The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh28 - Hundred battles, undefeated


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Translator's Note

Keep in the sugar baby sense… hehehe…

Translator's Note

A younger female disciple

Translator's Note

An older male disciple

Translator's Note

A type of sword used in fencing.

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  1. Xiao Shao is using his real looks there, huh?!!! I wonder if the second place is his little brother.

    Lin Shu’s behaviour to Ling Fengxiao’s pampering: If the rich woman wants to pamper me, then go ahead. 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Go Shimei -er I mean Lin Shu! Let’s see how far you can go in rank!

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. Lin Shu you’ll be very suprise that Xiao Shiao is actually your future wife Ling Fengxiao… I’m sure that’s him 🤣🤣🤣

  4. “It can’t be my rich wife, this is a man!” Said the person who looks like beautiful shimei rn despite being a dude in the real world