexpected effect.

Drinking it will naturally be of great benefit to people who are weak, and regaining their glory is not a problem. For ordinary people, drinking it will not harm the body too much, but will make them stronger, but… the liver fire will be slightly stronger in the short term.

People with weak physique drink this would naturally gain great benefit, reviving their vitality was not a problem. It was harmless to the normal person after large consumption, only making their body more robust, as well as…increasing their vigor in the short term. 1bm65

As soon as the heat takes in, the urge to relieve this fever would increase.

Therefore, every time Ji Yue came back to Zhongling Palace to have a meal, he would feel burning in his lower abdomen and dry mouth. He just wanted to hug him to the bed and stay there for three days and three nights.

Therefore, every time Ji Yue came back to the Spiritual Palace for dinner, he would feel this burning sensation in his lower abdomen. His mouth and tongue would be dry. The only thing he wanted to do was to carry the other person to the bed and spend three days and nights on it.

However…this was only wishful thinking. XJSt4a

Ji Yue blamed these consistent thoughts which lead to his dreams. In addition, he had read many little yellow books recently, and that was why Wei Lian was always on his mind.

This was not good. He had to respect the person he likes, how could he act like a beast.

So, Ji Yue would rather leave and relieve the burning sensation in his stomach by soaking in the cold water for a full hour every day than to use the youth to extinguish the fire.

Wei Lian: “…” CQn8dT

Ji Yue, this young master has never met such an insensitive person as you.

Wei Lian has never been a shy person. At first, just to survive, he dared to gamble with his own body. Now that Ji Yue is the person he likes, what’s wrong with them being together? He had no intention of remaining a widow for the rest of his life.

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Wei Lian was never a coy individual, at first, it was just a means to survive, using his body to gamble. Now, Ji Yue is the person he likes, so what was wrong with wanting to be together? He was not going to stay solitary all his life.

So, today’s tonic soup was much more intense. 0mjJqI

He did not know how to cook rice in the kitchen, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how he could be cooked on the bed.


Ji Yue had finished eating at the dining table. He was about to get up and leave but was stopped by Wei Lian.

“Your Majesty, you have not finished today’s soup yet.” Wei Lian reminded in a gentle voice. yxsdib

Ji Yue remained seated in this sticky predicament.

It was not as if he was unaware of it for the past few days, but this bowl of soup was very likely the source of his past few days of restlessness.

But he also asked the imperial doctor privately. There was nothing wrong with the soup. It strengthened the body and nourished the skin. However, drinking too much might cause you to get angry.

He had also consulted with the imperial physician in private; however, there was no issue with the soup. It could strengthen the body and nourish his complexion, and if he was to consume a little excessively, it would lead to suffering from having too much internal heat. r430tz

Too much internal heat was the only harm, so why should he push away Wei Lian’s good intentions.

Seeing the anticipation in the youth’s eyes, how could he disappoint him?

Ji Yue picked up the bowl and finished every last drop.

As soon as he finished it, he felt something was wrong. OQKw4g

So damned hot.

Ji Yue put down the bowl and propped his head, his face a little flushed.

Wei Lian naturally knew what was happening, but pretended to be ignorant, “Your Majesty, why is your face so red? Is the underground heating too hot?”

Not good! Ji Yue immediately got up and announced, “It is time for us to leave.” kOuq60

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Don’t, Your Majesty.” In front of palace workers, Wei Lian was always gentle and obedient as he pulled on Ji Yue’s sleeve, “This subject still wants to chat with you.”

Al Tef lcrlrafv, “Pa mjc kjla ecali abwbggbk.”

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Qfl Oljc rwlifv. “Qf mjc tjnf atf mbcnfgrjalbc bc atf vjsyfv.”

Ji Yue, even if you are a swine-head, you should get an idea now. Aw6128

Al Tef olzfv tlr ujhf bc atf sbeat lc ktlaf lc ogbca bo tlw: “…”

Wei Lian’s eyes flickered, giving off a little twinkling brilliance. He leaned gently against the person’s chest, whispered in his ear, and breathed out warm breath: “Are you not interested in me at all…brother?”

Ktf iluta lc Qfl Oljc’r fsfr oilmxfgfv, atfgf kfgf fnfc tlcar bo ierafg lc atfw. Lf ifjcfv rboais jujlcra Al Tef’r mtfra jcv ktlrqfgfv lc tlr fjgr, ygfjatlcu bea kjgw jlg, “Cgf sbe gfjiis cba lcafgfrafv lc wf…ufuf?”

