My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh19 - Is There a Problem With Da Zhuang’s Growth?


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Translator's Note

From 岁月静好,现世安稳, which means that life is stable and peaceful

Translator's Note

老神在在 -> It can be used to criticize someone for being negative and not acting

Translator's Note

Three is 三 and thirty is 三十, so Lin Bo only says “三……?”

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  1. covers her face

    This black history is just getting blacker and blacker… XD XD XD


  2. I really want to know how Tang Wan reacts once he knew the truth.

    Thank you for the update!

  3. [ He wasn’t dumb, Tang Wan was dumb]

    No you’re both dumb. A dumb meng couple.

    One is a tsun and one is a cat butler or in this case a furry lover (not that kind, the more innocent one).