PeachCh72 - Jumping Off a Cliff


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Translator's Note

I have never heard of this address (师叔祖) before, but based on first principles, it should mean that the old nun is two generations up from Yu Linglong and is not her direct master.

Translator's Note

Recap that this means ‘younger sister’.

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  1. Not only come back but also find a mysterious healer who always somehow lived under the cliff and gain incredible martial arts!! Go go Qiqi!!

    • Well, of course. After all, how do you become an excellent mysterious healer without plenty of people to practice healing on? It’s necessary to live under a popular cliff, so there’s an endless supply of jumpers to hone one’s healing skill on. Those that survive the experience, naturally, must pay their debt to the healer by teaching him or her their secret martial arts methods, so that the person has had plenty of time to collect skills, which are then honed and refined by defending their ‘laboratory’ (cliff) from all the supernatural scavenger beasts that want to live there to feast on well-tenderized, tasty cultivator jumpers… If a doctor wants to lay claim to the best cliffs, they must be both an extraordinary martial artist AND a miracle healer!
  2. Like the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Wei Wuxian, my favorite example!

    Haha I doubt the palanquin bearers would encourage their future dragon queen to jump to his death lol especially since his Phoenix just has the one tail feather 🤣

  3. But, but, what happened to our fairy? Where is she? D:

    The idea of the founder of the Suxin Sect was nice, sad that the later generations destroyed it all… let’s just hope that the Yu sisters will leave too.

    Thx for the ch and an advanced HNY to you too ٩( >ヮ<)۶


    🦅: “Why don’t you just fly?” OvO.

    😉. Thank you & Happy New Year. 🎉

  5. All the best! Hahahaha! Hoping a happy ending to those who jumped…🤣

    Happy New Year 2022! Thanks for translating this fabulous story.

  6. Happy New Year! I hope 2022 treats you well!
    Ah, the falling from a cliff/building/etc trope. A favorite way to kill characters off in the Disney movies, a non-threatening plot device in Chinese stories. Hard to be too worried here- its obvious the last thing these palanquin bearers would do would be to endanger Dan Yi’s intended.
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  7. I think Yuhu might be that little girl that we saw in initial chapters talking with Qiqi about which sect to join…i think

    Thanks for the chapter ❤