PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh76 - It’s not unreasonable for me to hate the rich


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Divi: When someone joins your party in LoL, it would be the sound of a flag unraveling type of thing.

Anyone in the party can invite anyone else to join the party, even in closed parties. It’s not like PUBG where only the party leader can invite.

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LXH uses he

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Divi: Of course there are other healers like Sona, Rakan, Yuumi or Nami, but Soraka has one skill that heals and also has a global heal ultimate. So she is no doubt, a healer support. (Also PUBG was written before Yuumi was released)

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lee sin

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Divi: To gank means to help catch people off guard and to turn the 2v2 situation into a 3v2 situation so they can “gang kill”

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Divi: Lee Sin’s Q skill is a skill shot, if it hits the enemy target, he can hit Q again to teleport to their side. If he misses, well, he can’t jump to their side. It doesn’t automatically let him teleport to

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Divi: thresh 5X3zRd

He’s a support champion that is mostly crowd control (his hook and ultimate that slows people and shields).

Thresh’s Q skill is a hook, that interrupt an enemy’s skill/locks them in place and drags them back.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

So the author wrote “at the same time” which is wrong. It had to happen AFTER Lee Sin hit his Q, or else the damage is cancelled.

Translator's Note

Divi: So, in actual ranked game play, Yi Chen made a huge misplay.

While it is still fine because Yu Yan, the ADC ended up with 2 kills while the other enemy ADC killed only 1; it would be best if Yu Yan got 2 kills and the enemy ADC got 0.

All in all, they are up 1 kill, but Lu Xiuhe will probably be disadvantageous compared to the enemy jungler since he’s dead for like 30 seconds.

Translator's Note

Divi: The actual line is: 他一顿操作猛如虎,打出伤害二百五后 7Jumio

This is a meme. It’s basically saying how Lu Xiuhe’s gameplay was near perfect, but he didn’t have enough damage to kill “causing only 250 damage”. League of legend champions have about 500-600+ base HP to start, so trying to translate it literally as “250 damage” is inaccurate.

Of course, there are other ways to interpret this line, but in this situation, it’s describing how Lu Xiuhe got shafted since he couldn’t secure the kill.

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Divi: This is Thresh’s ultimate ability which creates a pentagonal prison, that slows the enemy champions that pass through the walls by 99% and deals magic damage to you.

It doesn’t actually lock you down, just slows you lmao.

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Divi: The summoner ability that refreshes every 5 minutes that lets you teleport a short distance

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Divi: Soraka’s Q ability is an AoE (area of effect) skill that hits multiple enemies in the target range. It also heals and grants bonus movement speed to Soraka.

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Divi: So, normally, you want the ADC to get the kills because they are your carry. Unless the ADC couldn’t secure the kill, then you’d want the jungler to get the kill… The support usually doesn’t want to steal kills because it’s objectively not as useful. 2lieQG

So here, Yi Chen just kill stole from Lu Xiuhe (who did most of the damage work) and also took the bounty gold from the ADC.

You get 300 gold for the kill. The assist gold is 150g divided among the players who assisted. (In this case, 75g per kill)

So Yi Chen got 600 gold
Yu Yan and Lu Xiuhe got 150g each.

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Divi: warwick

Warwick is a Jungler/Toplaner that has a passive ability that lets him see the shortest path to killing a champion that currently has less than 50% of their HP. He marks them as blood hunted and it lets him gain attack speed and hp when hitting that target.

This person’s essentially saying he’s a blood-thirsty support, as he’s killing people and not healing his team. But in reality, when you play high level league, the support players are always trying to do damage.

Translator's Note

Divi: To be extended in LoL terms means to go beyond the your safe area. If you are over-extended it means that you are most likely in enemy territory without vision and it is super easy for the enemy to kill you because you can’t see them easily but they can just gang up on you. If you’re closer to your own side, you wouldn’t be extended because you can retreat to your tower range to prevent enemies from chasing you.

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Divi: Lucian’s ultimate ability is a long-range spam of bullets that extend straight from where the Lucian is standing/moving. You normally want to dodge side ways rather than running straight down.

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Divi: Tristana’s W skill is a “rocket jump” which lets her land on a target area and deals damage upon landing. It is both a movement skill, and a damage skill that is normally used to engage/disengage.

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Divi: So, from the perspective of the people running away, Tristana just jumped behind Soraka. From the aspect of the enemy team, he just landed in front of Soraka.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

All in all, he just blocked the last shots of Lucian’s ultimate

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Divi: Gives +40 AD (attack damage). A very good upgrade for ADC’s in early game.

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Divi: Well, without details I have to say this is wrong.

