An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh41 - To Lick

“I’ll stay tonight.”

Myrna sat on the tree and watched the punishment from afar before losing interest and looking away. SOu 5v

She caught a glimpse of a white clothes in the corner of her eyes and was immediately in high spirits.

She had finally spotted the man and must probe answers out of him!

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Using light movement skill, she quickly moved thought branches.

The people below were completely unaware. Even if someone occasionally looked up, they could only see rustling leaves, as if they had just been blown by a gust of wind. 2KPXFu

The person below didn’t seem to pick up her presence. Even if someone glanced up at times, they could only see the rustling leaves, like it was disturbed by the breeze.


At first Wei Lian was going back to the Spiritual Palace, but when he heard the faint rustling leaves sounds, he paused before taking a turn, heading straight to a more secluded place.

When there was no one else in sight, Myrna jumped out of the tree and appeared before Wei Lian.


She had switched to wearing red with a crescent-shaped crimson jade on her forehead, and a veil that fluttered with the wind. A very exotic appearance.

Wei Lian pretended to be surprised. “Lady Mer?”

“…What Lady Mer!” Myrna almost lost her footing. “My surname is Carolyn. My full name is Myrna Carolyn!”

Wei Lian asked politely, “Does the young lady need this subject for something?” qIlWrS

Myrna coiled her pigtail around her finger that was painted with scarlet nail polish. Her beautiful eyes wandered shyly, “I’ve come to thank you.”


“Thank you for reminding me yesterday.” Myrna tossed her braid, picked up the hem of her skirt and turned it around in front of Wei Ling, spreading it out in layers, like a red flower.

“Thank you for warning me yesterday.” Myrna tossed her braid behind her, picked up her skirt and spun one rotation in front of Wei Lian. When the skirt twirled, the layers bloomed like a brilliant red flower. O623ZR

“Does it look good?” She asked.

Wei Lian murmured, “…Yes.”

But what does this have to do with him?

“You said not to wear purple, so I specially changed my outfit.” She smiled brightly. “You’re a good person.” H rWao

A good-person Wei Lian: “…”

So, what exactly does this Saintess want from him?

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He soon found out the answer.


Two small snakes with bright colors and tongues swam out from the grass and approached the two of them quietly.

Two brightly colored snakes slithered out of the grass and approached them silently, flicking out their forked tongues.

Wei Lian had already noticed them, but he continued to act ignorant.

As a ‘weak gentleman who lacked the strength to truss a chicken’, how could he possibly possess such keen sense? HA1 mi

Seeing no reaction from the youth after a long time, Myrna rolled her eyes. She cried out, face turning pale, “Ah! Snakes!”

Acting scared, she quickly hid behind Wei Lian. “Young Master, save me!”

This was about the time for the man to protect, wasn’t it?

If Wei Lian was the man in green clothes, with his advanced martial arts, he would not sit and do nothing in a dangerous situation. Mnk37g

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She felt that her plan was perfect.

Dea ktb xcfk atja ktfc Qfl Oljc rjk atf akb rcjxfr, tlr gfjmalbc kjr fnfc wbgf fzagfwf atjc tfgr.

Ktf sbeat aegcfv utbrais qjif jcv erfv j ojrafg rqffv ab tlvf yftlcv Zsgcj. “Zs jqbibulfr, P jw jirb jogjlv bo rcjxfr!”

Zsgcj’r wbeat jcv fsfr kfgf klvf. “Qts jgf sbe tlvlcu yftlcv wf obg? Jjc sbe mjii sbegrfio j wjc!” sNviRQ

Wei Lian’s voice was trembling: “I was bitten by a snake when I was a child. I really don’t dare to see a snake. Girl, please stay here and I’ll call the guards!”

Wei Lian replied with a trembling voice, “I was bitten by a snake when I was a child. I felt faint just from looking at them. Could the young lady block them while I call for the guards!”

Myrna: “…”

Are you even speaking human? oj8mAz

She quickly moved her fingertips slightly, and the two small snakes quietly retreated back.

“Oh! It’s fine now, it looks like the snakes are gone.” She turned back to the handsome youth with white complexion and suddenly felt somewhat guilty.

