Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh63 - Suspicion


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  1. I know Lu Xu doesn’t mean anything by it but oof that gaslighting. Love his casual “maybe later I’ll take your life,” even if I guess he did technically save Ji Xiunian from certain death there, he even caused an error in the app. Although…supernatural deaths are something he’s supposed to prevent, right? It’s against the rules for them to harm the living, I thought, though the cause of death could quite naturally have been the ocean rather than the evil spirit dragging him down. Lu Xu must be planning to tell Ji Xiunian something about his unusualness by now, right? Or else why would he sit alone in Ji Xiunian’s room in the dark? Please tell me you know that’s very abnormal behavior, Lu Xu haha

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  2. Well…it’s not just going to be JXN thinking about that underwater kiss for the next 1839018 years… I too will be thinking about it a lot, at random or the wrong times, like the middle of class ( ;∀;)

  3. So, the “Master Lu Xu” didn’t go unnoticed it just wasn’t mentioned.

    Nian ge, isn’t the grim reaper in front of you tall and full of muscles? Isn’t Ba Mei a bad omen covered in black? :3

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و Oh gosh, I’m so hyped for the next chapter hahaha.


    i absolutely agree that JXN would think about their underwater kiss for a long time lol rip his sleep schedule 👀

    thanks for the chapter~ 💕

  5. I really want to draw the underwater kiss but my art skill said no😞

    Anyways AHHHHHH I binged read this but alas I have to wait now ermrmmmmm Begging for Lu Xu to disclose his identity now pretty pls

  6. I think Ji Xiunian has figured out Lu Xu’s identity. To be fair, Lu Xu never lied to Ji Xiunian. But he did mislead people and keep a huge part of his identity secret from Ji Xiunian. Which. Isn’t the best way to start a relationship, even if the circumstances are understandably unusual. I wonder how Ji Xiunian will take this revelation. Thanks for the update!

  7. Idk why but ever since Ml Ji said that he could feel Lan Gaojie close to dying i had this feeling that Ml could be a Grim Reaper after he dies