An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh40 - To Complain

“Don’t cry, we are here for you.”

The imperial study. YfZKoQ

There was only the sound of turning pages in the large study. Ji Yue did not like to be disturbed when handling official business during the day, so he was alone in the room.

Until the door was suddenly pushed open with a bang. Ji Yue’s hand jolted, and his pen left behind a long-red streak on the memorial.

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He was about to scold him for being presumptuous, when he looked up and saw the young man closing the door and striding up to him, holding his hands on the desk and looking at him intently: “Your lover has been bullied, just tell me what to do?”

Just as he was about to scold the intruder for their insolence, he raised his head, and a youth closed the door before marching over to him. The youth placed his hands on the desk, leaned forward and fixed his gaze at him. “Your lover has been bullied, what are you going to do about it?” Ll19BQ

…What lover?

First, Ji Yue was stunned, then as the word sank, he frowned and demanded, “Who bullied you?”

There was still someone who dared to cause Wei Lian anger in the palace? Even him, the King, was irritated by Wei Lian to death.

“My dearest younger brother.” Wei Lian smiled, “He asked me how it felt to be on your bed, if you brought me pleasure, how long I lasted, and if my lower body is in pain.”


Ji Yue was having a coughing fit. He almost choked himself to death with his saliva.

These vulgar words…were very lethal coming out of Wei Lian’s mouth.

After coming to his senses, his expression turned chilling.

He naturally knew how insulting these words were to Wei Lian. Wei Yan did not pay the slightest regard to Wei Lian. k5ZWLO

Even in the Qin Kingdom, Wei Yan dared to be so disrespectful to his elder brother. This shows what Wei Lian’s life was like in the palace of the King of Chu.

Seeing the big picture from the small and scattered hints, Wei Yan dared to be so disrespectful to his older brother even in the country of Qin. He could imagine what kind of life Wei Lian used to live in the Chu palace.

How much injustice the youth must have suffered.

Ji Yue suddenly felt pensive. 9LIaTd

He got up and opened the window to let the cold breeze wash away the suffocated feeling.

“So,” Ji Yue turned to look at him and asked, “did you come to complain?”

“Yes.” Wei Lian beamed. “This subject came to whisper sweet words to your ears, please listen to my pillow talk and teach him a lesson for me.”

Ji Yue’s lips twitched. “You’re too straightforward with your pillow talk.” BvOidV

He suggested, “Can’t you put more effort? More sincere?”

The concubines have always been a fan of the king’s bedside service. After serving the king in the bed room and satisfying his needs, they coaxed the king into a comfortable and happy state with soft words and coquettish words, and then they agreed to everything.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Through the ages, consorts and concubines often sway the rulers by the pillow. After satisfying the ruler on the bed, why wouldn’t she speak softly in a roundabout way to make the ruler feel good, enough to promise her everything.

He had never heard of someone intruding into the imperial study and announced bluntly ‘I’m here to sway you with my pillow talk.’ ryhpBm

This was too perfunctory! Where was the effort?!

Wei Lian was surprised. “You want me to act it out?”

“Let me think.” he pondered deeply.

For a moment, Wei Lian’s face suddenly changed, and he looked dejected, and said sadly: “Your Majesty, I don’t know, but my brother has never looked at me. In the past, it was just disrespectful to the elders in the Chu Kingdom, but now In the Qin State, it is still humiliating with words, it is simply too deceiving!” 0s4W6v

In a flash, Wei Lian suddenly changed his expression, showing a dejected and sad face. He lamented, “Your Majesty might not be aware of this, but this subject’s younger brother does not pay regard to this subject at all. This subject could stand being disrespected in the country of Chu in the past, but to receive such verbal humiliation in the country of Qin. It is really too much! To be bullied so intolerably!”

He threw himself into Ji Yue’s arms, wrapped around the waist and buried himself deeper, crying, “Your Majesty needs to bring this subject justice!”

The beauty suddenly threw herself into her arms. Ji Yue stiffened for a moment, then hesitantly put his arms around the woman’s waist and said in a daze: “Okay…I will make the decision for you.”

Having a beauty suddenly throw himself into his arms, Ji Yue stiffened for a moment. Then he hesitated, put his arms around the youth’s waist and promised in a trance, “Alright…give justice, we will give you justice.” Zm9wlK


The door was opened again, and the guards stationed outside at the door bowed their heads. “Your Majesty!”

