Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh26.2 - It Likes You Too


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Translator's Note

jianghu dialect/hong kong movie slang denoting a gang leader

Translator's Note

internet slang for squeeze, rub, pat

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  1. Of course ehehehe like owner like pet (≧▽≦)

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  2. AHH Ba Mei! Too cute! I’m not surprised everyone is enamored with him!

    and the ghost F4 worried that they scared him! heart eyes

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Ba Mei: Aha, so you are the pig who’s here to eat my family’s cabbage (LX)? Laozi will pit you with my belly floofs~

  4. [@Gu Gu Ten Thousand Tomorrows: Wah, I can’t help but let my imagination go crazy, what if Ba Mei is actually some kind of peerless genius soul, with the body of a cat and the soul of a human, and then transforms into a cool heroine, ahahaha]


  5. I stan Ba Mei! What a cute kitty! The program director must be so happy. Lu Xu and Ba Mei driving traffic. I bet Ba Mei can see the ghosts. It would explain why the trainee who jumoed from F to A would avoid him. I wonder if Ba Mei will need to save Ji Xiunian from something supernatural? I kind of want the ghostly F4 to have a chance to debut. Thanks for the update!

  6. Ba mei is too cute, just reading about it makes me happy