My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh47.1 - You Look Like an Old Acquaintance


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

表叔 -> Son of grandfather’s sibling. It’s what the Crown Prince calls Zong He (that I’ll TL as ‘Uncle’ for simplicity from now on)

Translator's Note

师母 -> Respectful term for your teacher’s wife

Translator's Note

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  1. dude, tell your wifey.

    if you tell him sooner, he will be THRILLED that you can miniaturize and will beg you to see how small and cute you can become. use your fluff.

    also, you have snatched your nephew’s legal fiancee. be a little gentler in the future.

    hehe. testing the current crown princess at this time will be a big surprise…

    crown prince, you know. what will you do?

    eagerly awaiting fireworks!!!

  2. Oh my. Could it be that Tang Wan was the crownprincess, kidnapped and toss to other planet?! Im so curious on his background.

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. once the cat is out of the bag,tsk…tsk…

    zong he you need to start polishing your cat eyes to max level to appease the wifey!

  4. When the secret is out he will sleep outside the bedroom for a month…. No, a year!!!

  5. Now I understand that TW was the future Crown Princess lolol Time for the Tangs to meet, ah?

    And our sour cat could learn to chug less vinegar =___=

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  6. Ooooooooo, tidal waves of vinegar incoming.


  7. I think, either Tang You and Tang Wan swapped when TW dumped to other planet or TW used as TY’s stand in…

  8. Wuah, this plot twists is good.. too bad for the prince to miss TW..I wonder about his level of power..what happens?!

  9. I lost my shit when I realized the Crown Prince is named Carlos. My sister’s friend has a cat named Carlos!!! A stripey boi

  10. this chapter made me so anxious…like i imagined that in future chapters the crowned prince will realize that he should have married tang wan and he’ll try to take tang wan from the marshal or something…and the longer the marshal keeps da zhuang’s identity from tang wan it’ll become even more complicated ugh!

  11. So duke Tangs new wife continuously poisoned tang tang to make his spiritual power weaken to force the duke to replace tang tang with his younger brother so that they wouldn’t be shamed by him being the crown prince’s fiance.