PeachCh71 - Retribution


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Translator's Note

Daxia means ‘hero’ or ‘warrior’. It’s usually used to refer to male martial artists.

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  1. 👧🏻 ☺️: “Remember me? You gave a handkerchief to me.”

    🐦: “Shameless!”

    😆 Thank you & Happy Holidays.

  2. Oh boy, little girl is here means little red bird is jealous lol. But hey, I didn’t expect the aunt to stab the nun.

    Thanks for the update!!!

  3. I am a little surprised at the small act of redemption on Cheng Jiazhen’s part. I do suppose that as long as you have a sliver of decency in you seeing your shameful behavior on repeat in your head might allow for a chance at changing for the better, even if it does come in too little, too late form. This last act meant something, even if it doesn’t bring back an innocent murdered soul or remove the years of abuse and neglect from the child who was her responsibility.
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

    • Yea I thought that part was quite realistic! Most people aren’t all good or all bad they way they are in Disney movies. Cheng Jiazhen found herself in terrible circumstances and acted very badly within those bad circumstances, but at least she found it within herself to try and make amends when she realised the error of her ways…

      • It’s actually pretty rare to see more nuanced villains, which is a real shame when the main point of so many transmigration novels is the replacement of a cannonfodder villain or mob character archetype. It adds so much realism and depth to a story to have believable people and plots!