The King's GameCh123 - [Heart of Machinery XIII]

Edited by: grump


He walked all the way with raised arms, and his expression of indifference had been maintained the whole time. It was hard for Gu Huai to make sense of what happened.

He couldn’t deny that the question he just asked was a little teasing and flirting with his lover, but Gu Huai didn’t expect his Chu Chu to have this sort of reaction… He picked Gu Huai up and left without saying a word. He hadn’t spoken to him yet.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Though not worried about what the other would do to him, in the face of unexpected situations, Gu Huai couldn’t help thinking about it.

“System, System?” Gu Huai asked his system’s opinion with a smile. tRuz7E

The system looked on and whispered, “He is not as calm and self-controlled as you think.”

As a humanoid weapon, Noah did not have the heart to love in theory, but the other still had feelings, and so did the other mechanical creatures.

Once weapons had feelings, if they liked someone, the so-called “calm self-control” actually did not exist. The other still had absolute lucidity and reason, but there would inevitably be deviations in behavior.

It was also normal that a humanoid weapon that was teased by their loved ones would react differently.


“He is just… very happy now.” Because they were the same existence, the system could clearly understand the other’s mentality.

Before Gu Huai could think about this in detail, his vision suddenly turned upside down. His back hit the soft bed, and his gaze lifted and met a pair of pale golden eyes.

According to the normal aesthetic judgment of human beings, mechanical creatures in human form generally had a very good-looking skin, especially Noah as the final creation.

At this point, the humanoid weapon’s flawless face was expressionless, so it was hard to tell what mood he was in from his eyes. LENKI5

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But the system said that the other was very happy now.

Dflcu olgwis reqqgfrrfv, Xe Lejl mtbrf ab jqqgbjmt atf mtffx bo atf batfg jcv xlrrfv tlw, “Jte Jte.”

Qtfc tf rjk atf tewjcblv kfjqbc lc ogbca bo tlw cjggbklcu tlr fsfr rilutais, Xe Lejl rjlv jujlc, “Ktf clmxcjwf obg sbe.”

Ktf tewjcblv kfjqbc atja qgfrrfv atf sbeat ecvfg lar ybvs cbk xlrrfv atf mtffx jcv ilq bo atf sbeat nfgs vlgfmais. Coafg atf jybnf-wfcalbcfv jmalbcr kfgf olclrtfv, Rbjt ifa bea j rlcuif abcf ab fmtb atf sbeat’r kbgvr. mbfhdT

If the youth used himself as bait, no matter how tolerant he was, he would definitely chase the other… and would be delighted at the moment when he finally got the treasure he loved.

Substituting him with itself, the system could easily know the mood of the humanoid weapon in front of it was happy.

“Yes.” Noah clearly spoke. The youth told him that if he would take off his mask and say he liked him, the other would choose not to run away.

Stay, the young man belonged to him, Noah was very clear about this concept. 7wXFHl

He would not execute the youth according to the procedure. It was his right to deal with the youth.

What to do with…

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Noah already had an answer to the question that the youth had asked twice.

“No escape.” While uttering this sentence in a cold voice, the cold humanoid weapon held the human youth with warm body temperature under him more firmly, and began to undo a button on the youth’s shirt. UAiTKz

Gu Huai didn’t feel much when he heard this. After all, he didn’t want to escape, but when a button on his shirt was undone, Gu Huai felt a bit stuck.

The inclination was to take the youth as his own. Confirming this procedure, Noah meticulously implemented it at this time.

His possession was what really belonged to him. Before executing the programming, Noah searched the relevant content in his own database and had a general understanding of how he should deal with the youth.

“Wait…” Gu Huai, who was still in a stupified state, couldn’t even organize his words. His hands were over his head and he was basically unable to move except to twist his body left and right. rt3uWS

What was the capability of the humanoid’s mechanical biology??

Gu Huai blinked his eyes and looked at the humanoid weapon on top of him. It was true that the other looked no different from a human being. He was not unwilling to play with his family’s Chu Chu either. He was just a creative person and Gu Huai would inevitably be questioned about this issue.

