These Side Characters Have More Important Things To DoCh227 - A kiss, just to make sure

The next day, Hadrian wasn’t feeling so well.

Prince Pollux looked at him in concern. “Did you sleep poorly?” N9tmWP

Seeing the reason for his poor sleep, Hadrian became flustered. He shook his head. “No, no, nothing’s wrong.”

He did his best to act normal during breakfast and during the carriage ride to the university. However, he couldn’t quite meet Prince Pollux’s eyes for longer than a second.

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Fortunately, it was the end of the year, and Hadrian’s supervisor Mage Oskar Firebrick had planned some events. This helped Hadrian take his mind off the problem…until he returned to the Rosewood house in the evening.

Sitting at the dinner table, facing Prince Pollux, Hadrian convinced himself that his father was wrong. If his father had known that Hadrian was talking about two men, he would have surely said that it was a good brotherly friendship, not a courtship. TEJ2Ah

Hadrian was able to sleep better that night.

All university staff and students had a break for the end of the year.

Prince Pollux didn’t do anything unusual. They played with Lady Artemis and Princess Sasha, and various friends came to visit.

Then, on the day of the end-of-year feast at the Sedaverian Imperial Palace, Prince Pollux gave him some clothes.


“I had intended to prepare this earlier, but I hope you could still wear this, unless you had planned a different outfit already,” Prince Pollux said.

Hadrian couldn’t decline a gift from Prince Pollux. He went to put them on.

And then he saw what Prince Pollux had changed into.

They matched. k5NnEj

Their clothes were different colours, but in the same style. Wouldn’t this give the wrong impression to others? Or was Prince Pollux making a statement about them being Angian?

“Is there something wrong? Are the clothes not to your liking?” Prince Pollux asked.

“No, no, no, I think these clothes are very good, Your Highness.”

A bit of redness crept up Prince Pollux’s neck. “I think you look handsome in it.” LNdCGi

Hadrian’s thoughts monetarily exploded. “I—I—” —I don’t know how much longer I can last!

“Let’s go to the palace,” Prince Pollux said.

“Yes, yes, let’s go.”

The end-of-year feast was vibrant and energetic, full of reflections of the year that had passed and hopes and plans for the upcoming year. It was late by the time it ended. Z4hoHG

The next day, Ren Xiyang organised a day of fun and delicious hot-pot at the Rosewood house. With Rian, Pollux, Hadrian, Florence, Hespera, Alexius, Günter, Adrienne, Tierri, Kel, Maria, Solicitor Carmine, Baltasar and his young siblings, Wolfgang and his cats, the day was full of noise and chatter.

After dinner, most people departed, and those staying at the Rosewood house returned to their rooms.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

(Rian returned to Ren Xiyang’s room.)

As Hadrian was unwinding, there was a knock at his door. x5MdFI

Puzzled, he opened it. His eyes widened. “Your Highness, how can I help you?”

Prince Pollux had partially undressed, replacing the formal jacket he had before for a more casual, relaxed robe. “Do you have time to talk?”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Hadrian stepped aside and welcomed Prince Pollux in.

Prince Pollux walked towards the sofa but didn’t sit down. Instead, he pulled out a piece of paper. “Sign this confidentiality agreement first.” khdbfG

“Yes, Your Highness.” Hadrian felt apprehensive as he signed the contract. Was Prince Pollux going to reveal a national secret?

“Take a seat.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Hadrian sat on the sofa opposite Prince Pollux.

“There is something I want to tell you, and there is an associated request,” Prince Pollux said. “I want to preface that you don’t have to agree or accept anything and that you can decline the request without repercussion.” afWA6J

Hadrian straightened and felt even more apprehensive. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Prince Pollux’s expression became stern, almost cold, as his eyes narrowed slightly and his jaw tightened.

Hadrian felt even more nervous.

“I value you, Hadrian.” Prince Pollux looked at him straight in the eye. “Over the last few years, I appreciate your loyalty and your companionship.” tueCi8

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hadrian’s heart gave a nervous ba-dump. Was this the start of a ‘however…’? Prince Pollux’s expression wasn’t very good!

Qtja tf vlvc’a xcbk kjr atja Ubiiez’r tfjga kjr atewqlcu fnfc tjgvfg; jcv ktfc atja tjqqfcfv, Ubiiez’r fzqgfrrlbc yfmjwf wbgf jcv wbgf rfglber jr tf aglfv ab reqqgfrr la.

“Obgv Ljvgljc Kfggj, kbeiv sbe jiibk wf atf tbcbeg bo mbegalcu sbe?”

“Tfr, Tbeg Llutcfrr—” Ktf ojwliljg kbgvr kfgf bea bo Ljvgljc’r wbeat yfobgf tf gfulrafgfv atf kbgvr. nPjItN

Wait, what?!

His mouth opened wordlessly a few times. “Y-y-your Highness!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Yes, it means that I like you romantically,” Prince Pollux said. His gaze dropped, and a light flush grew on his cheeks. He cleared his throat. “Do you like me?”

