The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh31 - Twine


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Translator's Note

花花绿绿(huā huā lǜ lǜ) brightly coloured; colourful; garish; multicoloured. 花 is also the character for Hua Qing’s name.

Translator's Note

Literally too flowery, same 花.

Translator's Note

彩衣娱亲(cǎi yī yù qīn) Dressing garishly and acting like a fool to amuse one’s parents. 8Y5Fw7

From one of the stories in The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars: Laolaizi was a hermit who lived in the Chu state. He was known for being very filial to his parents. Even in middle age, he still dressed up in bright coloured clothes, played with toys, and behaved in a childish manner to amuse his parents and keep them happy. This phrase came to represent filial piety.

Translator's Note

早课(zǎokè) chanting of sutras early in the morning.

Translator's Note

Means something like profound tranquillity.

Translator's Note

得入乡随俗 (rù xiāng suí sú) The meaning is the same as “When in Rome…” but I didn’t think it fit the setting.

Translator's Note

More like strips but ropes sounded better.

Translator's Note

人模狗样 (rén mú gǒu yang) someone who is pretending to be what he is not, to put on airs; look decent or behave decently; pretend to be a person of some worth.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Literally means to be a dog imitating a man. :blobrofl:

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  1. The Mini Theatre made me laugh so much. 😂

    Everyone is so shocked Mo Tianliao is so bold! Is he trying to seduce his master?! HAHAHA

    That poor Cheng Xi is so dumb, fufu.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. LMAO THAT MINI THEATRE IS GOLD And I bet Qingtong is going to make a face and push MTL away, possibly with a furious “evil disciple” xD

    And lol MTL still doesn’t know he’s the one out of the loop! Can’t wait to see when he finally knows!

    Thanks for the chapter! :)Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Haha everything about this novel is just plain hilarious xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. Lol someone tell this guy what’s going on. Also, the fateful encounter that could be an enemies to lovers route being stumped by a fuzzy green head made me laugh 😂

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. The mini theater😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  6. Is Xuanji a spider 🕷 ? Or maybe a bird 🐦 ? Those are the only weaving animals I could think of.

    Need a character list. 😆

    Thank you

  7. Pfft, so it was the sect leader then out in the woods lolol And the »dog imitating a man« cracked me up ahaha.

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  8. Im shitting bricks 😭😭😭 ive been laughing nonstop since Cheng Xi said hes gonna take those pills istg my mom gone come for my ass anytime soon 💀💀

  9. XuanJi’s disciples are all aquatic animals? 🤔 But what exactly is he himself? I can’t think of any animal that likes to weave rope 🤔🤔🤔

  10. Oh, so I was wrong, Yuan Hai is the turtle. So is Xuan Ji some kind of silk-spinning animal? Spider? So far we have cat, wolf, tiger, rabbit, sable, turtle, peacock(?) and possibly spider… and someone is possibly the fox we saw on MTL’s arrival to the sect.

    Poor MTL, he has no idea that he’s the last one to know about Qingtong 😂 and that he’ll be shredded for his well-meaning move right then… 🤣