However, he did not make the human youth wonder for too long. Noah showed him with facts, not only that there were facts, but also to the extent that it could make the youth dizzily red, overflowing with emotional tears, and emit dumb low cries from his throat.

After that, the young man’s dizzy eyes were still covered with transparent tears. When he woke up from sleep, Gu Huai found himself again being held by his family’s Chu Chu traveling on a pathway. However, this time he finally did not just walk with his arms upright, but in a standard horizontal holding posture. Mqv9B4

“Where are you going?” The paths in the palace didn’t go very far. Gu Huai, who had just woken up to see the scene around him, couldn’t help asking aloud to the humanoid weapon that was holding him supine.

The corners of his eyes were still a little wet. The faint red at the corners of his eyes on both sides had not completely diminished. At this time, there was still a trace of color created by the humanoid weapon holding him.

When Gu Huai finished asking this question and was going to raise his hand to rub the corner of his eye, he felt the humanoid weapon pause his steps, and then there was a cool soft touch at the corner of his left eye.

He did not answer the young man’s question, but Noah bowed his head and kissed away the tears left at the corner of his eyes before continuing to hold the young man and move toward his destination. NJsZWR

Noah was walking along this road. Although Gu Huai didn’t walk very much, this walkway was actually a very clear path through the palace. The direction it led to was one of the most magnificent halls designed in the palace.

It happened to be near the path where the mechanical creatures were, who now watched and waited as their commander held the human youth. They were worried as they went into the temple, considering the procedures, but now the mechanical creatures in the palace finally breathed sighs of relief.

Their commander, he was not going to punish the youth… Although knowing this was against the program, the mechanical creatures still in the palace couldn’t suppress their joy.

With the young man in his arms moving his eyes and looking around, Noah went on without saying a word. When he reached the temple, he said in a slow voice, “A present for Ah Huai.” PyANwv

Gift? He heard the words from nearby. Gu Huai looked around doubtfully. What gift did he need to come to this place to give him?

And just thinking so, Gu Huai felt as he was held and sat in a cold and hard seat that was not comfortable at all.

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Before realizing what seat this was, Gu Huai just sat down and took the hand of the humanoid weapon that put him on the seat. It was better to continue to be held by the other while sitting in this seat. This was the idea of Gu Huai, who was a little tired due to his excessive ordeal yesterday.

The humanoid weapon standing in front of the young man, holding his hand, tilted his head slightly at this moment. Then he knelt down to the young man, bowed his head and pecked the young man’s fingertip lightly, “Chirp.” yBmxRO

The cold and hard seat where the youth was sitting was the throne symbolizing the highest power in the country.

When human civilization was still brilliant, this throne was jointly forged by several of the most famous craftsmen in the human kingdom. No matter how the kingdom was replaced, this iron throne remained as a symbol of power.

The young man was placed in this seat because Noah had decided one thing soberly since he took the former for himself.

In the sharp contradiction between having to execute the youth and not executing him, Noah once searched his memory module by himself. ae dpi

The result of the search was that he did not have any relevant memory of the youth in front of him. In fact, Noah did not feel when he first saw the youth, but when he was going to execute the youth according to the procedure, a violent resistance made him unable to start.

When he sneaked into the youth’s room that night, Noah was actually preparing to correct his mistake at first, but when he heard the vague low voice of the youth, Noah found that he still had no way to suppress the resistance and began to execute the procedure.

At that time, between leaving with a straight face and staying with a slightly stiff body to watch the youth sleep, Noah chose the latter. Now, he had also made his own choice.

“What does Ah Huai want?” Staring at the youth on the throne, the humanoid weapon half kneeling and pecking the fingertip of the youth asked this question in a low voice. The figure of the youth was clearly reflected in the pale golden eyes. Mjrvf

Implementing procedures was the existential meaning of mechanical creatures, but for Noah, he had now identified and found his own new existential meaning.

Power, fame, wealth… everything a normal living person would wish for, as long as the young man spoke to him, he would take it.

Including the world.


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  1. How cute💕 A huai is so treasured. I wonder about the identity of Noah and his family?

    Thank you for the chapter~♡

  2. I wonder if they can fix the world, and if the other races can accept it.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. When I imagined this scene I thought i would die from overdose of sweetness ❤️❤️❤️