The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In ProgressCh14 - More support for dog blood

Shen Liang’s reply was so serious that anyone else who had not seen it might have believed it. However, Shao Qinhan was only crazy, not foolish, and for the first time he pulled himself together to start a conversation, only to find that Shen Liang was shallow, so he was predictably quite annoyed, “Shen Liang…”

His tone was deliberately low, with a warning. 5Aigd6

Shen Liang was indifferent and continued to eat chips.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Nanny Zhang came out of the kitchen with a tray of dishes, relieving the awkwardness at the right time. She was a little surprised to see Shao Qinhan, so she asked, “Mr. Shao, are you going to have breakfast here today? Let me add another plate.”

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Shao Qinhan usually didn’t eat, or Shen Liang took the food upstairs to watch him while he ate. Anyway, he barely came downstairs.

Hearing this, Shao Qinhan got up from the sofa, looked at Shen Liang, and said coldly, “No need.” CYbABo

Who knows who he was talking to.

Shen Liang put away the bag of chips with a thud, showing no sign of trying to persuade him, raising his hand towards Nanny Zhang recklessly, “Nanny Zhang, I will eat it.”

Shao Qinhan’s face darkened.

Nanny Zhang had been in the Shao Family for many years, but she still had an eye for things. She noticed the strange atmosphere and unconsciously looked at Shen Liang, tentatively asking, “Mr. Shao, why don’t you also eat something together?”


Normal people don’t get angry about eating, but Shao Qinhan would. He said with a grim expression, “I said no.”

However, Shen Liang remained impassive, peeling eggs on his own. Whether Shao Qinhan liked to eat or not, as a bear child, he would not starve to death by not eating a couple of times.

He didn’t know that the injury was due to his hooligan attempt, and only thought it was Shao Qinhan’s intentional injury.

[Ding!] uXGexT

System gave a serious warning: [Host, please note that the villain’s blackening degree has risen to 48%.]

Shen Liang snapped, and the egg in his hand fell to the plate with a thud, “…”

# I haven’t done anything, but the degree of blackening increased inexplicably #

Just as Shao Qinhan was about to turn around and go up, Shen Liang, who had been silent, suddenly raised his head and said, “Come and eat.” 3k2M01

Shao Qinhan’s footsteps paused at his words, “I said I won’t eat.”

Shen Liang, “You don’t want to eat?”

Shao Qinhan gritted his teeth, “No!”

“Very well.” Seeing this, Shen Liang assumed that he wasn’t going to eat and buried his head to continue eating. TZzPlG

System: [Ding! Host, please note that the villain’s blackening level has risen to 49%].


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Shen Liang didn’t break down but was about to explode. He swore that he had lived for so many years and had never seen a stingy person like Shao Qinhan!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shen Liang pushed the chair away and stood up, walked straight to Shao Qinhan, grabbed him by the wrist, and dragged him to the dining table, “Eat.” ALl176

Vtjb Hlctjc rtbbx tlr tjcv, “Pa’r cbcf bo sbeg yerlcfrr.”

Vtfc Oljcu atbeuta ab tlwrfio; P vbc’a kjca ab flatfg, vbc’a lcmgfjrf sbeg yijmxfclcu lo sbe tjnf atf uear. Lf rdeffhfv Vtjb Hlctjc lcab j mtjlg, ifjcfv bnfg, jcv ibbxfv ragjluta ja tlw, vfilyfgjafis rtbklcu tlr yjcvjufv obgftfjv, “Obbx.”

Ktlr wjaafg wjvf qfbqif offi uelias.

Shao Qinhan turned his head unnaturally, avoiding Shen Liang’s nearby face. He said in a not-so-good tone, but with weakened arrogance, ” What?” 2cZEgP

Shen Liang raised his hand and lifted the hair on his forehead, showing the bandaged wound, “You did this yesterday, why did you push me?”

