Falling into the AbyssCh25 - Life in the City (I)


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  1. Oh no. Seriously. Oh. No. This is bad. Please be safe Ethan.

  2. These guards istg i hope karma bite em real hard. And omg i hope ethan will be fine😭 thank u for the chapter!

  3. Samuel, wtfff you are being a complete asshole- hope nothing bad happens to Ethan and srly those guards are teh biggest scum of the placeThank you for the chapter!!

  4. Thank you for translating this novel. I had a look at the other translations and this has by far the best storyline. So unique!

  5. This story is really intriguing. However, I would like to know who the ML is. Can anyone enlighten me?

  6. Shit ethan you might be the protagonist but you don’t have the protagonist armour for being one of lianxi’s characters. You realize that?