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Fine, she had confirmed that this person was not the same one from the Lantern Festival.

There was no way for the mysterious man to be so…delicate when he was clearly tougher than she was. jgm586

Since she got the wrong person, it was really unkind of her to frighten the youth like this.

Wei Lian asked with caution, “Are they really gone?”

“Yes, they are gone.”

He was finally relieved before increasing the distance between him and Myrna, saying gently, “Apologize for my rudeness.” 068Y U

Myrna mumbled, “…Don’t mention it.”

Wei Lian saluted again. “Then I’ll go back to the palace.”

Myrna uttered, “…Watch your steps.”

As she watched the youth’s departure, she soon fell into a state of confusion. JZSbgH

“Ahhh, so annoying!” She kicked the pebble on the ground and scratched her head, making a mess out of her hair and screaming, “Which bastard stole my revival pill!!!”

Wei Lian, who had been stamped by Myrna, was soft and weak. After walking a certain distance, he picked up the two small snakes that came out of the cracks in the stone without changing his expression.

Wei Lian, who was stamped as ‘soft and weak’ by Myrna, caught the two snakes hiding between stone cracks after walking a distance. He inspected the snakes between his thumb and fingers expressionlessly.

The small snakes coiled around his wrist and hissed out, showing their forked tongues. The cold pupils fixed on Wei Lian. pZNtgY

Wei Lian squatted on the ground, holding the seven inches tightly with one hand and holding his chin with the other. He looked at it carefully for a while and said softly: “Snake control, witchcraft, resurrecting pill… Liang Country is a very interesting place.”

He squatted on the ground, pressing tightly on the section where the snake’s heart was at and propping his cheek in the other. He examined them carefully for a while and whispered, “Snake taming, shaman’s craft and poison, and the revival pill…so, it turned out the country of Liang is a very interesting place.”

He got up, flung his sleeves and threw the two snakes to the ground, turning up to the sky and seeing the warm sunshine through the clouds.

He squinted. 2W5iae

“But the Qin palace is not so boring either.”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Two days later, Lu, Chen, and Xia’s envoys arrived one after another. Only the country of Yan was still on their way.

The country of Yan was located in the middle of the sea where voyage was necessary. The delay was understandable as the sea is unpredictable. y1dCr7

Wei Lian had already arranged their respective residences and didn’t care much about them after that. As for the friction between envoys from various countries who had long-standing grievances, he didn’t even care.

Wei Lian had long arranged their respective residences, so he didn’t have to worry too much about them. As for the friction between the envoys of various countries from the accumulated resentment, he cared even less about it by now.

He nestled in the Spiritual Palace and leaned comfortably on the imperial daybed, drinking the tea from flowers that bloomed during the new year and eating the cake freshly made by the imperial kitchen.

This was what he called a divine lifestyle. j1TM9U

Changshou told him interesting things that happened in the palace: “As soon as Prince Yeludan of the Lu Kingdom came, he had a fight with Huyankemu, the Prince of the Chen Kingdom. The fight was earth-shattering and destroyed many flowers and plants in the palace.”

Chang Shou told him about the interesting events in the palace. “Yollıg Dan, the Prince of Lu, got into a fight with Huyan Kemu, the Prince of Chen, as soon as they exchanged eyes. They caused a huge commotion and destroyed many flowers and plants in the palace.”

There was a long feud between the two countries. Their eyes easily turned red with rage when they met, so it was no wonder a fight had broken out.

Wei Lian arranged the residences for these two envoys right next to each other, it was simply…a malicious decision. 5akFi7

Wei Lian removed a smaller piece from the cake. “Let the internal management send them the bill. We need to count all the destroyed things, not a single one less.”

Changshou knew that his young master loved to watch dramas, so he only listened to those that interested him: “The two were fighting in the palace, naturally they were persuaded by the guards. A truce was not enough, the two sides were scolding each other there. We don’t understand their own language, so we don’t dare to ask.”

Cheng Shou knew that his Young Master was a big fan of watching shows passively and shared things that were interesting to Wei Lian, “The two fought in the palace. Naturally, the guards intervened and soothed the fight. The truce didn’t last long as both sides started scolding each other in their own language. We didn’t understand it, and we didn’t dare to ask.”