Shen Liang did not understand how Shao Qinhan had the face to ask, just as Shao Qinhan did not understand how Shen Liang had the face to ask why he pushed him.

Shao Qinhan remembered that Shen Liang was drunk yesterday and pressed him against the wall and kissed him. The hand on his knee unconsciously clenched, sticky sweat dripped out of his palm, and he didn’t speak for a while.

He wanted to say he didn’t do it on purpose. BmIFA5

But he couldn’t open his mouth.

Shen Liang approached him and asked again, “Why did you push me?”

Shao Qinhan looked at him angrily, thinking that Shen Liang was playing dumb, “Don’t you remember?”

Shen Liang was drunk, so of course not. He was about to say something when suddenly the doorbell rang outside, and Nanny Zhang rushed to the door, but saw a young man dressed extravagantly. U4vWSF

“Your master has finally returned from America!”

Han Shaobai started shouting even before entering the door, only after entering the room did he realize that besides Shao Qinhan there was also Shen Liang sitting inside, he slowly stopped his voice and coughed in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I was too excited to return to China and didn’t hold back… Qinhan, you have a guest.”

Han Shaobai was Shao Qinhan’s cousin, a disaster in his studies, proficient in drinking, eating, and gambling, and a typical rich kid. A few months ago, his family had sent him abroad to study business, and now he had just returned. fgoj6k

Shao Qinhan did not have the patience to deal with Han Shaobai now, “What are you doing here?”

Han Shaobai was familiar with the house, and sat down at the table, “Can’t I come here if I have nothing to do?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shao Qinhan frowned, “No.”

Han Shaobai, “…” MTHXIp

Han Shaobai had long been used to his temperament, he didn’t bother with people who were sick, seeing that they were eating breakfast, he asked Nanny Zhang to add a couple of plates and chopsticks.

“I haven’t eaten this morning, I’m starving, let’s eat together.”

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Liang calmly, thinking that he had never seen this person before. He intended to ask, but he felt that Shao Qinhan, that ice cube, would not answer, so he introduced himself.

Han Shaobai smiled at Shen Liang, “Hello, I am Han Shaobai.โ€ Od m6w

Hello, I am your father.

Shen Liang swallowed the words on his lips by force and hurriedly smiled and nodded, “Hello.”

He never imagined that he would meet another important character in the novel first thing in the morning.

As we all know, in a novel, the three essential elements surrounding the protagonist are the official male protagonist, the villain, and the secondary protagonist. i4MVWy

In “The Wrong Way of Love”, if Shao Qinhan was classified as a villain, then there was no doubt that Han Shaobai belonged to the second protagonist. This kind of character was not strictly different from the villain, both loved the protagonist to death, and the only difference was probably…

If the villain did not get him, he destroyed him, for example, Shao Qinhan.

If the second protagonist didnโ€™t get him, he would work hard, for example, Han Shaobai.

In the last part of the novel, when Shao Qinhan was about to go mad, he imprisoned Shen Yan. This was the only and last way to keep Shen Yan when he was at his limit. rmK 1u

But how could Shen Yan, a weak chicken with no power, escape?

It was at that moment that Han ShaoBai made his magnificent entrance.

He was Shao Qinhan’s cousin and could come and go in and out of Shao Mansion as he pleased. One day when he visited, he suddenly saw a man locked in a room upstairs, that is, the protagonist Shen Yan, and immediately had the bravery to rescue him.

And, in consideration of the rich dog blood novel protagonist’s law of “everyone loves me”, after a series of twists and turns, Han Shaobai also fell in love with Shen Yan. iBtb3e

Not only that, but Han Shaobai had also made โ€˜considerable contributionsโ€™ to help Shen Yan escape from Shao Qinhan’s clutches. At least he was behind Shao Qinhan’s imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital, which made the novel “The Wrong Way of Love” be branded as dog blood love.

All right, another pot of dog blood on the head.

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Suddenly, Shen Liang couldn’t eat as his head began to hurt.