Yu Yan had previously gotten a double kill before, so his bounty is already at the same level. Since the author didn’t say he died in between, I assume it’s still there. 1cVvpi

Also the bounty is supposed to be 450 gold for 2 consecutive kills with no deaths, not 400 gold.

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Link here

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Link here

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Divi: There are 6 item slots plus the trinket (free). Normally, you buy items that build into other, complete items so the amount of item slots is never an issue really… For the amount of gold you realistically get in the game from kills and minions and towers…

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The developer and publisher of League of Legends They are owned by Tencent (since 2017).

Translator's Note

LoL items are built with “recipes”, so the “ingredients” are the weaker, cheaper items that build into the bigger item. One item can be used for many different recipes, so even if you start with the smaller item, you don’t always build it into the same thing. o3EBH

These basic recipe “component” items are often cheaper and combined into more advanced “component” items which get built into the finished items, which are the Ardent Censer and Redemption.

Here’s a list of finished items:

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  1. Thank you for the after.. ☺☺

    As someone who don’t play games I really appreciated all the notes.. ❤❤

  2. Little Fairy is hilarious and Lu Xiuhe’s way of throwing a tantrum is kinda cute too 😋

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  3. yes!! legit skills are really attractive plus bragging rights lol

    thanks for the chapter ^^

  4. N here i am who play games that need money :”). I cant play things like pubg and such

  5. Divi, agreeing with everything you said.

    Thanks for new chapter, Juurensha and Divi!

  6. I am loving the interactions between LXH and his “gf” xD But I wonder, how exactly did LXH catch his “gf’s” eyes 🤔 Either way, the “gf” is freaking hilarious! (Boss Yi wanting to buy his way through tho xD)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  7. I was wondering the same thing as what juurensha mentioned since Huan Huan used any and every opportunity to get back money he spent on the game from the game maker. 😂

  8. We all know YanYan was just using an excuse to save boss Hi. Has double kill bounty my ass… I’m more of a DotA player so I’m not as familiar with heroes. Tho I did play LoL for a year say back in 2015 so I know the OG heroes, lux, Warwick, Sona, yi.. it’s pretty fun reading and able to visualize how the game is played

  9. Lol can’t wait to see Yanyan call out boss Yi’s name 🙈

    Tbh I don’t mind the I’m only bent for you trope but hate the one like LXH’s online ‘gf’. He’s a freaking stalker that can’t accept no as no. I hope they won’t end up together 😣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

    • I feel the same thing, I’m impressed that Lu Xiuhe didn’t quit the match as soon as he saw his “gf”. I feel that if the “gf” had a better personality i could accept him, but no, he seems an arrogant guy whom catfished someone and got refused yet didn’t stop pestering the already broken heated guy. I feel sorry for lu xiuhe, I wanted him to have a better partner

  10. The rich is truly an enemy of the poor in mmorpg game, especially the one like ragnarok or seal 🤣🤣, we cannot compete at all since if u want to be strong spend some money bby 🤣🤣.. Thats why i love my moba, money is not the way to win bby 😌😌

  11. It should be funny, but I don’t like Lu Xiuhe is forced to play with the Pink guy If he doesn’t want to.

    Hehe. Yanyan is biased, no matter What game they’re playing.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  12. I hate p2w :’D Okay… I’m not a fan of MP games either xDD

    I have a question… who invited little fairy into their party? LXH didn’t want to see him, Yanyan was chatting with LXH when he entered.. was it Boss Yi?

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/ And I always feel that Divi is a really good gamer xD (If I’m wrong.. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ be happy? xDD)

  13. Thanks for the notes cos they help me understand what’s going on better 🙂

    Lol at the I’m a girl voice

  14. Somehow i pity MC’s sidekick friend…😑 He is a good person and friend but really simple, silly and innocent in heart 😳

  15. Well, since the guy catfished LXH, he’s got a lot of groveling to do if he wants to convince LXH to give him a chance. So it’s not surprising that he would bow his head and play along.

    I don’t really like it when one of the people in a pairing deceives the other about their gender. Accidentally, or through misunderstandings, or not realizing the other person has feelings for them and they’re pretending to be the opposite gender is one thing; but deliberately deceiving someone about your gender to have a relationship with them isn’t okay. People can’t control their sexuality; if you’re not sexually attracted to women, there’s no point in dating one; because you’re sexually incompatible, so unless you’re okay with having a physically platonic relationship, it isn’t going to work. If you’re not sexually attracted to men, there’s no point in dating one of them either, for the same reason. It’s just really rude and ignorant. It’s not homophobic for a straight guy to be pissed that a gay man lied about his gender to trick him into an online relationship; it’s as bad as a woman deceiving a gay man into believing that she’s also a man in order to have an online relationship. People can’t help their sexuality, and it’s completely awful to try to force them into a relationship with the wrong gender.

    So not really shipping LXH much with that dude.