Wei Lian sipped his flower tea. “Go on.” 9Bl0kC

Chang Shou continued, “The two large men’s volumes were equally matched. Then out of no way, the Saintess from the country of Liang appeared and helped Prince Yollıg scold Prince Huyan bloody.”

Wei Lian chuckled lightly: “She is not helping Yeludan. The Huyan tribe was formerly the Tutar tribe on the grassland. They once led their cavalry through the twelve regions of the southern border. This is an irreconcilable hatred.”

Wei Lian chuckled. “In what way was she helping out Yollıg Dan? Huyan’s clan was formerly known as the Tu Da Tribe from the grassland, who once broke through the South Border’s Twelve City with armored horses. This hatred is absolutely irreconcilable.”

He wondered, “What happened next?” qMGkbV

“Then it turned out great.” Changshou was dumbfounded when he said this, “Then Prince Yelu seemed to have fallen in love with the Saint of Liang. What’s even more strange is that the scolded Prince Huyan seemed to also fall in love with Saint of Liang! The two of them wanted to There was a fight over a woman, and the Saint of Liang sat in a tree and watched the excitement. She also said that whoever wins the fight will be hers tonight… The two princes were beaten to a bloody head, and even ten cows could not hold back. “

“That’s when everything became strange.” Chang Shou was tongue-tied when he reached here, “Then Prince Yollıg seems to have taken a fancy of the Saintess. Strange enough, the same goes for Prince Huyan, the receiver of the scolding! They fought again, but for a woman this time. The Saintess sat on the tree and watched the excitement. To add fuel to the fire, she even added that she would be the victory’s prize for tonight… The two princes put their all into the fight, it was brutal, not even ten oxen could pull them apart.”

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Chang Shou muttered, “This Saintess is too…wild.” The women in the Qin and Chu were reserved and sweet-tempered. There was never a time where they would be this fierce and bold.

Myrna was worthy of her reputation as the most charming and passionate woman in the country of Liang. IZ1glP

She could seduce men successfully in every endeavor, except when it came to Ji Yue and Wei Lian.

Wei Lian broke another piece of plum blossom cake. “Anything else interesting?”

“Anything interesting, interesting…” Chang Shou racked his brains and suddenly patted his forehead. “This is not considered interesting, but a pleasant thing happened.”

“I saw an imperial doctor rushing to the imperial study on the road today. Young master, is King Qin sick? Once he is sick, he will have no time to trouble you!” Changshou thought this was a great joy. Z4iSXT

“On this servant’s way here, I saw an imperial physician hurried to the imperial study. Young Master, is the King of Qin ill? If he is, he wouldn’t have the time to bother you!” Chang Shou saw this as great news.

Instead, his Young Master, who had been listening as a cake enjoyer, immediately turned serious as he asked while sitting up, “He is ill?”

“That’s right, Young—” Chang Shou saw Wei Lian’s dignified expression, and his own joy faded. “Young Master, are you…are you not happy?”

Wei Lian abandoned the plate with what cake was left, got up and said, “I’ll go check.” u dVKo

“Ah, Young Master!” Chang Shou watched Wei Lian disappear out of the door and looked back at the unfinished cake on the plate. “Why do I think that the young master’s view on the King of Qin is…”

He shook his head harshly and hypnotized himself, “It’s just all in my head, just my imagination.”


Wei Lian hurried all the way to imperial study. When he saw the gate, he suddenly stopped. ea68Hj

…What was he doing rushing here like this?

What could happen to Ji Yue?

Since he was here already, there was no reason to return since he was not happy to come here in vain.

Wei Lian slowed down his pace and walked slowly up the palace steps. The guards saw him and cupped their fists to salute, “Young Master.” skx6XJ

Wei Lian asked, “Is His Majesty discussing official business with the ministers?”

One of the guards replied, “No.”

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Good, he could walk straight in.

Wei Lian pushed the door in without saying anything. rQsUJ

The newer guard made small movements, thinking whether to stop Wei Lian, but he stopped when he saw the face of the guard who stood opposite of him.

