An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh42 - We Can’t

“Wei Lian, country of Qin.”

Ji Yue gawked, as if the words hadn’t sunk in. sIUFWH

After realizing what he had said, the king turned around helplessly, hurriedly picked up a memorial, sat upright, and said without squinting: “No, I still have to deal with official business.”

Once he realized what was said, the ruler turned around in bewilderment, hurriedly picked up the memorial to the throne, sat upright and fixed his eyes on it. “Can’t, we have official business to deal with.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian informed, “You are holding the memorial upside down.”

Ji Yue immediately flipped the memorial. uJMc54

Wei Lian could not resist. “…You’re reading from the wrong side. If you look carefully, the words are not written on the side you are facing!”

Ji Yue saw that there were indeed no words.

“…” Ji Yue silently turned the memorial to the other side as well as rotating it.

“We are taking the official business seriously.” Ji Yue whispered, “You will only distract us if you stay here.”


Serious, really? Wei Lian sneered.

Wei Lian explained: “I don’t want to stay in the Royal Study. I mean that after you finish handling your official duties… I will wait for you in the Yangxin Hall.”

Wei Lian explained, “I’m not staying in imperial study. I mean after you finish your official business…I will be waiting for you in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.”

Ji Yue refused, “Can’t, we have to attend more official business tonight and will not be returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.” W HFGz

Wei Lian showed nothing on his face. “How about you come to the Spiritual Palace. It’s the same.”

Ji Yue still refused, “Can’t…”

Wei Lian was angry. “You’re still with the can’t! Are you even a man!”

He already put himself out there. What were Ji Yue misgivings about here? It was like he was one losing on this favorable trade. he9GK3

Such a wasteful person.

“We—” Complicated emotions streak across Ji Yue’s eyes. “We can’t.”


??? W2cqA6

Wei Lian thought about what Chang Shou had said earlier, how the King of Qin had mysteriously summoned the imperial physician.

If it wasn’t for the small cut on his hand…

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Could it be that Ji Yue has an unmentionable illness?

He could not get it up? zH4Ob9

That couldn’t be right, Wei Lian saw it clearly. The other person could get it up.

Could it be…early ejaculation?

However, his earlier pulse checking did not pick up on anything strange.

However, medical skills pay attention to looking, smelling, asking and feeling. I was too hasty to diagnose the pulse before, maybe I didn’t find it. EeTuVb

Nevertheless, to have a precise diagnosis, he would need to inspect, listen, question, and feel the pulse. His earlier procedure was done in haste, maybe he had missed something.

Wei Lian was already formatting a list of various prescriptions for tonifying the kidney in his mind.

The youth sighed.

To raise a husband, one must assist in healing him first. This was really causing him to lose sleep. hIDbLT

A few days ago, he even told Wei Yan that ‘The King of Qin is better than his snap of a finger’, now in retrospect, the King of Qin might be even less than a snap of a finger.

What use was there?

It was better for him to use the jade pillar.

Wei Lian looked at Ji Yue with resentment. FtknBC

Ji Yue: “…?”

Why was he getting this feeling that something was wrong.

“Then please take care of handling your official business.” Wei Lian smiled. “This subject will retire back to sleep.”

Then Wei Lian turned to walk out, not showing the slightest hesitation. Updd9M

The volume of the door being closed indicated that the youth was not in a good mood.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue looked at the bright sun outside through the window and wondered how someone could rest so early in the afternoon.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf wbnfv jkjs atf wfwbglji bc atf rlvf jcv gfnfjifv ktja kjr tlvvfc ecvfg la. znk9Z6

Mbgaecjafis, atf sbeat vlvc’a vlrmbnfg atlr.

Pa kjr j qlfmf bo ktlaf pjvf, jcv j mjgnlcu xclof.

Ktfgf kfgf mjgfoei mjgnlcur bc atf ktlaf pjvf, jr la ugjvejiis abbx bc jc jclwji rtjqf. Ktf fsfr kfgf wjgxfv lc mbibg. Pa kjr jc lwqgfrrlnfis rwjii obz klat j ilofilxf jegj.

