The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh147 - The Smoke Has Risen


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Translator's Note

this is an official/courtier’s official statement to the Emperor, it can be used to report work, eulogize merits, discuss rituals, Chen Zhengyao, talk about military affairs, admonish, impeach etc.

Translator's Note

TL: This is from a poem by Yan Leisheng <<Tian Xing Jian>>《天行健》, it speaks of the ferocity of war, the fearless warriors. When a hero draws his sword, he can win or lose, but regardless of his success or failure, there will be ten years of suffering for the common folk. The woes of the common people never end.

Translator's Note

This is a reference to a modern poem about loss and heartache. 

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