The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh46 - Counterfeit


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Translator's Note

Chrysanthemum Garden.

大巧若拙(dà qiǎo ruò zhuō)

Great art conceals itself — a capable man pretends to be stupid in order to avoid jealousy; Great wisdom appears stupid; A man of great skill is like an idiot; A great intelligent man looks dull.

Translator's Note

灵台(líng​tái) heart/ soul/ spirit.

Apparently it’s a “spiritual structure” located in the forehead comparable to the dantian which is located in the abdomen. Alone, it represents the “heart” as in 心灵, which holds/transmits feelings and emotions (and energy and life). Some cultivation novels often have it as a literal spiritual (灵) stage/tower (台) on which one’s cultivation is built up.

Translator's Note

3/15 is International Consumer Rights Day

曝光平台 or Exposure Platform Seems to mean posting online to make negative information public.

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      • Ah I think that would mean spoilers. I’m wondering if this is actually Taishi, if Taishi was truly a divine weapon, or if it’s really a weapon, or various other things. I guess it’s more like I have no idea where things are going lol. Your translations are lovely and the story is great.

  1. Could it be that Ding boy was in love with Mo Tianliao?! Why else would he keep that bracelet if he can’t use it?

    Is Mo Tianliao gonna give Shi Di a fake Taishi and take with him the real one?! Hahaha. I wanna see that.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Counterfeit product😂😂

    I hope Lord Kitty’s soul is healed soon.

    Thank you so much for the chapter(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  3. I am so confused, in the righteous cultivators private room, how many ppl are there? there is the ‘shishu’ ‘shixiong’ and ‘ziju’ ..can someone explain who is who please?

    • I was confused by that too. It seemed like that cultivator in cloud robes was addressing Ding Ziyu as ‘shishu’, but why would Ding Ziyu then address him as ‘shixiong’?

  4. I am confuse about what the different between divine weapon and immortal weapon???? But it’s okay its’ just story 😂😂😂

  5. Amazing chapter, thank you for translating!

    This is actually the first time I broke and made an account just to make a comment here, haha.

    Putting aside Taishi, Shi Di and all that.. I just cant get over how perfectly this chapter focuses on highlighting the strength of the bond between Mo Tianliao and Qingtong. Even before, QT will not let MTL go anywhere dangerous alone, despite his disapproval of what MTL is planning. QT will allow ‘his man’ (his human more like) to talk through contact of souls. And even when MTL tricks him into forcefully invade his soul so that he can understand the extent of the damage, this half immortal level kitty still refuses to react with anything that would do harm to MTL (despite the fact that if he wanted to, he could easily squish MTL like a bug with their current strength difference).

    So what does he do instead? Reverts back to a kitten and runs away.

    The fact that he tries his hardest to prevent his human from seeing the extent to which his soul is damaged..

    And MTL who will move heaven and earth to heal his cat’s soul.

    They are both so precious!