Only missing its limbs and tail. ckCrov

Ji Yue was without sleep or rest these days. Naturally, he was not going over the memorial the entire night. In truth, he had spent most of his time on this.

He was preparing a gift for Wei Lian.

A token of love actually.

He carved it with his own hands. PlXwep

Since it was a surprise, Wei Lian couldn’t let him know. When Wei Lian first broke in, Ji Yue was startled. His hand trembled in shock, and his fingertips were scratched by a carving knife.

This was supposed to be a surprise, so Wei Lian couldn’t learn of this. When Wei Lian first barged in, it startled Ji Yue. His hand jolted and cut his fingertip.

He ignored the cut and covered the white jade and the carving knife with a memorial, breathing out a sigh of relief.

Ji Yue picked up the white jade in his left hand and held the carving knife in the other, planning to continue with the carving. g vOyz

However, the blade remained in the air for a long time, no sign of continuing on the task.

His heart was in turmoil. When he could not focus on the memorial, it was natural that he could not crave as well.

Ji Yue knew that Wei Lian was hinting. 5Ljpev

His heart was in immense joy the moment Wei Lian took the initiative.

A joy beyond words.

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They should have been harmonious lovers with deep chemistry. It was only natural to have intimate relationships that flourish in the water.

He was afraid of overstepping his beloved, but he had already desecrated Wei Lian thoroughly in his dream. vKlH8

The young man in the dream is gorgeous and sultry. He will hug him and beg him to be gentle. He will bite his lip and raise his neck.

The youth in his dream was alluring, who would put his arms around him, beg him to slow down or be more gentle. The pleading youth would then bite his lips and expose his neck.

During the peak, there would be fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and a layer of shine over his dazed eyes, before hooking Ji Yue closer downward for a deep kiss.

It was beautiful, it was vibrant; the meaning of being alive. aYvWU3

The most moving appearance in the world.

—This was the result of Ji Yue reading little yellow books for three days and three nights.

After reading them, he started making messy dreams.

Don’t ask him where the books came from. Lady ministers of red record have a whole storage of glistering yellow in their disposal. hwACze

Lady ministers of red record had a lot of treasure.

Of course, some parts of the dreams were very hazy. Ji Yue, who had no practical experience, could not fill in the rest of the details.

It was human nature to desire to be happy with those they cherished, there was nothing taboo about it.

So, he did a lot of homework on it. Those books were only a small portion of it. He even summoned the imperial physician to ask questions. ASxcLe



—Two hours ago.

The person on duty at the Imperial Hospital today is Imperial Physician Xu. Although he is not as virtuous and prestigious as Imperial Physician Wang, he is still highly qualified and has excellent medical skills. Y6ZFzC

It was Physician Xu who was on active duty today. Although he was not as experienced as Physician Wang, he was still highly qualified and skilled in treatment.

Once he received His Majesty’s summon, he hurried there for fear that His Majesty’s imperial body was ill, and it would delay state affairs.

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Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the royal study, His Majesty stood aside and the first question he asked him was: “Will a man feel uncomfortable when he has sex for the first time?”

But when he arrived at the imperial study, His Majesty dismissed his guards, and the first question that came out of his mouth was, “Is it uncomfortable for a man’s first time?” l4nfcp

Physician Xu acted as if he had been struck by lightning.

Why was His Majesty asking such a question?

It was well known that Young Master Lian was the only member in His Majesty’s harem, who was doted on by the King very much.

Young Master Lian should have lost his virginity long ago. ieI 7z

Why would His Majesty ask such a question at this point of time?

He didn’t notice His Majesty taking an interest in anyone…

After the process of elimination, there was only one possibility, even if it was impossible.

Physician Xu suddenly had a bold and absurd speculation. syTq7x

Could it be that—

Physician Xu was shocked.

His Majesty doted on Young Master Lian to such an extent?

Tired of the dominated position, he wanted to personally experience being the submission one! tZROr0

No, absolutely not possible.

