The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an OCh46.2 - Slightly Bulging Belly (2)

Translator: ChiFu

After the lecture. JXAR09

Since Ye Xu couldn’t keep his butt still, he naturally looked for someone to talk to again. Yet he was surrounded by curve wreckers, and it was unlikely that they would play after class given their surroundings. Wen Mingyu was also reading for the upcoming lecture, so not many people were lending him any attention.

That was, until Ye Xu asked.

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“Hey, have any of you guys read “Tit for Tat” lately?”

Wen Mingyu stiffened in an instant. That was the exact title of the two-male lead in his current work. 8xBKh

Surprisingly, Ye Xu’s topic caught the eye of others nearby; even Shao Yan, who had little emotion, turned and glanced over.

“You’ve all seen it?” Wen Mingyu probed.

The group of youngsters nodded unthinkingly. “That’s for sure. The book is so hot, who wouldn’t have read it.”

The others then claimed they relied on borrowing it rather than purchasing it. They even copied it because they liked it so much.


“Isn’t it about to end? When will it be released, it’s killing me, ah.”

“I’m still waiting for Tang Yiyuan to be appointed prime minister and start introducing reforms in cities. Just the thought of it makes me thrilled.”

“Exactly! Tang-shangshu is incredibly wise and enlightened, and I greatly admire him!”

“I like Cheng Yunzhen more. It was fascinating to witness him break the counterfeit copper coin case and apprehend the perpetrator in court. He was so heroic and daring.” uB5nLg

But he prevented Tang-shangshu from changing the law. That alone made me want to drill into the book and bash him up.”

The crowd was so verbally active that Wen Mingyu wanted to burrow under the writing desk, feeling that he shouldn’t be present.

Instead, Ye Xu also wanted him to cue and asked him which one he preferred.

Wen Mingyu said dully, “… I like both.” dUKx2G

Both were his sons. How could he be biased.

Some, though, weren’t happy with this answer. With their insistence that he pick only one, the Tang and Cheng parties nearly exchanged blows.

Wen Mingyu was glared at and eventually chose Tan Yiyuan, his sickly and frail son, who had passed away too soon. He therefore had a great deal of sympathy in his heart. His heart thought, You’re all Dad’s son—there’s absolutely no partiality.

The Tang party rejoiced and clapped, declaring that Tang-shangshu was certainly the more brilliant and charismatic. JBrf4k

They pondered the ending once more. Someone noted out of concern, “Tang-shangshu is so frail. When drafting the law amendment during the course of the night, he passed out. He has had a few for several days and is becoming weaker. Will anything happen to him?”

“How is that possible? Don’t speak carelessly. He is so good. He must live a long life to witness the glory days following the reform.”

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The youngsters chimed in with the sentiment, strongly convinced.

As Wen Mingyu heard what was being said, he couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful nervously, because he knew that the bookstore would provide the ending in two days. He wrote Tang Yiyuan to death; surely, dark sharks would hunt him… JBEtDk

Was it too late for him to change the ending?

The script had already been printed. There was no hope, ah.

What would he replace it with if he did? He liked the ending just as it was.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wen Mingyu clenched his head and, unable to remove the mask of agony, put it on once more. di50sq

Tf We ibbxfv ja tlw, ibbxlcu bvvis ogeragjafv klat tlr tfjv vbkc. Lf rjlv, “P’ii tjnf ws jaafcvjca yes la fjgis lc atf wbgclcu, yglcu la ab rmtbbi, jcv gfjv la abufatfg.”

Rb, cb, cb, atjcx sbe obg sbeg xlcvcfrr.

Dea P xcbk tbk la jii fcvr. P pera vgfjv atja sbe kbc’a yf jyif ab mbcagbi la jcv ragjcuif wf ab vfjat.

Wen Mingyu dejectedly thought that his pseudonym vest, Yu Mu, must not be dropped, lest he be forced to defend his life every day in the Imperial College. xJvNaw

Because they talked about stories together and had a common interest, the bunch of youngsters became a little closer, and even Chu Suli would occasionally speak out.

When she initially found a seat, no one ventured to talk to her, let alone sit next to her, for several reasons, including the fact that it was inappropriate for men and women to be closer to each other.

