Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh16 - I Know the Answer to This


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  1. Ahh JXN can see ghost? I thought he only can see like dark shadows or stuff like that.

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. JXN…If you never see them before, the best course of action is to not bring it up since it has nothing to do with you, honey. For now, dearie, I suggest you run…run straight into LX’s arms~~

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. “Not only did his luck take a turn after meeting Lu Xu, the demons and ghosts by his side had dispersed.” huh.. So this is what it meant🧐

    Thank you for the update~

  4. Well, that’s an interesting development! Nian ge can see ghosts too!

    Lu Xu being respectful to the ghosts and promising to help is so nice.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. Ji Xiunian can see them too! Ahhh! Maybe Lu Xu can get some help fulfilling this order. Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Aww, I would gladly go the the reencarnation road if Lu Xu was the one taking me 😌

    I don’t know if I should laugh or feel bad for Nian ge

  7. Wait is he only now able to see ghosts? I feel if he’d had this power all along he’d have noticed earlier.