The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh231 - Free Time (1)


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Translator's Note

Just to clarify, the challenge is given to players when they enter the top ten.

Translator's Note

OG term = 伤心者; Someone who is heartbroken/grieving/deeply hurt

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  1. Deep Blue sounds like a hotel or something underwater. Though it might also be related to the sky, or something within the instance I can’t guess.

    Also, A Fei being targeted means the cod knows about his ‘seven sins’ ghost from the evil system or what it was. But it doesn’t seem to know the extent of A Fei’s abilities.

    And A Fei called Sandman Guanyue, how nice~ look, he takes his boyfriend’s words to heart~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. knowing the bs that cod pulls, i wouldn’t be surprised if deep blue ended up being an underwater instance with merpeople or something and a fei was a human disguised as a merman and the only player that couldn’t breathe underwater

  3. Woohoo its finally here, Deep Blue!

    I’m super looking foward to this arc!

    The MTL was a mess but it was enough to give me the shivers, I’m so happy that the day I can read this in legible english is coming close!

    Hahaha, the system elves are so funny together

  4. Deep blue has so many meanings god whos what’s gonna happen xD But I do wanna assume they’ll go to a high-end instance next since they’ve been in a funeral, classic apartment horror, ancient-fantasy banquet, survival island, apocalypse, becoming ‘insects’, infinite horror, and now murder mystery, I reallyyyyy hope the next one is interstellar vibe xD