An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh38 - His Annotations

We want to make him happy.

Hearing Ji Yue’s voice, the first thing Wei Lian did was to step back to create space from Myrna. Rr5D81

But it only appeared like he was trying to cover something up.

Myrna performed the country of Liang’s etiquette to greet. “The King of Qin, Your Majesty.”

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Wei Lian nodded slightly. “Your Majesty.”

Ji Yue expressionlessly ordered, “Come here.” ybv6qs

Come here? Who are you calling?

Myrna was stunned. Could it be that the King of Qin was here because he had taken a fancy to her beauty?

The Saintess was known to possess unrivaled beauty. In the country of Liang, even if everyone knew of the seductress’s frivolous reputation, the majority of them were still at her mercy.

Unexpectedly, the same was for the King of Qin.


This was even better. The King of Qin was a giant among men. His imperial energy must be better than a hundred men.

As Myrna was about to take a step forward, she saw the youth in white beat her to it and walk to the King of Qin’s side without a show of expression.

Then she watched as the King in black dragged the young master in white away.

Myrna was completely dumbfounded. tmoskE

No way, did the King of Qin not even pay regard to her?

To ignore a beauty such as herself!

Alas, fine, she was not as good-looking as the youth in white. How could a male be so beautiful?

Myrna’s confidence suffered a heavy blow. WsYl0Q

I think she is also a popular figure in Daliang. When they arrived in Qin, first last night, the white fox liked men and was indifferent to her. Today, the King of Qin took away a man in broad daylight and treated her like nothing.

She was the center of attention back in the country of Liang, the moon that all the stars admired. In the country of Qin, first it was the man under the fox mask who was indifferent to her last night because he preferred men. Today, the King of Qin pulled away another man in broad daylight and treated her like air.

No wonder it is said that masculinity is prevalent in China. Those who are kings at the top are all obsessed with cutting off their sleeves, how can they not follow suit below?

No wonder they all said that male homosexuality is popular in the Central Plain. All the kings at the top are all cut sleeves, and the underlings could only follow suit one after another. 4WNmVC

Myrna’s whole body shivered, feeling the goosebumps.


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Ji Yue pulled Wei Lian all the way back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When he entered through the gate, he shouted coldly, “Everyone out!”

The palace workers trembled and quietly withdrew, none dared to even utter ‘understood’. 9rZAgV

Oh dear, His Majesty was angry again.

Not a small one from the sound of it either.

They wondered if Young Master Wei would be hit…his body couldn’t withstand all the tossing and turning!

Wei Lian was gentle and generous, as well as good at managing people’s hearts. Having lived in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a period of time, he had the majority of the attendants’ sympathy with him. i G7lV

Now, seeing how displeased His Majesty was, they all sweated in concern for Wei Lian.

The other party involved was silent the whole way. After entering the palace hall, Wei Lian finally frowned and said, “You’re hurting me.”

Ji Yue immediately released his hand.

Looking down, there was indeed a faint mark around the youth’s pale wrist. eXLq1a

He was using too much strength just now.

Distress flashed through his eyes. “I’ll find the jade ointment and apply it for you.”

“Don’t waste your breath.” Wei Lian closed his fan and lightly tapped Ji Yue on the shoulder. “Pour me a cup of tea.”

He went to sit on the daybed like he was in his own backyard and admire the exquisite fan. 6sHqQU

Ji Yue subconsciously went to pour tea, put his hand on the teapot, suddenly realized, turned around, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a dangerous tone: “You dare to instruct me?”

Ji Yue went to pour tea without thinking. When he touched the teapot, he suddenly noticed what he was doing and turned around. His sharp eyes narrowed slightly as he asked in a warning tone, “You dared to order us?”

Wei Lian put his fan to his lips, hiding a smile from the corner of his mouth: “You dragged me all the way, and now I’m terribly thirsty. Can Your Majesty bear the thought of me dying of thirst?”

Wei Lian pressed the fan against his lips to cover his smile. “You had dragged this subject in a run throughout the way. Now this subject is dying of thirst. Does Your Majesty have the heart to allow this subject to die of thirst?” RF7xg1

“Yes.” Ji Yue said that coldly, but he still handed over a cup of hot tea.

Wei Lian forged his heartbroken state. “Your Majesty is so cruel.” At the same time, he took the tea and drank it. “Another please.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue: “…”

If you think so, don’t drink! KraRoJ

Ji Yue angrily went to pour another cup of tea.

Wei Lian suddenly noticed a book on the table. He grabbed it on a whim, looked at the big texts on the cover and raised his eyebrow.

Foreshadowed on Marriage.

