The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh45 - Divine Weapon


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Translator's Note

溟 to drizzle / sea.

Translator's Note

翔 to soar / to glide.

Translator's Note

煅 to forge/ to perfect one’s skill/ wrought/ calcine.

Translator's Note

Shi Di refers to himself as 叔叔(shū​shu), that is, his father’s younger brother and refers to Ming Yan as 伯伯(bó​bo​) or father’s elder brother.

Translator's Note

合欢 Means silk tree kmO3T1

But it’s also a euphemism for sex, basically meaning joyous union.

露 can mean dew / syrup / nectar/ medicinal liquid/ lotion.

Translator's Note

As an offering.

Translator's Note

Could also mean sapphire?

Translator's Note

A giant bird that transforms from a Kun, a giant fish in Chinese mythology. In comparative mythology of giant creatures, Peng is likened to the Roc or Garuda and Kun to the Leviathan.

Synonyms of Peng include Dapeng and Dapengniao. From Wikipedia, link.

Translator's Note

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  1. A Pig-killing knife for real?! I thought it would be a sabre or a sword? What’s with this anticlimatic looks! Hahaha

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I can’t dislike Shi Di – he’s a bit of an idiot but both he and the lion are hilarious! 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕

  3. How can he say “burn it for me” im crying. The fact he remembered though <33

      • Oohh! Will he become side pair with the lion or will he join Woyun sect?? I hope his sister (?) havent got into contract yet….

  4. Well. It’s actually more normal than I thought hahaha. Imagine, someone goes to a fight and pulls out that eyesore. Everyone laughs. Then they all die. Bam.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Lol people be awed before the curtain dropped hahaha only to be greeted by a pig killing knife hahaha imagine the disappointment xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  6. Rip Mo Tianliao, we’ll burn the nectar for to use in your afterlife 🙏… 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This chapter is so hilarious

  7. I was expecting so much 🥺🤣🤣🤣. No wonder lord Kitty called it a piece of trash 👏🤣thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us 👏🧨❤️💐🙏

  8. it was mentioned that mo tianliao always choose practicality over appearance when it comes to his works, unless the tools are for his lord kitty. not even surprised to learn what his taishi actually looked like.

    but the silk tree nectar, i’m pretty sure that would be of use in the future 😏😏

  9. the lube 🤣🤣🤣 what? did lord hammer think that mo tian liao’s soul would get a cultivation partner in the netherworld?🤣

    eh, i believe it will be of use later meow~ 😏

    lord duantian’s design sense is so hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 enemy is a pig, just chop it with a pig knife.

  10. “In a few days, it will be the anniversary of your father’s death, burn it for me.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like if MTL’s tale were real, how would the “father” even use it?? LOL. Looks like the author will be using this jar later. Hehehe.

    I did guess right about the crudeness of the divine weapon. The author did say that the more powerful MTL’s creations were, the uglier they become. 😂😂🤣

  11. I knew it, it would not be that grand looking divine weapon 😆 bc it was mentioned only his early works looking beautiful and later except he made something for Xiaozhao everything he mad were ugly but practical 😆

  12. But to anyone who knows anything about Lord Duantian, that ugliness is proof that it’s actually his work 🤣 But putting a pig-sticker on that fancy swordrest is certainly a… choice 😂