Falling into the AbyssCh93 - The Worm’s Pathway (IV)


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    So we got a tall malnourished student, a buff woman and a gorgeous woman with mommy milkers damn i wanna see how these three look like lmaooo especially samuel😭

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Ethan kindness compassion is all good but give it only to them who deserve it…

    If you stayed to good this world will eat you alive… That’s how human world works! Shrugs

    Sometimes I think the today’s world is evolving days like this which are portrayed in fictional world aren’t that long to come.. with the pollution and increasingly human greed don’t know what will happen in future.

  3. I should not laugh no matter what. Cuz everytime i laugh the next chapter slaps me with pain and tragedy. I’ve developed ptsd