…It appeared to be a romance story. DCq7P

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When Ji Yue returned with tea, he found Wei Lian flipping through his book.

Llr tjcvr agfwyilcu jr vlrwjs oliifv tlr lcrlvf.

Lf obguba ab qea jkjs atf ybbx tf tjv gfjv atgbeut ijra cluta.

Cr rbwfbcf klatbea jcs qglbg gbwjcalm fzqfglfcmf, tf aegcfv ab tlr biv kjs, rffxlcu fzqfglfcmf tf ijmxfv lc ybbxr. Coafg tlr mbcofrrlbc klat Qfl Oljc ijra cluta, tf mjwf yjmx ab wjxf eq obg tlr lcfzqfglfcmf. WBMCGo

Ji Yue’s learning method: Read a large amount of books.

He put down the tea and went to snatch it back. “Give it!”

He didn’t care if people found out that the great King of Qin read romance books, but not the same could be said for his annotation…his reputation would be gone.

Wei Lian raised his hand to dodge. “No.” PaCkEz

“Wei Lian!”

With such a big reaction, what was in this book that the other person didn’t want him to see?

Could it be that the King of Qin was secretly enriching his knowledge with a banned book after being teased several times by Wei Lian?

This poked Wei Lian’s curiosity, and he was determined to figure it out now. He curled into himself, guarding the book in his arms. “Try and take this away if you dare.” P2klsB

Ji Yue really went for it. They each grabbed one end of the book. Ji Yue’s tone dropped an octave, “Let go.”


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“Then do not blame us for pulling you along with it.”

“You can go ahead and pull.” OA79kz

“…” Of course Ji Yue didn’t dare to actually do it, out of his fear that he would really hurt the youth.

When the two were deadlocked, Wei Lian suddenly looked up and gave Ji Yue a peck on the cheek.

Ji Yue: “!!!”

He let go in an instant. msO5p4

“I will kiss you if you try that again.” Wei Lian grinned.

Ji Yue was more and more dejected as he covered his face. “You…you can read it…”

Wei Lian flipped through the book and found that its content was very ordinary.

There was no colorful plot being described. mxtPHi

What was interesting were the annotations in the King of Qin’s handwriting.

Taking it as seriously as the memorial to the throne.

The contents were as following:

With the help of a servant girl, who was playing the matchmaker, a young lady of a wealthy family met a scholar in secret— Zc2gMH

The King of Qin’s annotation: This servant girl abetted her master and must be caned to death. 

When the young lady and the scholar exchange lifelong vows amidst flowers under the moonlight—

The King of Qin’s annotation: Their secret exchange was without proper ceremonies, utterly ridiculous. 

When the young lady decided to break off family ties and elope with the scholar— mYBMrF

The King of Qin’s annotation: How could there be such a fool in the world? 

When the young lady finally lived happily and in secret with the scholar in the countryside—

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The King of Qin commented: If the family is not in the right place, the three views are inconsistent, and the contradictions accumulate over time, they will be divided within three years. I don’t know what rotten scholar wrote this obscene work, wasting my time. Next book.

The King of Qin’s annotation: Completely unmated in social status, and incompatible three views, with accumulated conflicting views over time, they will inevitably be separated within three years. Not sure which rotten author had written out his fantasies. Waste of our time. Next.  VcDElB

Wei Lian almost burst out laughing from reading.


Ji Yue’s anger soon subsided after making a fuss.

“What were you doing in the Sunglow Hall?” He asked uneasily, trying to ignore the fact that his annotations were being publicly critiqued. 9vhJ30

Wei Lian drank his tea slowly. “What was Your Majesty doing there as well?”

Ji Yue huffed, “We asked first.”

Wei Lian put down his cup and slowly wiped his lips. “Oh.”

There was no explanation that followed. yt0jQz

Ji Yue: “…”

Wei Xiao Lian, you are so infuriating. 

“We heard you went to the Sunglow Hall.” In the end, Ji Yue spoke up first in a whisper, “So we came.”

Wei Lian was surprised. “Does Your Majesty really care so much for this subject?” pJyI0x

Ji Yue blurted out, “Isn’t it normal for us to care about our beloved?”

Wei Lian quietly looked at him.

Ji Yue: “…”

Ji Yue blushed slowly under the stare and stammered, “Y-your turn to explain yourself.” BOjEXd

Wei Lian said with a smile, “You are so cute. I like you.”

Ji Yue: “!!!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian suddenly straightened up from the daybed, still mostly sitting on it, and he wrapped his arms around Ji Yue’s neck and said, “What you just saw was fake.”

