The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 40.1

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Translator's Note

sarcasm intended

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  1. Is that slag protagonist finally repenting !?

    Hooray! 🎉 It seems he has some consciousness left!

    Thanks for the chapter! (๓´͈꒳`͈๓)

  2. Repent? JA! Don’t make me laught. That kind of scum don’t know the meaning of the word. If you’re feeling self-pity, but can’t see his own mistakes, he is too proud and too stupid for it.

    And Thank you very much!! Love ya 😘

  3. Going to war over a woman? How infatuated are these fools? Lol. I guess, it’s good to be young? Instead of Helena of Troy, we have Ruan Hua of China.

  4. I really don’t trust this sudden change.


  5. Ruan Huan and the “plan?” Like Helen of Troy? Maybe bc I mispronounce her name backwards but it also sounds a bit like Helen to me. Anyways, this whole plot was interesting. I’m ready for more face slapping moments.

  6. Ew, when he’s successful solely thanks to his wife he throws her away, only when he fails does he crawl back to her. Even a saint would get sick of him.