Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh15 - Picture for the Memories


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  1. [Ji Xiunian’s finger rubbed against that mark, and unconsciously used his strength to…]

    My mind instantly went gory thoughts when I saw this part 🙈 Like did he unconsciously use his strength to pinch off a bit of flesh or?? ^^; istg my mind is messed up today 🙈🙈

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. My guess is that ji xiuinian is cursed or was born with a bad body constitution like the Bai Mu boy in Psychic. but the thing is, should he never been born and that’s why these things are haunting him or, by avoiding death when he was 1 year old he kinda messed up with his fate…..?

  3. ai the nostalgia for talent search shows 😂

    thanks for the chapter!!

  4. Is JXN’s mark something like a bad luck mark? I think the only reason he’s still alive is because of the protective talisman or treasure his mother gave him

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. I’m starting to think that Ji Xiunian isn’t entirely human. If he’s got some kind of special power… maybe he can get rid of the curse mark. If it’s even a curse mark? His life should get easier since ghosts won’t bother him with Lu Xu nearby. I hope they all debut! Thanks for the chapter.

  6. OHHH ji xiunian sounds very interesting!!

    also Lu Xu’s roundabout way of getting Xiunian’s phone number..lmaoooo

    get your future husband’s phone number – achievement GET

  7. “Alone till old age, either death or injury.” – well, the prediction wasn’t wrong, when JX will literally be flirting with a messenger of death XD XD XD

  8. Love that Lu Xu isn’t supernaturally talented in dance. Guess he’s gonna be supernaturally talented in learning tho, can’t wait to see his progress!