The hall was filling up, and virtually all the writing desks had students settling down, but Chu Suli’s side was vacant—until Wei Chen arrived. Glancing at the seat next to her, Wei Chen nearly flew straight to it, his face plastered in a rare smile as his butt landed down, seemingly fearful of someone robbing him.

Chu Suli, as she sat on pins and needles while attempting to keep her calm, couldn’t help but glanced at him before looking back at her book. 1Js9XA

Beside them, some twittering students murmured, “Whoa, tiny yet very passionate, he charges straight for it. You think he likes the girl?

I’m positive he is. Miss Chu is truly a stunning, demure and dainty lady; a gentleman who excels at martyrdom, it’s understandable.

Wei Chen’s soft, plump face showed some confusion as soon as he heard this. He didn’t know what liking someone meant yet, but in order to prevent miscommunication, he turned sideways and spoke honestly to Chu Suli. “They believe I like you because I chose this seat, but you must understand why I did it. You are smart and one of the individuals I have recognized. You’ve already noticed, haven’t you? This is the ideal spot—it’s not too close nor too far away, and the teacher’s voice from here is just ideal. In the winter, the smoked cage is neither hot nor cold in the corner, and in the summer, there are breezes. During my inspection yesterday, I had my eye on this spot.”

Chu Suli: “…” AIugDz

Her expression was very complex as she answered.

“… Yes.”

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Whether it was the ideal spot or not, I don’t know. But I do know that it should be challenging for you to take a wife in the future.

Although Chu Suli was at a loss as to whether she should cry or laugh, she did feel less stressed overall after this episode. dNuFS9

It was unfortunate that Wen Mingyu arrived a little late and missed this scene. He wouldn’t have, otherwise, been able to resist dubbing Wei Chen a middle-aged man and also a straight man in the whole universe.

As relationships grew closer, it was easy to develop into mealtime buddies. After the morning lectures, it was time to head to the Imperial College’s canteen for a meal. Ye Xu exclaimed with joy, “Let’s go together.”


The youngsters advanced in a formidable array and were quite willful. iEg6bp

But Wen Mingyu shook his head and didn’t join in. He had previously assured Mu Zhan that he would return to eat with him. In addition, his appetite had been quite enormous lately, and if he went to the canteen, he would certainly frighten the other students and instantly become renowned in one fell swoop for downing three servings of rice by himself.

In order to have enough, Wen Mingyu had to decline.

“Is your home close to here?” Ye Xu inquired. After all, not many students would return for a meal.

“It’s not too far,” Wen Ming murmured hazily, “my family wants me to eat my meals at home since I just started school.” 0iMBTL

Ye Xu immediately nodded as he remembered the morning encounter with the attendant boy. It was readily apparent how highly valued he was by his family.

So they went their separate ways.

It didn’t take long for Wen Mingyu to return to the Imperial Palace from his so-called excursion home, which was practically next to the Imperial College. Nevertheless, it did take longer to get there from the palace gates to the bedchamber.

Back in his familiar place, Wen Mingyu wasn’t as restrained now. San Xi said that His Majesty was still working and might not return till later, so if Gongzi was starving, prepare his meal first. His Majesty had said that there was no need to hold out for him. 6xS9pz

That said, there was no point in eating by himself. Wen Mingyu thus readied to go into the hall to grab a snack to pad his stomach first while he waited for Mu Zhan’s return.

Before he even stepped through the door, however, his focus was immediately drawn to the Timothy grass in the courtyard. Instead of the exotic flowers, the Taiji Hall’s standout feature was a wide yard covered in Timothy grass, which rabbits really love. They were obviously well-cared for, as they were fresh and vividly verdant.

When Mu Zhan discovered that Wen Mignyu was descended from a species of rabbit, he planted this. This was so that he could swiftly eat it whenever he felt like it.

Wen Mingyu had been becoming hungry quite frequently for some reason, so when he saw the grass at that very moment, an inexplicable urge arose in his heart. 4BdL5J

He told the palace servants to leave before entering the hall and transforming into a lop-eared rabbit. He then hopped and rolled in the grass and ate wonderfully, hopping so quickly that it appeared as though a lawn mower had crossed over the border and nibbled a small patch of baldness all at once.