“Go—” Ji Yue stopped, asking, “Where is Wei Yan staying?”

“The Fleeting Hall.” Wei Lian whispered. UDlPnp

“Go to the Fleeting Hall.” Ji Yue finished his order, “Young Master Yan disrespected Guijun, thirty strokes. Execute this immediately.”

“Understood!” The guards did not hesitate in carrying out Ji Yue’s order.

“It’s done. You see, you have our support.” Ji Yue looked down at the person in his arms.

The youth’s head was still lowered, with his forehead resting on Ji Yue’s shoulder, revealing only his thread-like inked hair. 15TUkf

Ji Yue bantered, “You can stop pretending. The task is done. You can put away the act.”

But Wei Lian made no movement.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Tef ofia rbwfatlcu kjr kgbcu jcv obgmfv Qfl Oljc’r tfjv eq. Ycis atfc vlv tf olcv atja atf sbeat’r fsfr kfgf gfv. Lf kjr raeccfv.

“Qtja’r kgbcu?” XIrHWw

Qfl Oljc ibkfgfv tlr fsf, mjerlcu tlr ibcu fsfijrtfr ab oieaafg.

Al Tef pbxfv, “Tbe mjc’a qea jkjs sbeg jma? Qfl Wljb Oljc, sbe jgf gfjiis erfifrr…”

Wei Lian’s eyelashes quivered again, as a tear fell down.

Ji Yue paused. “Are you crying for real?” doK1w0

Wei Lian did not reply, but the tears fell down harder like raindrops.

Ji Yue panicked instantly and hurriedly wiped the young man’s tears: “What’s wrong? It’s fine… the person who bullied you has been taught a lesson, and no one will bully you again in the future.”

Ji Yue immediately panicked as he hurriedly wiped away the youth’s tears. “What’s the matter? Everything is perfectly fine…the person who bullied you will be taught a lesson, and no one will bully you again in the future.”

It was fine if Ji Yue didn’t speak, but trying to comfort Wei Lian with words? It was making it harder for him to hold back his tears. gdWDGz

Seeing the youth’s teary-eye, and the way he quietly held back any sound, Ji Yue’s whole being felt dismayed. Before he could think more, he leaned over and kissed the corner of Wei Lian’s eyes.

Licking away the tears with his soft and warm lips and leaving behind traces.

From the eyes to the lips, extremely gentle and cherishing beyond words.

He held the person in his arms and whispered comfort. 75penD

“A-Lian, don’t cry, we are here.”


Why was he crying?

Wei Lian wondered the same question. sNtdZw

He clearly didn’t feel any grievance.

He never took what Wei Yan said to heart. Previously in the country of Chu, Wei Yan said worse things. He had long been immune to the mocking. A jumping clown was not worth mentioning at all.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He also knew that Consort Yan would never stand on his side.

Wei Lian knew that he was not Concubine Yan’s biological child, so he was lucky enough to be adopted and soared into the sky, so who had the right to blame her for all kinds of unfair treatment? Everyone said that he should be grateful to Concubine Yan, and no one felt that he was wronged. W75Czs

He was aware that he was not her real son and was fortunate to be raised in status from the adoption, what was she to be blamed for all of his unfair treatment? Everyone said how he should be grateful to Consort Yan, and no one felt that he was the one wronged.

Since he had gained honor and glory from their deals, it should be natural for him to bear all the hardship, otherwise, he would be known for someone who took advantage and forged his obedience.

Therefore, Wei Lian grew on a cold rift surrounded by a freezing lake for nineteen years. He was pierced full of holes by the cold, but he never once complained about the pain or shed a tear.

He knew no one would feel distress for him, and no one would support him. Eqw9O0

There was no benefit in shedding tears, it was only a display of weakness.

He never thought that one day, this tight feeling would cloud his mind by a single sentence. ‘You have our support’. As if he had been greatly wronged.

If a blade of frost could not make him yield, then a wisp of spring breeze could defeat him.

He was invincible in the siege of malicious intents, but he was utterly defeated by the gentle encirclement. s1HF78


After calming down, Wei Lian sat in a chair and shut himself off.

