Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh68 - Netherworld 101


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  1. Lu Xu being amazing as usual~

    Ah, but I spot a little Film Emperor feeling neglected as he stares at the text that wasn’t replied to… XD

  2. Really good for reading. I love luxu so much and want to know more and more. Also F4 are so adorable. I would definitely vote for them to be the idol group for sure. They are really deserved it. Thank you for your good work. Looking for new chapter patiently

  3. Ahh, finally these four get a chance to perform!! Also, welcome back and good luck w/ school!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. Thanks for the chapter (●´ω`●) and take your time to rest.

    I definitely understand what school is like, so relax, we can wait <3 .

  5. Yay~ welcome back ٩( >ヮ<)۶ I missed those bunch of ghosts and friends xDD

    Thx for the ch and I wish you guys still good luck with your school stuff (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

  6. As a fellow student myself I get it, so take care translator-nim 🙆🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ thank u for the update

  7. I’m happy those four will get a chance to perform again, but it’s too bad they’ll be going somewhere else now, I really do like them. Still, what they wanted from life will be way easier to achieve where people can see them! And I like that Ji Xiunian is starting to question more of the things he can see, and why he should be able to see them, it’ll be good to get his side of things

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  8. As a teacher, I need to tell you ” studies first !” as a reader, well… No, no I will not be selfish : studies first, studies first, studies first !

    Thank for the translation.

  9. Thanks for the update! Best of luck with school – I remember those times and nearing the end of another year was Not Fun. Hope everything goes well for you!! 😀

  10. “What kind of people can see ghosts? Other than mediums, they’re all mostly people on the brink of death.”

    Nian ge, who’s not a medium: 👁️👄👁️

  11. Haha! The F4 are ready to move on. I’m going to miss their commentary if they leave. Thanks for the chapter!

  12. Wait is Tao Yingbo’s wish already fulfilled? I remember his was different from the other three F4 members

  13. Awww I will miss them a lot… I hope they’ll still appear

    Anyway the trainees are all wholesome no shitheads and I love it uwu