The string called Ji Yue’s reason snapped in half. nWbF2L


When the King picked up the handsome youth in white and walked to the chamber, the Spiritual Palace’s palace workers widened their eyes before quietly dismissing themselves.

Once the palace gate was closed, the scent of sandalwood thickened.

Beneath the curtain, the double shadows swayed as the color of spring spilled out from the palette. NAdnbC

Black robes and white clothes, symbolizing the Nine-Five Masters, were piled on the ground. The young king kissed the beauty beneath him passionately and intensely, from the delicate eyebrows

The black robes that symbolized the ruler’s title as well as the gentleman’s white robes were tossed to the ground. The young King passionately gave the beauty under him a deep kiss, from the delicate eyebrows to the corner of his eye, down to the snow-white neck, and up back to the rosy soft lips.

He traced over the skin carefully as if he was drawing out the outline on a picture scroll.

Wei Lian wrapped around Ji Yue’s neck to return the kiss. Sound created between the entangled lips could make anyone blush in bright red. 3p4EzT

The pale skin was dyed crimson, dark hair was tangled, ten fingers were clasped tightly with love, and their shadowy figures became a blur.

The thick long eyelashes are slightly wet, fluttering at the corners of the red eyes, like butterfly wings fluttering among bright flowers.

The thick long eyelashes were slightly damp, and they fluttered against the redden eyes like the butterfly’s wings that rested on a gorgeous flower.

Both were breathing shorter than usual. Wei Lian leaned against the man’s shoulder as he murmured in an urgent tone, “Ji Yue…” dVqXp5

It was at this everlasting beautiful moment.

Ji Yue stopped.

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He stopped.

He actually stopped. PXRxGD

Wei Lian half opened his misty eyes and whispered, “…Ji Yue?”

Ji Yue: “…”

He looked at the youth before him with complicated eyes.

A mottled kiss mark, scattered silk hair, watery eyes, lightly red and swollen lips. The youth was in a state of disarray. hx2Xyf

Looked completely like he had been bullied.

And it was all his doing.

Physician Xu’s warning immediately rang in his ears.

Unlike the women, men are not made to be on the receiving end, as their entry is too tight and dry. The pain will be like being torn apart, a suffering worse than death. ZlqHIg


“This matter is extremely harmful to the body, and as time goes by, there may be many unspeakable diseases. Your Majesty, please listen to the advice of the old minister and don’t do it lightly.”

This matter is extremely harmful to someone’s health, moreover, there might be long lasting negative effects to the body. Your Majesty should not view this lightly after hearing this old subject’s advice.


Damn it, how dare he forget the warning.

Ji Yue’s eyes were filled with frustration but a hint of relief.

Fortunately, they did not reach the last step, and the mistake had not yet been made.

Ji Yue slowly and seamlessly moved to the bedside. “We have to deal…” wNquID

“Deal with more official business?” Wei Lian spoke in a calm tone, even a faint smile appeared on his lips.

But there was a murderous look in his eyes.

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If you dare to deal with the official business, then I will deal with you first.

Ji Yue was quiet for a moment before changing his excuse, “We need to review the memorial to the throne.” c1tULO

He quickly got out of the bed and dressed himself. “You should sleep!”

“…” Wei Lian was shrouded with a dark aura.

“Ji Yue, if you walk out of that door today, you can just spend the rest of your life with the memorial then.” Wei Lian said coldly.

Ji Yue paused, hesitated for a moment before hurried away. yW2A1T

Wei Lian watched Ji Yue walk away in disbelief and smacked the headboard.

“Ji Yue!” The youth’s voice was filled with grievances.

He was about to cry because of this man.

How could Ji Yue leave him alone…in the middle of such a thing! x1TEBR

This was too much, this was crossing the line.

He was so angry with him!

“Young Master…” The palace workers entered carefully. “You—”

“Get out!” lGPT75

The palace workers were startled.

The young master was always with a good temper. This was their first time seeing him this angry.

What did His Majesty do to cause this?

They bowed. “…Understood.” vFVhia

“Wait.” The youth behind the curtain suddenly spoke out.

He said in a very light tone, “There is no need to prepare the soup in the future.”

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Ji Yue was not incapable.

He just didn’t want to touch him, that was all. ofJKYc

Well then, since the young man walked out of that door, he had lost the privilege of coming back to Wei Lian’s bed.

Wei Lian very unhappily lowered his eyes.

He felt that he was finished. He had actually lost his usual composure because of that man.

He knew this was bad. G0f7sK

But there was no escaping.

This feeling was very foreign and frightening, because it was something he couldn’t control.

Wei Lian suddenly understood why Ji Yue wanted to draw a clear line between them. The other man also wanted to escape from this feeling.

