Falling into the AbyssCh53 - Atonement: Pales (II)


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Translator's Note

The direct translation of his name would be Nelson in this paragraph. But in later paragraphs and subsequent chapters, the author refers to him as Wilson. Hence, this could be a typo by the author, spotted by Kat. Therefore, the translation uses Wilson instead.

Translator's Note

Kepler-186f is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf Kepler-186, about 500 light-years from the Earth. It is the first planet with a radius similar to Earth’s to be discovered in the habitable zone of another star.

Translator's Note

This is how Pandora looks like from Google: avatar-pandora

Translator's Note

There are many Night Elf cities in World of Warcraft, but the one depicted here is Darnassus, the greatest city of the Night Elves. Darnassus-WoW

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