The new guard was at a loss. Shouldn’t he wait outside while one of us delivers the message to His Majesty?

The more experienced guard’s eyes said ‘you clueless fool’.

He is the most favored noble prince in the palace, why should he stop him? Not to mention that there was a precedent for His Majesty to cheat on the Young Master in the imperial study. The Young Master also broke in suddenly two days ago. Does His Majesty blame him? Not only did he not blame him, he even held him in his arms and coaxed him for a long time. Olo1Rh

That was Guijun, the most favored person in the whole palace. Why was there a need to stop him? Never mind the prior story of how His Majesty showed intimacy towards Young Master Lian in the imperial study, there was the incident two days ago when the youth suddenly barged into the study. Was His Majesty mad? Of course not, not only was there no punishment, but His Majesty also comforted the young master in his arms for a long time.

When Young Master Lian came out of the study that day, there was a lingering love between the two that even affected the senior guard, who was reconsidering his singlehood.


Wei Lian went in without warning and saw Ji Yue was busy with something with his hand. Then he saw Ji Yue quickly putting aside the thing in his hand before covering it with the memorial. DflVw5

“You’re really getting more unruly. Is imperial study a place you can barge in whenever you feel like it?” Ji Yue chided.

Wei Lian looked at him. “I can’t?”

“…No, you can.”

Wei Lian’s eyes suddenly moved to Ji Yue’s hand. “Your hand?” CuN jA

He strode forward quickly and pulled Ji Yue’s wrist, quietly and quickly checking the pulse.

The pulse was stable and very healthy.

Then…Wei Lian stared at the small cut on Ji Yue’s fingertip.

If he had come any later, the wound would have healed. kdqWT8

Did Ji Yue specially send the imperial physician for such a small wound?

His previous worries seemed to be fed to A’Meng.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Unlikely, very unlikely.

The King of Qin commanded a very powerful army and had suffered countless injuries, from large wounds to small cuts. There was no way for him to be so delicate and fuss over such a flesh wound. vHgISl

“How did it happen?” Wei Lian asked.

Ji Yue coughed uncomfortably, “…An accident while handing the memorial.”

Wei Lian gave him a contemptuous look. “You are not a kid anymore, how could you be so careless.”

When Ji Yue was about to reply with ‘you are not a kid anymore, yet you cried’, he saw the youth lower his head and put his finger into his rosy-soft lips. sg5nOp

He could feel the youth licking his wound with the tip of his tongue, and this brought an itch.

As well as this sensation.

Ji Yue was immediately shocked as a blush quickly spread from his neck to his ears.

Sorry, it’s not that he is full of thoughts. In fact, this situation reminded him too easily of the scene that night when the drunken young man put his fingertips into his mouth. pn9ArT

Excuse him. Blame his brain for turning the scene of two phoenix dancing in the air. This position was very easy for him to recall the time of the drunken night when the youth cleaned his fingers with his mouth.

Who could resist it?

So, when Wei Lian released Ji Yue’s finger, he was surprised to find that there was a strange thing…at the young man’s lower body.

He only put Ji Yue’s finger into his mouth, how could that provoke this? Did the man think he was licking… 7QTi6G

How did Ji Yue usually hold back?

This gave birth to Wei Lian’s sympathy for Ji Yue.

He lowered his eyes. After a long time, he whispered, “I’ll stay tonight.”

…He actually. 4IhYrm

No longer felt conflicted.

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Translator's Note

Myrna’s name is 麥爾娜 (Mài ěr nà). Wei Lian is like, Lady Mia. But ‘Mer’ sounded more like Myrna’s phonetic sound.

Translator's Note

This is why I can’t translate project in western setting, because of their names. In this instant, Caroline Wilson popped up in the search engine with one word different, but with the same sounding. So, I just searched for a name similar to Caroline and picked a nice looking one for her surname.

Translator's Note

An expression for questioning words coming out of another’s mouth.

Translator's Note

Side note. Lu and Chen addressed their princes as ‘王子’, not by ‘young master/gongzi (公子)’ that Chu uses.

Translator's Note

It’s the saying, fed to a dog. It means something was done in vain.

Translator's Note

Have sexual intercourse, sixty-nine to be exact.

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