My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh17 - If He Won’t Hand Over the Cat, then I Won’t Let Him Go On!


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Translator's Note

哥, as in ‘brother’

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Translator's Note

A husky would also be too silly = too much silliness for him to handle

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○| ̄|_

Translator's Note

蓝朋友 -> Can mean either boyfriend (it sounds similar to 男朋友) or a very close friend that you aren’t quite dating, but there’s something there. In this case, they might be referring to Tang Wan?

Translator's Note

They’re all just number basically, so it’s Big Mao, Mao, Second Mao, Third Mao, etc all the way up to 7

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二黑 -> Black 2

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小哥哥 -> Little big brother, it’s just a cutesy term

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Like a phone number

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Basically means that he needs to have a better temper because he hold an important position
It’s an old phrase where you need to be able to hold a ship, etc in your stomach so you need a good temper

Translator's Note

Basically, Zong He: “Well, I don’t have a good temper.” because his stomach isn’t big enough to hold a ship

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  1. Good luck stealing the cat, greedy marquis lol

    • uh-oh~ there always be a cat-napper around my neighbourhood… there’s time when some of the little kitten/cub went missing T^T

  2. Thanks for the chapter! So the offer was a lure…

  3. Hihi, cannon fodder. Look forward to being flattened.


  4. “Will you change the names if we struggle?” Hahahaha! 🤣
    Based on other CNs I’m reading, huskies are known to be very silly. So after raising a silly alpaca, Tang Tang doesn’t dare raise a husky because it would probably be even sillier lol

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️

  5. Thanks for the chapter ^_^
    want the cat? get ready to be scratched!

  6. Cannon fodder spotted!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. Tang Tang, someone wants to snatch your Hubby~

    Oh! Wait maybe not! Do they want a small cat or the big cat or the actual real cat?

  8. Oh em ji!!! I finished reading it without knowibg, is 17 Chapters that fast to read? I want more meng!!! Thanks TL!!!💜💜💜💜

  9. hahahaha 蓝朋友 is actually 男朋友 (boyfriend), the former term is actually a cutesy typo thing that Chinese netizens like to use lol. like 蓝瘦 (难受) and 香菇 (想哭)

  10. Pienso que Tang está siendo muy descuidado con sus mascotas, pues llama mucho la atención … Ah veo problemas en el futuro debido a su locura meng

  11. All of the protagonists in novels (esp. CN ones) have terrible naming sense, though Tang Tang keeping lots of pets makes it simple.

  12. Wait. If he can see the palace and there are a ton of ways to get pictures from the sky he won’t stay hidden long