The Wife is FirstCh61 - Hidden Chamber


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Translator's Note

Sanren, seem to be freelancers or like independent scholars/artists

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Danxia Landform | Series 'The most surrealistic places of the Earth' 

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  1. Ohohoho the wife is suspicious– as intelligent and logical as MHZ– JS be better prepared in answering haha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. It’s so cute how Mu Hanzhang treats the little Tiger as a baby.

    Is Jing Shao going to tell the truth to his Wang Fei in the future, I Wonder.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. The spoils of war are pretty impressive this time… If this goes on, Mu Hanzhang will return to the capital nicely equipped and adorned 😋

    Thank you for the translation! 💕

    P.S. I think Jing Shao will tell Mu Hanzhang about the rebirth, but not now.

  4. the left protectorat followed the right AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHhhhhhh XD what is he gonna do to him huh?

  5. The sword is indeed an appropriate gift for dear wifey!👍

    Many thanks for this chapter! ✌☺

  6. The Hanzhang sword is a great gift to the Wang Fei. The plot thickens with Jing Shao’s acute knowledge ! Thanks for the chapter.

  7. Aww the sword’s name is Hanzhang! So that’s why. >\\< cute!!

    Thank yoy, Dandan and Jules.