He stopped nibbling after a moment.

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The supple cheeks swelled and continued to grind while suckling the grass.

He then bit off a couple more stalks. jeHUQ1

But this time, as he flew across the grass, he didn’t consume it. In lieu of eating it, he simply held it in his mouth while his short hindlegs bounced towards the temple door. In his human form, the horizontal wooden threshold was not worth mentioning, but the lop-eared rabbit was only the size of a palm. He could clearly see that the horizontal boundary was higher than him, almost like an impassable wall.

Wen Mingyu didn’t pause either, though. His bouncing force was a skillful leap, and only a light and graceful shadow was seen as he bounced into the bedchamber. When landing, the plump buttocks also shook and wiggled, much like milk pudding.

Gripping the grass, his round eyes looked around, spotting a hidden corner, then he ran over and set the grass there. He turned around and rushed outside once more, returning with some stalks in his mouth.

He made a couple rounds back and forth before he rounded the corner into a small mound of grass. 4Uj1Mk

He felt inadequate as he watched with his mouth agape. Once again, he rushed outside to start gathering up more grass.

But just as he had located the grass that fulfilled his heart’s criteria and was about to chomp down, the gust of wind changed, moving sharply enough to cause his ears to twitch.

Together with the mixed screeches of the palace servants, there was the sound of rapid steps approaching closer and closer.

In alarm, Wen Mingyu craned his neck, both his’ drooping ears twitching. As a result, he spotted a dog charging in his direction with chequered black and white hair. The eyes were sparkling, a long-awaited meeting of old brothers had him beaming with excitement, spitting out his tongue. O3Irhv

Brother! Come on, let’s play the head game again!

In two woofs, the husky eagerly expressed this.

Wen Mingyu turned around and fled, wide-eyed and too terrified to care about the grass.

Don’t you come over, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!! YPgJ41

But the husky mistook it for him playing with him and chased after it without even pausing.

Wen Mingyu didn’t want to play at all. He imagined himself having drool all over his head, and he felt severely suffocated.

Wen Mingyu roused his potential in the face of peril. He had never hopped that briskly. In order to stop the husky, he considered sprinting into the temple, changing back into human quickly, and then smashing the door shut.

He jumped and bolted, but he didn’t anticipate turning a corner and coming face to face with a familiar figure who had been at his side day and night, standing opposite him and donning opulent and majestic dragon robes. KeQ5cg

He briefly slowed down before dashing even faster to the other man and leaping into his arms. He moved with a deep sense of dependency and trust.

Mu Zhan’s eyes grew gloomy, and he didn’t think twice reaching out and embracing Wen Mingyu, who was still partially in the air, into the heart of his palm, cradling him there like a priceless treasure.

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Wen Mingyu was absolutely shielded. There was no threat at all in his five fingers. He instantly became at ease.

Husky chased him over, but there were still a few more steps to go. He abruptly broke to a stop, with a faint look of terror as he furrowed his brows at Mu Zhan while he also unconsciously took two steps back. He turned around and started running while tucking his tail between his hindlegs. IFNgV

The palace servants’ couldn’t catch him despite their best efforts, but when Mu Zhan showed his face, the household demolition devil was spooked away. While Husky was incredibly simple-minded, he recalled that the two-legged beast was extremely deadly. He knew how to run away.

Mu Zhan’s face turned icy as he fixed his gaze on the husky that was running away. Yet the hand’s pressure on him was considered gentle. They softly comforted the snow-white rabbit by gently touching its ears and rear.

When he thought of what just happened, he was overtaken by a deep rush of murderous intent. Perhaps the dog had no malice and was simply having fun—but it was an animal, after all. It responded spontaneously and without thought. What if it harmed him inadvertently?

Wen Mingyu sensed his displeasure and brushed his head against him. Mu Zhan snapped to his senses, his eyes becoming tranquil. He sternly commanded that the dog be returned to the general’s residence, along with future deliveries of its food. The rabbit was too small and easy to intimidate, while the dog was too boisterous and sloppy, making it unlikely that the servants could manage it. m2vFHP

Afterward, carrying the lop-eared rabbit, he entered Taiji Hall and requested that Zhao Dequan set the whole table.