After Pollux asked that question, Hadrian was silent. Pollux looked up again, nervously scanning Hadrian’s face. His stomach was at the precipice, feeling ready to drop in crushing disappointment. iXnSQj

Hadrian was…frozen?


Hadrian blinked. “Your Highness…” His voice was tentative. “Could you repeat what you just said? I seem to have misheard.”

Suppressing his tumultuous emotions, Pollux said, “I like you romantically. Do you like me? Would you allow me the honour of courting you?” dQ7pIs

“Me? Hadrian?”

“Yes, you. I don’t know any other Hadrians.”

“Hadrian isn’t an uncommon name. How could you like me?” Hadrian asked. “Those gifts you gave me previously, they weren’t courting gifts, were they?”

Pollux pretended to be causal. “They were courting gifts, albeit unofficially so.” vTnyAj

Hadrian had a wide-eyed look once more.

Seeing Hadrian was unresponsive, Pollux gritted his teeth. Channelling Prince Rian’s confidence, he stood up and walked over to Hadrian’s side, standing right in front of him.

Hadrian looked up at him.

“Hadrian,” Pollux said. suxgyU

Hadrian swallowed. “Your Highness.”

“Answer me honestly and earnestly.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Do you like me romantically?” VkEmeF

Hadrian buried his face in his hands. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Pollux felt the biggest sense of relief in the world. Why was this so hard? Torturing his father was easier than this!

Chrysanthemum Garden.


“Yes, Your Highness?” ruJVPg

“Lift up your head.”

Hadrian lifted up his head.

“Do you dislike the fact that you like me? Answer me honestly.”

Hadrian’s brows drew together, looking like a kicked puppy. “Your Highness, I, your subject, should not have such feelings towards my prince.” 2gD pj

For some reason, Pollux found Hadrian’s dazed look quite cute. Remembering Ayden’s and Prince Rian’s antics, he reached out and patted Hadrian on the head.

Hadrian stiffened.

Pollux stiffened too. Ah! What had he just done?! He removed his hand and put that errant hand behind his back. “And if I give you permission to have such feelings, will you obey me?”

“Your Highness…” It6omE

“May I sit down?”

“Of course, Your Highness—” Hadrian’s voice ended in a squeak when Pollux straddled Hadrian’s lap.

Pollux placed a hand on Hadrian’s firm chest. He could feel Hadrian’s heart pounding, or maybe it was his own heart beating loudly in his ears. He couldn’t believe what he was doing; it was only by channelling Prince Rian’s confidence and advice that he could keep going. “—And would you accept my kiss?”

Hadrian’s lips parted, his tongue wetting them. lb5dWw

Pollux leaned in closer and closer, giving Hadrian every opportunity to stop him if he wished. He stopped a fraction before their lips could touch, his eyes fluttering shut.

Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump. Waiting felt like an eternity, until Hadrian shifted forward slightly and closed the distance.

Butterflies filled Pollux’s stomach as their lips touched. Joy washed over him. After a brief kiss, he pulled back and opened his eyes, only to see Hadrian’s dumbfounded look.

Pollux couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh dear, should we try that again, just to make sure?” EjAPtk


Pollux leaned in again and gave Hadrian another kiss. Then, he got off Hadrian’s lap. “Have a good night, Hadrian.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You too, Your Highness.” Hadrian blinked and stood up, accompanying Pollux to the door.

Pollux touched Hadrian’s hand lightly before leaving. His expression became cool again as he walked to his quarters. ErO5Lm

But inside, he was jumping for joy. He had done it! He had told Hadrian, he had confirmed that Hadrian did like him, and they even kissed, twice! They had a future! He was so glad he had done all that; it wiped away most of his embarrassment around trying to be seductive. Now, Pollux started to think about what courtship gifts he should give next…

Meanwhile, after Hadrian closed the door, he remained standing, right there, without moving.

What had just happened?

Did he…? Did Prince Pollux…? Did he…? Did they…? lWuYFd

He slowly raised his hand and touched his lips with his fingers. His chest tightened. Prince Pollux’s lips had touched right here.

Why had he kissed his Highness? No, wasn’t it because His Highness had requested it? Had Prince Pollux really said that he liked him?

In jerky movements, Hadrian moved from the door and cast his eyes over to the seating area. He had been sitting right there when Prince Pollux sat on his lap and kissed him.

And on the table was the confidentiality contract that he had signed. i8g3IB

It was that contract that brought Hadrian back to reality.

Prince Pollux wouldn’t have made him sign it, unless it was serious. That meant that Prince Pollux was being serious. Prince Pollux liked him and wanted to court him. Him.

Hadrian squatted down on the spot and buried his hands in his hair.

Eek! The hair that Prince Pollux touched earlier too! hdjIgz

Hadrian was back in a dazed mindset.

Hadrian didn’t know how he got ready for bed.

He didn’t know when he fell asleep.