His Majesty was the True Dragon, the highest reign supreme, how could he be someone in the lower position. What a scandal!

He must put an end to His Majesty’s dangerous idea immediately.

Physician Xu made his decision at once and answered in a deep voice, “Uncomfortable! Extremely difficult to bear!” tva2xE

Ji Yue was surprised and sought advice with an open mind, “We would like to hear the details.”

Imperial Physician Xu began to speak sincerely: “Men are no better than women. The dry road is not meant for sexual intercourse. If you do it forcefully, it will definitely be like a tearing pain, which will make you want to live.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Physician Xu began to persuade patiently, “Unlike the women, men are not made to be on the receiving end, as their entry is too tight and dry. The pain will be like being torn apart, a suffering worse than death.”

The way he explained it made this a serious and terrifying matter. XSVHp5

In this way, His Majesty should reconsider his decision and give up.

Ji Yue furrowed his eyebrows. “We heard that applying ointment and a small amount of lubrication can alleviate the pain.”

He naturally learned this from the books he had requested Li Fuquan to fetch from lady ministers of red record, where else would he learn it from?

Physician Xu was alarmed. “Misconception! Your Majesty, you must not listen to other people’s nonsense. They did not experience the pain themselves!” 1Jz8D0

Ji Yue refused to give up. “Is there a solution?”

Physician Xu confirmed, “There is.”

Ji Yue’s eyes brightened. “What is it?”

Physician Xu replied, “Not trying it out.” Your Majesty, please don’t consider it. knAiDm

Ji Yue: “…”

“This matter is extremely harmful to the body, and if it goes on for a long time, there may be many unspeakable diseases. Your Majesty, listen to the advice of the old minister, don’t do it lightly.” Dr. Xu said

“This matter is extremely harmful to someone’s health, moreover, there might be long lasting negative effects to the body. Your Majesty should not view this lightly after hearing this old subject’s advice.” Physician Xu insisted with his earnest words.

Ji Yue looked dignified, “We understand. So…we won’t consider this for the time being.” Jnoc4D

If it was really this painful, he would not let Wei Lian bear it.

After hearing this, relief finally appeared on Physician Xu’s face.

It was a great achievement that he succeeded in stopping His Majesty’s desire to be at the bottom.

_ qBdEac

After Wei Lian left the imperial study, he did not go straight back to the Spiritual Palace, instead, he went to see the imperial medical physicians.

People tend to get sleepy in the afternoon. A medicine boy leaned against a pillar and yawned lazily. Suddenly I saw a handsome young man in white. His eyes were stunned and he murmured: “Did I see a god in my dream?”

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Afternoon is when people get sleepy after their meal. A young, physician apprentice leaned against the pillar and yawned lazily. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful youth in white. Eyes widened, he murmured, “I’m seeing an immortal descended from heaven, am I dreaming?”

Wei Lian said gently, “Wake up.” ZNroJd

The apprentice jerked upward and was no longer sleepy. He hurriedly saluted. “May I ask, which country’s guests you may be…”

Not everyone in the palace has seen him. He was as soft-spoken as a child, and he was not even qualified to see Wei Lian, let alone his appearance.

It was not like everyone in the palace had seen Wei Lian before. Judging from the apprentice’s careful wording, the trainee didn’t even have the qualification to see Wei Lian, let alone know of his appearance.

So, upon first meeting, it was not odd to think of Wei Lian as an immortal. DjZdt1

Recently, when envoys from various countries arrived in Qin, there were often acclimatized people with symptoms of vomiting among them, and they often came to the imperial hospital to get medicine. The child thought that this young man was also a guest from some country.

Since there were various envoys from different countries in the country of Qin, usually, there would be acclimated travelers with vomiting symptoms that visited here, requesting for medical assistance. The young boy thought that this gentleman was a guest of the Qin.

“Wei Lian, country of Qin.”

The young boy was dumbfounded before giving a wider salute. “This ignorant one failed to recognize your great importance. May the young master please wait here while this one goes to call for my teacher.” kAwQmR

The apprentice quickly turned and suddenly picked up on something.