After returning to human form, Wen Mingyu dressed himself, walked to the table, and sat down.

Wen Mingyu ate enthusiastically, as usual. The vegetables in the bowl slowly faded away in his mouth. He added another bowl and another bowl and also added a lot of dishes, before reluctantly stopping.

The rabbit ears atop his head mysteriously popped out mid-meal. We Mingyu didn’t notice it, but Mu Zhan did. YR7hnw

As Wen Mingyu had previously said, the rabbit ears and tail would only emerge abruptly under extreme emotional or physical discomfort.

Mu Zhan gave him a glance. There seemed to be nothing amiss with his mood. Then that was, for what…bodily reasons?

Coupled with Wen Mingyu’s unusual food consumption over the past few days, Mu Zhan might as well request for the imperial physician to visit and take a look.

After the meal was finished, the imperial physician showed up. He solemnly took his pulse, then said with respect that Wen-gongzi was fine and that there was no need to be concerned. BSt81U

As for the issue of food consumption, the imperial physician took out his medical book and quoted it. It was puberty in today’s terms. Adolescents typically develop their bodies and require lots of nutrients.

Although Mu Zhan’s brows gradually relaxed when the imperial physician said as much, he still had some reservations in his mind.

When the imperial physician left, he lowered his eyes in thought and, without realizing it, spotted a blade of grass on the ground.

Palace servants would clean daily, and nothing so obvious could possibly be missed, so it could only be dropped. He narrowed his eyes slightly and noticed that it was the grass that Wen Mingyu loved to eat. They were numerous and swarmed the courtyard. gy5Iac

There was more on the floor, which he found when he turned around. He eventually traced it back to the cabinet’s backside, where he saw a patch of grass that had been arranged into a semi-finished nest.

… By Wen Mingyu, perhaps?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mu Zhan frowned and became further perplexed. Although having the ability to transform into a rabbit, Wen Mingyu clearly had more human-like lifestyle habits. He should not, therefore, build a nest.

Wen Mingyu ate again in the evening. Mu Zhan very skillfully helped him rub his belly. Wen Mingyu was not the only one feeling good here. Touching the furry fur, his hand couldn’t part with it. JUcPyN

Mu Zhan steadily combed his fur and accidentally touched the vague little lump again. Soft. It appeared to be slightly swelling than before? Was he mistaking it?

When it was almost time for bed, Wen Mingyu exited the bathing pool.

Because it had been winter, the temperature had plummeted. The heater beneath the floor burned in the hall. It was as warm as spring, and he didn’t need to wear too many layers that would make him look bloated.

Wen Mingyu was just dressed in flimsy bedclothes upon going out. Water drops from his wet hair slid down his cheeks and slipped into his slightly open bodice and didn’t dry, leaving behind a faint damp halo. XAed3v

Mu Zhan’s eyes skimmed over his chest. He suddenly felt that maybe he wasn’t mistaking it.


He turned to stare at Wen Mingyu’s belly again, which was bulging slightly through his attire.

Was it the result of his overeating? The last meal had been more than four hours ago. It shouldn’t be so. Also, it was virtually impossible to put on weight after binge eating for only a brief period of time. EvFspj

If not for men having no ability to conceive, he was about to venture in a strange direction.

ChiFu: meme of Simpsons? Hooray! this is update for next week, LOL. After one more release, whether goal is finished or not, ChiFu will release two chapters because it’s very important. around May, I guess! thanks for reading~

Translator's Note

熏笼  [xūn lóng] a cage used with a smoker. Smoking cage is a bamboo shroud placed on a charcoal pot, an ancient baking and heating utensil, which can be smoked incense, smoked clothes, and smoked quilts.

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  1. I can’t believe my eyes!!!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

  2. Oohhh the next one’s going to good, isn’t it 😃. Jumping into Mu Zhan’s arms for safety felt both romantic and familial to me, so much trust there. So sweet.

  3. 地龙 here is referring to heaters under the floor (similar to Korean ondol), not the medicinal material.

    Thanks for translating this story!