He opened his fan, covered their faces and went forward for a gentle kiss. Ld8gcK

Their lips touched only for a moment, but it felt like an eternity.

Wei Lian opened his eyes, and Ji Yue’s entire being was captured in his clear eyes.

He smiled. “And this is real.”

Ji Yue: “…” x26IOS

He was petrified from head to toe.


If he were an ordinary king, he would be lying on the bed with a beautiful woman, throwing himself into his arms, and taking the initiative to offer kisses. When the love is strong, it would be just right, and he would definitely take her back to his bedroom and love her deeply. There are also those who are anxious and get lucky directly on the couch.

If Ji Yue was replaced with any ordinary ruler, when a beauty on the daybed threw themselves at the ruler to initiate a kiss, the ambiguous atmosphere was perfect for the ruler to take the person back to the chamber and properly showered them with love. If the ruler was impatient, doing it directly on the daybed was also an option. oqmMXb

However, the King of Qin was worthy of his reputation, for he was very different from other rulers.

At the moment, the cogs in his brain were lagging behind. He suddenly stepped back with an unflinching look. “Such disgraceful behavior, tugging and whispering honey words in broad daylight?”


Wei Lian smiled, “This subject has never seen you lectured about such rules usually.” aN0wnT

“That’s fine. This subject will not violate the rule in the future.” He leaned back lazily, looking less enthusiastic.

Ji Yue immediately took back his previous remark, “Pretend we didn’t say it.”

“Your Majesty, a ruler should not take their words back.”

“We order you to act as if you did not hear it.” 9GIRLv


In Wei Lian’s opinion, it was too generous to compare Ji Yue with a three-year-old.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue’s intellect was about the level of a three-month-old infant and not any older.

_ jxCeMu

“That Saintess was the one from last night.” After some buffoonery, Wei Lian finally began to talk business.

Ji Yue replied, “We did not forget.”

Of course he remembered.

“I thought her identity was not simple, so when I heard that the country of Liang’s envoys was in the palace this morning, I wanted to go and have a look.” C gEsf

“What does she have worth looking at?” Ji Yue protested in displeasure, “Her appearance is inferior to ours.”

Pfff—” Wei Lian could not hold back his puff of laughter. “You are the King of Qin; how can you compare beauty with a woman?”

Ji Yue warned, “Whatever the case, you are not allowed to be close to her.”

Wei Lian leaned close and asked with a serious look, “Do you smell this strong sour scent?” juzKl0

Ji Yue was stared at by those seductive eyes, his eyes dimmed slightly, and he whispered: “Wei Lian, that woman is from Liang State, and she is full of poison. You can’t get close to her, remember.”

Being stared by these soul-stealing eyes, Ji Yue’s eyes darkened and he whispered, “Wei Lian, that woman is from the country of Liang. She arms herself with poisons from head to toe. You must not approach her. Remember at all costs.”

Naturally, he was not angry because Wei Lian and Myrna behaved intimately. Only the turtle head of Li Fuquan would think that Wei Lian and Myrna were having a private meeting, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were just talking.

He was naturally not angry from the intimate manner between Wei Lian and Myrna. Only Li Fuquan with his cognitive impairment would think the two were having a private meeting. Anyone with a clear eye could see that they were just talking. nmyDYb

…Although Ji Yue really didn’t like others to get close to Wei Lian.

But more importantly, he was afraid that something would happen to Wei Lian.

A foreign person with a different mindset and belief. If the Saintess from the country of Liang did anything to Wei Lian…just the thought of it made lingering fears claw at Ji Yue’s heart.

He could not handle such consequences. nwI JL

He must protect his beloved at all costs.

There was a subtle change to Wei Lian’s expression.

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After a long time, he muttered, “So, you are worried about this.”

That was not necessarily. A20DiX

All of Myrna’s poison art were ones he got tired of playing. Child play really.

But being the subject of someone’s concern… It didn’t feel too bad.

“No need to worry.” Wei Lian said.

“Why aren’t you worried? No matter how smart you are, you can’t carry anything with your shoulders or hands. If you are plotted and used to blackmail Gu, Gu -” Ji Yue paused. EaGv0N

“How could we not worry? No matter how smart you are, you are not someone who is capable of carrying anything either on your shoulders or in your hands. If you were caught in a plot, to use as an object to blackmail us, what—” Ji Yue froze.

What should he do?

According to his previous way, if anything he loved was used by others to blackmail him, he would destroy it without hesitation.

He once loved this hawk very much. Usually, he let it soar in the sky and with a whistle, the hawk would listen and land on his shoulder. 3ijB 5

He would smooth the bird’s feathers before sending it back to the sky again.

