Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh16 - Shizun, I’m Scared


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Translator's Note

鸳鸯春情酒 – it’s an aphrodisiac

Translator's Note

七日合欢 – another one

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  1. The feeling that all disciplines are one gong is becoming stronger .

    And yes here we have system that have the least amount of plot time

  2. Either all the gongs are one super yandere gong (RIP JYH!), or CY is the ML. CY reminded me of the ML in Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun” this chapter. The whole “I’m cute and innocent but just massacred some folks” thing. Can’t deny liking this type!

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  3. “Jiang Yinghe smiled. ‘Isn’t it because of your upright morals? But since the Dao is natural, following the intentions of Heaven can also be considered righteous.'”

    Is the Jiang Yinghe here correct or is it Tong Guiyu? Thank you for the translation and the chapter!

  4. Haha changye reminded me of luo binghe in svsss…I’m still rooting for li huanhan😍

  5. Im extremely worried right now. Does these guys realize that they will be the one hurting their most precious person the most with theor deceipts and fakeness. Especially you Cheng Ye. Though those fools were indeed dispicable and did not know their place (ugh how dare them thought of drugging Shizun) but, uwuuu.. Im so sad for the pure JHY. 😐

  6. I am looking forward for more “system”, it seems a bit idle lately. I wonder if it has some regrets haha

  7. To break the tense atmosphere, Tong Guiyu spoke out. “Since the innocence of Comrade Cheng and Peng Lai has been proven, Protector Liu, you may continue

    Shouldn’t it be comrade Li, since he was the one fighting, or Jiang, sine LHH was defending his honor? Cheng Ye is not known to the outside world yet.

  8. You know, I can’t help imagine Luo Binghe as Li Huanhan, Hua Cheng as Qin Jun, and Wei Wuxian as Chang Ye. Or is it just me? 😅