The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh155 - Auspicious Occasion


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Translator's Note

百鸟朝凤 – The phoenix was originally a simple bird which worked tirelessly all the year round and kept food for emergencies. In a year of severe drought, it used the food accumulated by its hard work to save various birds that were on the verge of starvation . Grateful for the life-saving grace, the other birds offered their most beautiful feathers to the Phoenix in thanks.

Translator's Note

Xiao Shao uses 嫁 – which means to marry into his family, generally used for the bride who will take his surname.

Translator's Note

illusionary scene. 镜花水月 – literally flowers reflected within a mirror, the moon’s reflection in the water. It is a chinese idiom describing an ethereal setting/mood, and  is a metaphor for an illusory scene.

Translator's Note

黄泉 – the Yellow Springs is the river that runs through the underworld.

Translator's Note

Mengpo~ Legend has it that before a soul can reincarnate, they must drink the Soup of Mengpo/Granny Meng, that will make them forget their past life.

Translator's Note

忘了今夕何夕 – literally means that he didn’t know what day it was, because he was immersed in that moment.

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  1. 🥺🥺 these two poor lonely souls. At least you have each other now 😭

    Thanks for the chapter!