That was the young King, yearning for the outside world.

Later, the hawk was caught by the Queen Dowager and brought to him in a cage.

The Queen Dowager pressured him to announce an edict that would greatly benefit one of her foreign relatives, or the hawk would be dead. TSKDVL

The Queen Mother noticed that Ji Yue looked cold and hard on the outside, but there was always a softness in her heart. This young man encountered the cruelest control in the world, but he could still treat a flower, an eagle, and a tiny life with the most tenderness.

The Queen Dowager viewed Ji Yue as a tough and cold youth, then she found out that was just a facade; there was a piece of weakness in his heart all along. The boy faced the cruelest control in the world, yet he could still treat a flower, a hawk, things of insignificant life with tenderness.

She was sure that the youth would cave in.

And he would compromise for her. 4yVPdK

An indecisive person would never achieve great things after all.

But what she did not expect was the youth to take the bow and arrow from the guard’s hand and shoot the hawk himself.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Better to die than be trapped.

Since then, nothing ever occupied a space in Ji Yue’s heart. VAGrwt

He did not allow himself to have weaknesses.

He did not allow himself to be coerced by others.

Even if one enemy had fallen, he still had thousands of enemies waiting.

He must stay invincible and powerful at all times. 0oITz

But he made an exception at the age of twenty-one.

This year, he met someone he wanted to cherish. He did not have the heart to kill this beloved as well as be separated from him. He just wanted to do his utmost to protect his beloved, hide him from everyone.


Ji Yue finished his last sentence, “…What should we do?” aVPcqC

If you were used by others to threaten us, we would definitely save you. 

Wei Lian went quiet for a moment.

During this silence, he had this impulsive urge.

He wanted to tell Ji Yue: You don’t have to worry. I’m very strong, probably enough to be on equal ground with you.  PgQE 1

He also wanted to add: You are such a nuisance. Why must you make me like you so much?

But in the end, he calmed his raging mind and replied with a soft smile, “Your Majesty should protect this subject well.”

A person accustomed to being clear-headed would continue to act differently from others, even if they were trapped in heavy emotional turmoil.

Ji Yue said he likes him, but instead of offering him the antidote, the man continues to guard him. This was no longer to control his life, but to give him a security guarantee. f5xbaA

This was Ji Yue giving himself a retreat.

Wei Lian understood it very well. Anyone who grew up in a difficult environment and suffered numerous injuries will be extremely wary than ordinary people and must always leave a way out for themselves.

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Wei Lian understood this very well. Those who grew up in a difficult environment and had suffered greatly were way more wary than ordinary people. They always needed to carve an outlet for themselves.

So, he also concealed his real strength, which was a hidden trump card when he needed to get out one day. CtSPED

He hoped the day when he had to use his trump card would never arrive.

But he must also prepare for that day.

They were like two people who had spent too long in the harsh winter. Suddenly the ice and snow melted, and the dead trees became spring, and their shells were melted away by the warmth. The point on the tip of the heart was still sharp and cold, with sharp thorns standing up.

They were like two people who have spent too long in the harsh winter. Then, the ice and snow suddenly melted, and the sleeping trees came to life, welcoming the spring. Their shells were melted away by the warmth, but the bottom tip of their hearts remained sharp and cold with deadly thorns. Qhigc2

Ji Yue agreed, “Alright.”

Wei Lian showed a faint smile. He lowered his eyes and flipped to the next page. Suddenly, he unconsciously focused on a sentence.

He could tell that Ji Yue had struggled when writing this annotation, as many lines were crossed out by ink.

The content was very ordinary, it was about a scholar gifting a handmade item to a young lady, who was very happy when receiving it. d8MYuN

The King of Qin’s annotation: Are you treating it as if this young lady from an influential family will be happy with a mere plaything? As if she has not seen the wider world?

Is a handmade item really that valuable?

Will it really make someone happy?

Then we will do our best to make one for Wei Xiao Lian. eQYJdz

The last sentence wasn’t cross out—

We want to make him happy. 

Translator's Note

Side note. In most of this chapter, Wei Lian is using the informal you, and not addressing himself as ‘this subject’.

Translator's Note

This is a formal you. In this chapter, anytime Wei Lian used ‘this subject’ when speaking, ‘you’ are most likely the formal you.

Translator's Note

The flavor of jealousy.

Translator's Note

It means lack physical strength and be incapable of manual labor.

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  1. Omgggg so sweettt 😳😳🥹🥹🥹 I’ve been binge reading it but had to comment now because of the I want to make him happy remark 🥹🥹🥹