PeachCh54 - Long and Short


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Translator's Note

Hongbao, or red packets, are gifts of money packed in decorative red-coloured envelopes that the older generation gives to the younger generation on special occasions. There is a mass gifting of hongbao over the New Year, but it can also be given on other occasions, like birthdays, or to ward off bad luck or as thanks.

Translator's Note

Recap that Changjian means “long sword”.

Translator's Note

Recap that Duanjian means “short sword”.

Translator's Note

Changduan Hill means Long-Short Hill.

Translator's Note

Chopping off a chicken head and burning yellow paper before a deity was a means by which the ancient Chinese (and even some modern Chinese) swear blood oaths. Apparently, some Chinese politicians still do so to protest their innocence during election campaigns…

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  1. Chen Ziqi, you sneaky sneaky boy! He’s so smart in so many ways, and so dumb in so many others.

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  2. Pfft. That author’s note about the mini-theatre HAHAHAHAHHA

    Also, Qiqi being cunning never fails to make me laugh hahahah. He’s got them at the palm of his hands, most of the time.

  3. Oh my. 😳 That mini-theater, particularly those emoticons, was so explicit! I see what you did there with the * and o … 🤭
    Qiqi’s plan deserves so much credit. That took some creative thinking! Hahaha!
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  4. Chen Ziqi is always putting his Divine Chicken on its back, and Dan Yi has gotten comfortable squirming around in his Qiqi’s clothes 😄.

  5. Won’t Chen Ziqi and the truth about Changduan Hill be easily find out? Like what if they ask the older generations and revealed that there’s really no such thing as Changduan Hill? Idk. And idk how to best describe/ask what I really wanna ask in English. But yget the point.

    • I think if they were smart enough to figure that out they wouldn’t have been puzzled when Chen Ziqi first approached them. Hmmm, why is the guy who now owns the town we usually have big destructive fights in stopping us before we could start another big destructive fight in the town he now owns? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

      Plus the Changjian and Duanjian sects are the only ones who actually care about this hill, and Chen Ziqi has access to a bunch of places they don’t where he could have seen a map with Changduan Hill on it. Which gives him a lot of room to lie. “Oh yeah, not surprising that these 100 year-olds don’t remember Changduan hill, the map I was looking in the Lushan Sect/Imperial Palace/watever at was 200 years old.”

  6. Slfjdksld the theatre for this one killed me ahahahahah! Good luck, future Qiqi uwu

    We Stan a clever king, omg. Since there was no hill, he made one. Amazing honestly, we love a non violent solution!

    Thank you for the chapters! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  7. Now, he just needs to build a covered viewing pavilion with ample seating, and sell tickets to the annual melee spectacle…