Why did he suddenly become so affected…

Wei Lian didn’t cry very much. A young man who is used to being restrained and restrained cannot tolerate even the occasional emotional vent. He never made the slightest cry, but quietly leaned in Ji Yue’s arms and shed a few tears. When he raised his eyes, his expression was as usual. dGoq2R

Wei Lian’s crying was actually not that serious. As someone who was accustomed to emotional restraint, he still endured this moment of vulnerability quietly. Not once did he cry out loud, just quietly leaned against Ji Yue’s arms and shed a few tears. When he raised his head, he was back to his usual appearance.

But for Wei Lian, who had not shown weakness in front of others for years, this had been the most humiliating day in his life.

Ji Yue pursed his lips. “Say something. We won’t laugh at you.

“It’s just a few tears, no big deal? Who doesn’t get sad once in a while? When we were a child, we were forced to kill our beloved hawk and cried ourselves to sleep that night…” ruVdPi

Wei Lian stood up abruptly and said, “Please excuse this subject.”

Then he went straight out of the door of the imperial study.

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He didn’t want to see Ji Yue for the time being.

Or have the face to do so. Ck09GF

Leaving Ji Yue silently looking at the closed door.

This was the first time that Wei Lian was the first to flee in their confrontation.

But this kind of victory… Ji Yue didn’t want to take it even after a second thought.

It didn’t matter if he let Wei Lian win over and over again. 6q2dSE

It was fine as long as the youth wouldn’t cry.


The Fleeting Hall.

“Release me this instant! What do you think you’re doing! I’m a son of royalty from the country of Chu! Are you deaf?” Wei Yan was dragged out by the guards and put on the punishment bench. YNZTti

Seeing the terrifying cane, Wei Yan broke out in cold sweat and shouted loudly: “What mistake did I make? You have no right to deal with me! I want to go back and tell my father. Let’s see how you explain to my father.” ! My father will chop off all your heads!”

Seeing the dreadful flogging rod, Wei Yan was scared into a cold sweat and shouted, “What offense have I committed? You have no authority to punish me! Just you wait, I will inform my father of this when I return, see how you explain yourself to my father! My father will remove your heads!”

The eunuch in charge of punishment sneered and gave the order, “Began!”

What did it matter if he was a royalty from another country, one from a defeated country no less. Do they even need to justify themselves to issue punishment? jfIWJU

This young master didn’t even pay to mind whose territory he was in. Let alone a son of royalty, if the King of Chu was here, he also had to act humble with his tail between his legs.

When the guard heard the order, he raised the rod and smacked Wei Yan on the butt.

Wei Yan’s brain went blank for a moment followed by a howling, similar to the cry of a soon-to-be slaughtered pig.

How could a son of royalty with delicate skin, and tender flesh ever suffer such hardships? Just one stroke was enough for him to be in immense pain. nX8D1K

Wei Yan immediately burst into tears as snobs ran down his nose. Gone with his prior image as he bellowed and scolded.

“You—I can’t wait for you to face your death!”

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“Oh? Don’t know when to repent? Continue the sentence.”

“This young master will have my father to kill every last one of you! It will be a slow and painful death!” F3LSRX

“Hit him harder.”

“Ah! Stop hitting, all right, I was wrong. It hurts…”

At first, Wei Yan had the strength to throw foul language, but later, he turned into a begging mess. Finally, he didn’t even have the strength to speak.

Double shadows appeared in front of him. rUGd4D

He couldn’t die here, right…?

The youth had snobs and tears running down his face, looked battered and exhausted.

“Wei Yan, you can only handle this much?”

Who? Who is talking? qOMIiy

Wei Yan managed to open his eyes and saw a youth in white standing in front of him. Gazing down from his aloof position, both noble and cold.

“You, it’s you! You told on me!” Wei Yan roared.

If it wasn’t for how much pain he was in, he would have jumped up and tear Wei Lian into pieces by now.

When the person carrying out the sentence saw Wei Lian here, he lowered the rod and saluted, “Young Master.” Pausing the sentence for the time being. C1xYA8

Wei Lian squatted down to look at the pitiful Wei Yan. “Does it hurt?”

How much pain is your lower body in?

This was the same taunt Wei Yan said towards Wei Lian. Wei Lian couldn’t answer the question because he had never been in that position, while the pain in Wei Yan’s lower body was real.

Wei Yan made a spitting sound. “Experience it if you dare!” cCIlnW

Wei Lian said with a gentle smile, “I’m not the one hurting anyway.”

