My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh16 - Drinking Vinegar Until Even He Was Afraid


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Translator's Note

Pushing all the blame to His Majesty

Translator's Note

CG’s scrambler seems to mess up the accent marks, so I’ll just leave this one without

Translator's Note

Lin Bo technically says 少夫人 (Shao Furen instead of just Furen), which reminds Tang Wan of when he called Da Zhuang ‘young master’ 少爷 (Shao ye) because they both have that ‘Shao’. Lin Bo doesn’t typically use 少夫人 , normally just 夫人

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

小宝贝 -> ‘baby’ term of endearment

Translator's Note

He made a combo (like in a video game)

Translator's Note

Mischievous child

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  1. I feel sorry for His Majesty for having such a black-hearted cousin :gives look of pity:

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Zong He is sooooooo funny. XD XD XD


  3. Thanks for the chapter! So silly, lol.

  4. so much meng and fur, i die

  5. Poor bunny getting bullied by a jealous husband..

  6. Ah His Majesty should be expecting more pots in the future~ My condolences!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. Isn’t it supposed to be really bad to put hamsters together? I’ve heard that when hamsters are put together, they’ll usually fight.

    • Hamsters can get lonely but they like their space (and not having a stranger’s scent intrude in what’s marked as their space) and just like any other social animal they might get along well with the other hamster and huddle together at night or they’ll be instant mortal enemies and fight, you never know. I think I’ve read somewhere it’s good to observe how your hamster interacts with a possible new housemate before making it permanent, to avoid issues.

  8. Children, adult, what Tang Wan did there, is a bad example of pet parent. If your kid, or pet kid misbehave, you need to discipline them, dont be like Tang Wan.

    • I feel like getting a bunch of different pets at the same time is also not great. Especially if you already have pets, since you need to consider whether they’ll all get along.