Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh49 - Singing in the Underworld


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  1. AhhHh! Of course JXN would coach LX’s team, they’re bound by fate~

    LX’s really bathing in the limelight even though he said this idol thing was temporary huh 🤭…GO LU XU WOOO

  2. Turns out he knew the original singer (´⊙ω⊙`)! I somehow didn’t expect it

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  3. Lol yeah if living and dying are the same who would be so eager to die 😅

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. Damn, Zhang Jiamu was one hell of a dude :0 And lolol kinda had the feeling Lu Xu would know him

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. That’s cool that he meet the artist, concerts after death would be great hahaha!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  6. I’m glad that Lu Xu’s giving Zhang Jiamu’s song a chance to be interpreted correctly! For thrill-seekers and those who believe firmly in the existence of an experienceable after, it really isn’t that unusual to decide death is just the next adventure… Although to be fair to everyone else, it’s absolutely true that many people who appear happy are actually struggling, not to mention how genius can lead to ennui. In any case, Lu Xu is in a position to know the truth, so it’s good everyone will get to see his version! I hope Fan Zeng appreciates a performance of the song that celebrates how cool the composer always was instead of making too much of his death

    Thank you for translating! <3

  7. I didn’t expect that Lu Xu would know the author of monster, so he was a client of his, huh? This chapter really got me thinking… Not every person that seeks for suicide is unhappy, and not every person that seeks to continue living is happy.

    I wonder, maybe death isn’t the end of it all, afterall? Maybe it’s just another start. Wow. This novel really makes you think about it’s theme, it feels kinda special.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  8. Ooh this really gives you a different perspective of suicide and dying huh also lmao nor surprised that Lu Xu knows the guy what with him also being famous and being chased by the ghosts HAHAHAHA i wonder what ZJ thinks about Lu Xu becoming an idol HAHAHAHA he’ll probably help Lu Xu compose songs

    thanks for the chapter~ 💚

    • could it be that he helped lu xu with his first stage? after all lu xu mentioned someone who passed lol (could be wrong, just a wild guess)

  9. Hahaha! Holding concerts even after he died. This guy sounds interesting. I hope Lu Xu and the rest of his group can do it justice.

  10. Ahaha, somehow I expected this, but it’s still fun to read~ I was really hoping he’d go for the “exciting” vibe for the song. Can’t wait to see how everyone else reacts to it!