Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh10 - Meow Meow Meow Meow


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  1. I forgot about his cat (I’m sorry) and I chuckled when he called it (灬♥ω♥灬)

    Thank you for the update!

  2. Ba Mei is such a smart boy!!!

    Thanks for the translation!

  3. The others all had one VJ assigned to three or four dorm rooms, while Lu Xu and the rest had one VJ each.

    What is a VJ?? 😅

  4. Yay! Ba Mei appeared again!

    And oh no, the building’s ghosts are making their entrance now?? The last line gave me goosebumps ngl

    Thank you for the chapter ♥️

  5. That was the cutest effing thing! As a fellow cat person, I am absolutely in love with Ba Mei! Give her more screen time and her own story. She can just meow meow purr purr meow meow all day, thank you.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  6. Honestly I thought the title alluded to that Miao Miao song hhhhhhh.

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  7. Honestly, if I could call my cats and they were smart enough to answer a phone, I would be the happiest woman on the planet. 😂 I honestly loved that he called his cat. And how everyone is just under this conception that Lu Xu is a beautiful but pitiful orphan boy, but he’s really a supernatural entity that’s over 200 yrs old! 🤣👍

  8. I just binge read this and I love it!! Ba Mei!!! 😍

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  9. Lu Xu calling Ba Mei is the most hilarious thing ever, I really like Lu Xu. He’s so calm and gives us that charming vibes only death could give.