It was over. He had not resolved a Su Qingyan yet and a Han Shaobai had arrived, and the difficulty of helping Shao Qinhan with Shen Yan had doubled. Was God deliberately polishing his will? dVUJm3

Shen Liang suddenly felt that he had written a super invincible rotten book, the kind that was so rotten that he could not save it.

System remained silent most of the time, but after listening to Shen Liang’s inner thoughts, he finally couldn’t help but speak: [Have you finally realized this fact?]

Shen Liang gritted his teeth, “Shut up!”

[Ok] 0MBtEd

Seeing his anger, System disappeared.

As the difficulty of the task skyrocketed, Shen Liang’s head ached so much that he couldn’t even finish his meal. He rested his head with his hand, staring at the bowl of porridge and counting the grains of rice one by one, without even taking a spoonful, with an inaudible silence.

Shao Qinhan had been secretly observing him, and when he saw this, he thought Shen Liang’s head hurt. After a long silence, he slowly extended his chopsticks and took the last egg dumpling from the plate.

Seeing this, Han Shaobai’s eyes lit up, holding the bowl eagerly, “Brother, give it to me.” 3wbI7O

At the moment, he had not yet fallen in love with Shen Yan, and he still looked like a normal bear boy.

Shao Qinhan gave him a cold look, then put the egg dumplings in Shen Liang’s bowl, then looked down and ate as if nothing had happened.

Han Shaobai held his bowl, a little sad. What he liked most was egg dumplings.

Shen Liang was one of those people who couldnโ€™t go down when others gave him the stairs, and then he jumped and fell to his death. He didn’t even look at Shao Qinhan, but directly took the egg dumplings out of the bowl and tossed it into an empty plate beside him. rnpdEL

Tsk, a stubborn author filled with dog blood.

Seeing this, Shao Qinhan clenched the hand holding the chopsticks. Just when Han Shaobai thought he would lose his temper, Shao Qinhan said nothing for the first time and ate with his head down, too calm and quiet.

A few minutes later, Shao Qinhan looked up inadvertently and saw that Shen Liang seemed to like eating pumpkin pie, and before Han Shaobai stretched his chopsticks, he grabbed the last piece and put it into Shen Liang’s bowl again.

Han Shaobai: QAQ NsKAdv

However, Shen Liang put it in the bowl next to him as before.

System silently reminded: [Host, please note that the villain’s blackening level has risen to 50%].

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shen Liang, “…”

Shen Liang wanted to be pretentious for a while longer, but hearing that, he silently extended his chopsticks and took the egg dumplings and pumpkin pie, and ate them. G0VJF9

System: [Congratulations, the villain’s blackening level has dropped to 49%].

Shen Liang was not happy at all, he just wanted to curse his mother.

Han Shaobai had a panoramic view of this scene. When he was abroad, he did not cut off contact with the country, and he learned from people in his circle that Shao Qinhan not only sponsored a poor college student but also fell in love with him very deeply.

It seems that his name is… Shen Yan? i y0QL

Han Shaobai was not convinced before. The word “love” had nothing to do with Shao Qinhan, but when he saw him today, he believed it. He had never seen Shao Qinhan give food to anyone.

He watched Shen Liang, with a bit of scrutiny.

“You… live with my brother?”

Shen Liang raised his head, thinking, they not only lived together but also slept together. He wiped his mouth, looked warily at Shao Qinhan, and replied perfunctorily, “Well, something like that.” FS6wmT

Han Shaobai seemed to be sure of something, “Your name is Shen Yan?”

Shen Yan your mother.

Shen Liang thought, why do these two have the same virtue? He held his chin, looked up, and corrected, “Shen Liang.”


The author has something to say:

Han Shaobai: Shen Liang?

Shen Liang: Call me Dad.

6 RgyA

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  1. Pleaseeee not the silent treatment ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ All it does is to make the other person feel guilty and miserable. I hope they learn to communicate and talk about their problems openly.