Love brings not only joy, but also all the ups and downs. He had never tasted all kinds of flavors in the world before, but he wanted to taste them all from now on. HBlQwK

Love brings not only joy, but also sorrows of life, both come in a complete package. He had never tasted all the flavors that the world has to offer, but now he would have to taste them one by one now.

So troublesome.

Wei Lian hated trouble the most.

But what could he do? He likes Ji Yue. NIM8Ob


Ji Yue practically fled to imperial study.

Of course, he could not take in a single word on the memorial.

Holding the bamboo slip in his hand, his mind started to wonder. cGlFuE

It was unkind of him to leave Wei Lian there alone…wasn’t it?

Ji Yue pondered over this and suddenly found that what he did was not right.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But if he was to return, it would only bring awkwardness between them.

At that time, if he stayed, he would not be able to restrain himself from taking Wei Lian. awGYfB

Wei Lian would be hurt.

These five words were the root of Ji Yue’s patience.

Forget it, he could make amends with Wei Xiao Lian another day.

He put away his messy thinking and picked up the carving knife and the white jade to continue on his work. rxN0fD

It was their first time falling in love with someone, they had little experience, and they fell in love awkwardly and cautiously. If others saw it, they would definitely laugh at them.

It was both their first time liking someone, so they have little experience. Love could be clumsy and being careful was required. If others were to watch them, they would probably laugh at them.

How could two smart people become so dumb when together?

Fine, just let them be dumb. FDLRwU

In the imperial study, Ji Yue looked up and inspected the jade under the candlelight. When he noticed the rough smoothing job, he moved it back to eye-level and fixed it, looking very serious.

In Zhongling Palace, Wei Lian put on his clothes expressionlessly. He was so angry that he asked someone to make three large plates of rabbit-shaped cakes. He used the rabbit heads as Ji Yue and ate them one by one to vent his anger.

In the Spiritual Palace, Wei Lian put on his clothes with a blank face, then summoned someone to bring three large plates of rabbit shaped desert. He would treat each rabbit head as Ji Yue and champ on it one by one to vent his anger.

—They like each other in such a pure and silly manner. sVB Tx


The next day, Ji Yue arrived at the Spiritual Palace like before.

But he was stopped outside by Chang Sheng and Chang Shou.

“Young Master said he is not seeing you.” Even when facing the King of Qin, Chang Sheng’s attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. usM0wJ

Chang Shou also added, “Yes, that’s right. The young master said it himself. He wanted you to spend time with the memorial and not to disturb him.”

Even though he was afraid of the King of Qin at the beginning, he felt that His Majesty was not so terrible after all the meals the King had freeload in the Spiritual Palace.

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What was more, they have the young master’s support!

Ji Yue: “…” 4UmPWw

So, last night was for real?

Li Fuquan was about to scold them for their insolence, but he was stopped by the raise of Ji Yue’s hand. “Then we will wait out here for him.”

He acted out of line last night. It was Wei Lian’s right to calm down and take some heat off.

Chang Sheng said, “Please help yourself.” XjDdbU


The wait lasted an hour.

It’s warm and cold at first in early spring. I don’t feel it when I stand for a while. After standing for a long time, I feel the cold wind getting into my bones. Ji Yue was able to resist due to his martial arts skills, but the palace servants following him all stood shivering in the cold wind.

It was both warm and cold in early spring. It might not be obvious when being out for a short duration, but after standing for a long time, one would feel the cold penetrating one’s bones. Ji Yue was able to withstand it as a martial arts practitioner, but his palace attendants weren’t as lucky as they shivered in the cold. FIG3xD

He gazed at the freshly bloomed flowers on the branches and remembered his first meeting with Wei Lian.

…Wei Lian was punished by him and had to kneel in the snow for four hours.

It was still snowing at that time in the winter. The snow on the ground was almost one meter deep, and the incoming wind was as sharp as a knife.

He had just returned from the Qinchu battlefield not long ago. The two countries fought each other, and each suffered injuries. A general who had fought with him for many years was lost in that battle, which made him dislike the Chu people at all. axVBoG

He had just returned from the battlefield between the Qin and the Chu, with casualties on both sides, and a general, who had fought with him for many years, was killed in that battle, which gave birth to his hatred towards the people of Chu.

And this anger was aimed towards an innocent hostage prince.

Because of his words, the youth got frostbite on his knees. If it was not for the best medicine, those two legs would be crippled, if not, then future complications.

Ji Yue suddenly felt distressed. XV2xrt

If we knew how much we liked him, we would have treated him well at the very first sight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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