Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh62 - The Order Has Expired


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Translator's Note

damn it in this case literally translates to “seeing ghosts” but it’s commonly used as an expletive

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  1. Then what about those poor ghost that have been waiting all these years? Did Lu Xu send them? So worrying 😟

  2. Lu Xu got to see how Ji Xiunian has been surviving for so long! Or at least part of it, I still feel like there are more layers to why things keep almost happening to him. And he did indeed decide it wasn’t right for Ji Xiunian to die now because of him, especially since death comes for everyone eventually. There was so much great imagery in this chapter, dissipating the specter, breathing into him as they sink closer to death, the dark water a vortex of the departed swirling around them… Mm, good. Ji Xiunian now has the thought that kissing Lu Xu is really wonderful, that life or death doesn’t matter much if he’s with Lu Xu, and Lu Xu is claiming Ji Xiunian as his even beyond guiding him to the afterlife, such amazing progress on both ends

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  3. I’m glad I take time to build up the chapters otherwise the cliffhanger will make me anxious!

    Also yes, kiss kiss fall in love~

    Ji Xiunian thinking it’s okay as long as Lu Xu is fine / as long as Lu Xu is there, meanwhile Lu Xu is thinking this mortal is insane for wanting to save him / (“He’s mine!!”). This chapter is very good 😭

    Thank you for the great translation! 💙

  4. Ji Xiunian Don’t know about priorities hahaha a mix of Lan Zhan and also Binghe idk worst than a pup hahaha

    Thank you for the chapter~

  5. “He’s mine.” This one-liner is such an Iconic line. Like, tf, either Lu Xu is a power bottom or a power switch. I STAN. <3

  6. This chapter was so exciting, in many ways. I got very nervous when the ghosts(?) started pulling the ML down, but thankfully the MC saved him, he even claimed property!

    I’m excited to read the next chapter. I wonder how the Grim Reaper departament covers up supernatual incidents like these? Going the route of ‘it’s just your imagination’ or erasing their memories of these events?

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  7. the fact that in his moment of death Nian saw Lu Xu and was happy he was alive made me cry… Nian is so selfless and caring.

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  8. First kiss! Ahh!!! Lu Xu called Ji Xiunian his! I am very interested to see how Lu Xu explains this! I wonder what that creature was? And how Lu Xu will take care of it? Thanks for the update!

  9. People, now that’s the start of Lu Xu always delaying his husband’s death.

    AAAAAAAAAAA That was so good! The imagery is so perfect, the way Lu Xu said “He’s mine”, the kiss omgsnxynsyzuzbsbs (me making ugly pig shrieks), and how Ji Xiunian is so pure and good that he is willing to sacrifice his life for his wifey.


  10. This chapter was beyond beautiful. The moment Ji Xiunian smiled with relief when he saw Lu Xu my heart just died ahhh it was sooo sweet. Also Lu Xu is a total goner at this point. I can just imagine him using the “It’ll happen later anyway” excuse to keep delaying his death!😆 T

  11. The underwater scene was truly beautiful and mesmerizing! (TwT)

    Both of them couldn’t bear to see the other person dead. I especially loved the kiss scene and the feeling they gave off. o(≧w≦)o

  12. Noooo when I read tl’s note “kiss kiss fall in love” my brain and mouth automatically sing ouran high school host club op🤣🤧💖💖💖 anyways, ml is finally falling in love 🤣

  13. Noooo when I read tl’s note “kiss kiss fall in love” my brain and mouth automatically sing ouran high school host club op🤣🤧💖💖💖