I’m not the one hurting anyway.

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This sounded familiar.

This scene suddenly reminded Wei Yan of another that he had forgotten in the back of his mind. ky50Cs

Wei Yan was six years old while Wei Lian was twelve.

Wei Yan was very hostile to his older brother and opposed him everywhere.

There was once when Wei Lian saved a wounded bird and bandaged it. When he saw it, he wanted to snatch it away, but Wei Lian dodged his hands. ykM4Qa

“I can’t give it to you, it’s injured.” Wei Lian explained.

“Give me it!”

“No, you will kill it with your rough handling.”

Between the pushing and shoving, Wei Yan suddenly fell on the ground on his butt and burst into tears. 0RJtOi

“Yan’er, my mother brought this to you – what are you doing?” Concubine Yan suddenly opened the door and came in. When she saw the scene in front of her, her face darkened, “Wei Lian, what did you do to your brother?”

“Yan-er, this mother brought—what are you two doing?” Consort Yan suddenly entered this scene, and her face immediately turned gloomy. “Wei Lian, what did you do to your younger brother?”

Wei Lian explained, “I didn’t…”

“Mother, brother pushed me!” Wei Yan sobbed, “He said that as long as I’m present, he will not be mother’s favorite child…” wuYCAH

Wei Lian flattened his lips, and his eyes turned colder by a degree.

Needless to say, Wei Yan’s scoundrel friends taught him that.

Consort Yan turned to Wei Lian with disappointment. “Wei Lian, how could you be so hateful to Yan-er? How could you hurt him!”

Wei Lian stayed silent and stopped arguing. WPej5L

Even if he refutes, Consort Yan would not believe him, just like countless times before.

“I’m very disappointed in you. You gave me no choice but to punish you this time.” Consort Yan said coldly, “Guards, take the Seventh Prince out and give thirty strokes!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As soon as Consort Yan left, Wei Yan showed his true color in an instant. b4Add5

He smiled brightly at the youth who was punished by the rod. He clapped his hands and ordered, “You need to put more force behind it!”

The youth did not utter a word during the whole session, only sweating from his forehead.

After the last stroke, blood was bleeding out from under his clothes, and Wei Lian laid on the punishing bench weakly.

Wei Yan pulled a face in front of him, “Does it hurt?” GDpdSx

The child laughed innocently, as well as cruelly. “I’m not the one hurting anyway.”

“Oh, and that bird, it turned out it was nothing special. I accidentally killed it.”

Wei Lian glanced at him weakly, hid the cold killing intention from the depth of his eyes and wearily closed them.

_ ezT2F9

“You-you always hold that grudge, don’t you!” Wei Yan’s eyes widened.

“Concubine Yan is kind to me, so I’ll let you go.” Wei Lian said lightly, “Wei Yan, you really should know what happens to other people who offend me.”

“Consort Yan was kind to me, so I let you off that one time.” Wei Lian said lightly, “Wei Yan, you should be well aware of what happened to people who offended me.”

They were no longer in this world. B15JUG

When Wei Lian finished, he lost his interest, got up and walked away.

Wei Yan watched the other person drifting away from his vision. The sentence was not over yet, so the guard continued the punishment of thirty strokes.

“Ah! Wei Lian, you get back here!

“Brother! I was wrong, brother! You can tell them to stop hitting! I will listen to you!” Z8qpNz

Unfortunately, the youth in white would never look back.

When the pain to his body increased, Wei Yan finally had some regret.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He remembered that older brother had used to spoil him in the beginning, when he was about three or four years old…when he was ignorant. Brother really treated him like a real sibling.

But later he listened to the words of the group of aristocratic children and concluded that Brother Wang had taken away his mother’s love and authority… so he always regarded Brother Wang as his enemy. KE9SGc

But later, after hearing the other noble children’s words, he decided that his brother took away part of his maternal love as well as future authority…so he began to treat his brother as an enemy.

And that was when his brother stopped spoiling him.

Wei Yan was still crying and shouting towards the sky.

On the tall evergreen tree, a woman in red frowned with annoyance and suddenly got up. “So damn loud and annoying. I can’t sleep like this!” KdxZaC

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  1. Wow, such a roller-coaster of emotions.

    I loved this chapter so much I recovered my forgotten password. Anyway, thank you for the translation, I am having so much fun!