When he woke up the next morning, the first thing on his mind was everything that had happened last night. 9c85OG

Prince Pollux was smart, handsome, and powerful.

And yet, he wanted to court him, Hadrian.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Not some other Hadrian.

There was a knock on his door. Hadrian hurried over and let Prince Pollux in. J9vjgw

“Good morning, Your Highness.”

Prince Pollux moved closer to him with a certain look in his eyes.

Hadrian stiffened.

“Bend down a little for me,” Prince Pollux said. f2NSpc

Hadrian complied, only to be kissed on the cheek.

Hadrian: !!!!!

“Good morning, Hadrian. Ready for breakfast?”

Hadrian nodded, unable to speak. UaMZJh

Prince Pollux touched his back, nudging him forward. “Let’s go, then.”

Hadrian complied, walking stiffly. Internally, his brain was overheating. !!! Prince Pollux was touching his back!!!

It took Hadrian several days for everything to truly settle in. He had to go through the phases of—so, I do like men…I do like Prince Pollux…Prince Pollux does like me…!!

How could he be so lucky? WqzRFt

Then, once Hadrian allowed himself to feel his feelings, he realised that they were now courting, which meant that he needed to give Prince Pollux gifts too. He also needed to study courting customs and all those information booklets and books from the Rosewood fief… which made him remember the erotic book. No, no, he couldn’t think of himself and Prince Pollux tossing around in bed, that was too disrespectful!!

Pollux knew that he had to take the lead in their relationship. Hadrian seemed to be in a daze half the time, and uncertain the other half of the time, waiting for Pollux to take action.

Ahem, Hadrian’s state of mind might be partly due to Pollux’s actions to ‘reassure’ Hadrian of the new reality. Hadrian’s dumbfounded and obedient look made Pollux want to ‘torture’ him some more, be it more kisses, secret hand-touches, or sitting right up against him.

The first time Pollux gave him a quick hug, Hadrian’s soul seemed to have ascended; and afterwards, he behaved as though he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet. O74rdJ

Before university lectures stared again, Pollux received his first gift from Hadrian: a miniature ‘painting’ with gold framing stained glass depicting two cats curled up together. Pollux really liked it and gave Hadrian a kiss in return. This made Hadrian go very red.

For now, he wanted to keep his relationship with Hadrian a secret. Both of them needed to acclimatise. Slowly, he’d tell Ayden and the others. And he and Hadrian also needed to plan for the future.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nevertheless, the new relationship gave Pollux more calmness and sense of stability. It made him feel firmer about staying in Sedaveria for longer, to work on ‘trains’, while Hadrian continued his research.

Pollux was looking forward to the future. He was starting to get a taste for teasing Hadrian too, and there were so many possibilities left. 8ofYxK

After winter, there was spring. And spring herald Rian’s 18th birthday.

Hence, while Rian was quite interested in Prince Pollux’s burgeoning relationship with Hadrian, he also had a lot of organising to do and didn’t have time to nose around.

For his 18th birthday, Rian couldn’t make a bigger celebration than his Imperial Father’s or Imperial Mother’s birthday. But he could still throw a big party for the Capital.





As you can see, Pollux took everyone’s advice ^_^ vtqdgy

(In which Rian is a bad role model?)

Rian: Oh, look at these innocent boys, blushing just because they’re holding hands~

Ren Xiyang: Do you want more work, Your Highness?

Rian: *cough cough* I’m very busy with my birthday preparations! us6hzN



Don’t forget about the fanart/fanfic contest!



  • fanart/fanfic should show some effort, i.e., no stick figures, minimum 500 words
  • any rating is fine 😉
  • copies/traces/plagiarism/AI generated work is not allowed
  • just drop me a comment on whichever platform you read These Side Characters on, linking to where you posted your art/fic!
  • you can submit multiple entries, but you can only win once!

Prize: an extra chapter/scene at your request!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

  • two people will be randomly drawn to win
  • If there are a lot of submissions (over 20), then I’ll draw more people, so that the chance of ‘winning’ is at least 10%.


Submission deadline: 7th July 2024 23:59 anywhere on Earth tomX1D


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  1. I am squealing, laughing and making a lot of noise reading this. FANTASTIC!! YESS!!

    Also, what other Hadrians xD

  2. Hadrian is such a shy, loyal cutie pie ♥️.

    And I’m so happy for pokerface Pollux that he overcame his uncertainty and grew more and more self-esteem and self confidence. Such a good development.

    Thank you bafflinghaze 💫💖

    • Hadrian is so easily flustered, so easy to tease~

      And yeah, Pollux grew confidence! Even if it was due to following Rian’s over-confident example 🤣

  3. Thank you, thank you for the chapter!!! It was really great and pleasant. And Pollux seeing and looking forward to his future 🥰🥰 It’s really important for all of us.

    And ofcourse the dumbfolded Hadrian with no other Hadrian’s around!! Hahaaa)))

    A little bit of acclimatising is must for all of us🌚

    Looking forward to the new chapter and upcoming Rian’s 18 year’s events 👀