PeachCh42 - Bamboo Honey


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Translator's Note

The literal translation of this is Highest Heavens Waist Ornament.

Translator's Note

This is technique where a martial artist punches out with the flat of his palm and makes wind, e.g. by making a candle flame go out.

Translator's Note

Similar to palm winds, just that instead of punching with the flat of your palm, it’s a standard punch with the hand curled up into a fist.

Translator's Note

The hou yuan is the equivalent of a hougong in a residence – it’s where the wives and concubines of the master of the house are kept, out of the public eye. Its literal meaning is “back garden”.

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  1. Beauties: excited I wonder what the Palace Master will ask of us?

    Beauty 1: blushes Will he ask us to xxx or xxx?

    Beauty 2: ahhhh, I wonder if he’ll hold me in his arms when xxx-ing…

    Dan Yi: arrives and looks at the beauties with a cold and calculating gaze

    Beauties: swoons We greet the Palace Master. Please command us on how we can serve you best. tries to look alluring

    Dan Yi: inspects them

    Beauties: anticipating

    Dan Yi: Hmmm, all of you will do. You can do it all together.

    Beauties: internal scream AHHH he’s going to choose all of us? At the same time? His tastes sure are out of this world…

    Dan Yi: waves a hand Bring those things I asked for in.

    Beauties: nervously anticipating What will he gift to us? Is it to do with being his lover/concubine? Maybe something for when we do that?

    Dan Yi: Hand it out.

    Beauties: receives a pair of work clothes and farming tools Palace Master?

    Dan Yi: smiles Take good care of this mountain. Make sure to dig out the freshest and fattest worms for me. Also, ensure that the bamboos will grow well and that the bees will produce the sweetest honey.

    Beauties: internal roar FML!

    Dan Yi: Make sure that everything is taken care of before my blushes wife arrives.

    Beauties: dead inside


    Qiqi: eye twitches Errm, ge, don’t you think you’re being too harsh with your hou yuan?

    Dan Yi: pouts angrily Why? Did you take a fancy to them?!

    Qiqi: sweat drops

    Beauties: still dead inside We wanna go home…

  2. What’s more convenient than a deaf High Priest being sent over? He can ignore anything he doesn’t want to answer with a ready made excuse (I’m seriously hoping he’s just faking the whole deaf thing because that would be even funnier!) and it’s good justice for the High Priest being ignored for so many years! Call that karma.
    Qiqi over here like- We’re best buddies. Just good pals who cuddle and sleep in the same bed and kiss and… great, great friends. Brothers perhaps. Getting married? No no, this ring is just signifying us becoming permanent roommates. The bestest of friends. 🤣
    Thanks for your hard work translating!
  3. Tbh I’d dig for worms if it meant I was taken care of, had food, and wasn’t gonna be touched by the emperor ┐(´ー`)┌ seems like a good deal to me!!

    Lol step .05 in Tiande getting his due~ we love to see a slow progression of his downfall~

    Dan Yi worked hard!! Poor baby keeps being embarrassed by his Wifey’s words ahahahah!

    Thank you for the chapter!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  4. Just cought up! Thank you for translating! They are so sweet and cute. I love how they have known eachother since they were small and their interaction is just adorable.

  5. “Tiande Emperor” is soon gonna get his deserved retribution. Hmm! I’ll see how long he can last on the throne snort