The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 89

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  1. Ganyu is good and definitely one of the best dps. You can go for her. But if you want a full husbando team, then definitely Xiao. He also seems fun to play.

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. I’ve been waiting for Xiao since CBT so I’m definitely getting him, even if he won’t be that strong. I have enough fates to get him for certain and I even pulled Primordial Jade-Winged Spear from a free standard pull a few months ago so I really really can’t wait for 1.3 to drop 😊

  3. Many people said Ganyu is OP. A machine gun basically. Maybe wait for a little bit for Xiao showcase? I am just here to get c6 razor

  4. I got lucky in Ganyu banner. I got her and Keqing tears of joy .

    Im hesitanant to try getting Xiao 😢 since i dont have a decent weapon for him.

    Thank you for the chapter