The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh177 - Phoenix Has Appeared


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Translator's Note

 箫韶九成,凤凰来仪- Xiāo sháo jiǔ chéng, fènghuáng lái yí 

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  1. The empress is very pushy. I don’t like her(There’s a part of my feelings that is hate for her). She probably thinks that she has been good to XS so XS has to do whatever she want him to do. She thinks she cares for her son but she probably does not care at all. Poor Xiao Shao.

    I have the urge to go in and punch all the people that is bad and wants to use our Xiao Shao and Lin Shu for their own benefit. (Laozi feels like a protective mother right now and is very mad! 😡 )

    Anyways…. Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Hot dang I don’t trust either mother at ALL – these boys keep breaking my heart 😭😭 but goddamn do I LOVE this story – thank you for the chapter 💕💕💕

  3. Why would you do that to your own children? Favor one, and then turn the other one into a weakling? 😬 Xiao Xuan should just claim the throne, everyone who deserves to be happy will be happy.