A few days ago, Young Master Yan was punished and came here for pain-relief salve. The title he gave was ‘Young Master Yan, country of Chu.’

While this young master was also a member of the Chu royal family, he reported himself as ‘Wei Lian, country of Qin.’

Did he discard his former status after coming to the country of Qin. xFlLCv

The trainee did not want to probe into this as he went on with his duty.

If Wei Lian knew of what the young boy was thinking, he probably would not be stingy to answer.

He just felt that he belonged to the country of Qin more than the country of Chu.

He has a family here. Uv6SCG

Ji Yue, you lucky bastard.

All you did was to say one thing, I have you as a support, watch the fireworks and eat a bowl of glutinous rice balls with me.

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And you were able to take my heart away.

There was nothing better or more valuable than this exchange. kx 0LC


Not long after, an old man with white sideburns and gray beard walked out of the room. When he saw Wei Lian, his eyes were shocked, and he immediately bowed: “Why do you want to come to the Imperial Hospital? If you are feeling sick, just send someone to tell you.” , Why do you need the young master to come in person?”

A moment later, an old man with white hair around his temples and gray beard came out from the back room. When he saw Wei Lian, surprise appeared in his eyes and he immediately bowed, “What matter is the young master requesting from us? If you are not well, you can always send someone to deliver the message, and someone will come. There is no need for the young master to come in person.”

This was Physician Xu’s first meeting with the legendary Young Master Lian. With just one glance, he understood why His Majesty was so fond of him. SMQ41n

Dressing in white and being blessed with rare and radiant beauty.

Who would not fall for such a looker, who would care about the gender for this matter?

Wei Lian said, “I’m here for herbs.”

Physician Xu asked, “Do you have the prescription?” T4LxO1

“Would it be too troublesome for the imperial physician to give a prescription?”

“Not at all, what is the young master looking for?”

“Nourishing and strengthening.”

Whether Ji Yue was incapable or not, he would get a prescription, just in case. Bd8fSg

Physician Xu strangely halted his movement.

His mind was in high gear.

Two hours earlier, His Majesty quietly inquired with him whether it hurt the first time.

And now Young Master Lian was here for a strengthening prescription? dlHEgM

What does all of this mean?

If his assumption was correct, His Majesty and the young master were indeed planning on reversing their positions.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The royalties really have the courage to have fun.

But he must stop them. Y8HyOw

His Majesty’s imposing body that was respected by the whole country, how could it be touched just by anyone?

It was fine if His Majesty was just being curious, but how could Young Master Lian go along with the foolish idea?

Physician Xu immediately said, “Young Master, there is no need for this.”

Wei Lian was puzzled. “What?” JjVhHf

“The prescription won’t work.” Physician Xu thought for a moment before adding in distress, “His Majesty had requested this one’s present and asked the same question.”

Then he convinced His Majesty. Since Your Majesty no longer considers being here, it would be unnecessary for Young Master Lian to take this medicine to replenish his health.

Then he managed to persuade His Majesty to abandon the idea. Since His Majesty no longer considered being on the receiving end, it was unnecessary for Young Master Lian to take this medicine and to mend His Majesty’s body.

Wei Lian was shocked. b5 LCV

So, Ji Yue was really incapable?

And that ordinary medicine was ineffective?

That was just…horrible.

Luckily, he was here. bZ8B9

He would definitely take good care of Ji Yue’s body.

The author has something to say:

All the imperial physicians have the wildest imagination.

Readers can be looking forward to: YEu2CV

Virtuous Young Master indulged himself in brewing medicine and committing to nourishing his husband’s body.

The King of Qin who was on the verge of explosion because he was reluctant to touch even a single hair on Wei Lian’s body.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

Not safe for work (NSFW), aka pornography. There are many theories as to why when something is described as ‘yellow’, it means NSFW. This answer gave four possibilities: ‘yellow journalism’, ‘Yellow Magazine’, ‘orpiment’, or ‘the Yellow Union’.

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