The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh136 - Paying Respects to the Pavilion Master


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Translator's Note

tln:In ancient times, if a woman was betrothed but her fiance died before they could get married, she would never marry. To observe this tradition is to 守 ‘望门寡’.

Translator's Note

Tln: 三媒六聘, 三茶六礼 refers to all the proper marriage rites and rituals being observed. It’s like saying they will be properly (and honorably) married.

Translator's Note

Ling Fengxiao used the more generic get married together with you 和你成亲. Which does not have implications on who is the wife and who is the husband (i.e. who is marrying into whose family).

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previously named Empty Valley of No Return

Translator's Note

previously Unseeing Tianhe

Translator's Note

谓波斯匿王观看恒河,自伤发白面皱,而恒河不变.There is a legend·of King Prasenajit who gazed 观看 at the 恒河 Heng River , bemoaning that he has grown old yet the river is unchanged.

Translator's Note

Its part of a longer Chinese idiom 壁立千仞,无欲则刚 essentially people can only achieve the state of righteousness (like those sharply rising steep cliffs) if they do not have worldly/excessive desires.

Translator's Note

一览众山小  – Looking at the Small Mountains is from Tang Poet Du Fu’s famous Poem《望岳》 “Wang Yue”.  The poem depicts the majestic and majestic atmosphere of Mount Tai , and expresses the poet’s ambition to climb to the top. It expresses an aggressive, positive attitude towards life , and is extremely philosophical.      Translation: Mount Tai is so majestic , the verdant mountains are beyond sight. Nature condenses all the bells and spirits here , and the mountains and the north are divided into dusk and day . Looking at the rising clouds in the mountains, my soul was washed away , and the birds that followed the twilight returning eagerly disappeared into the forest. I must ascend to the top of Mount Tai, overlooking the mountains, and the mountains will appear extremely small.

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人生非金石,岂能长寿考?  People are not made of gold and stone, who would never grow old? This referencing an anonymous Han Dynasty Poem《回车驾言迈》

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The will of heaven cuts our hearts like a blade – grief.

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蓝颜祸水 its the male version of the more commonly used 红颜祸水 Beautiful women are the root of all evil / bring disaster. I guess the english equivalent would be calling someone a Helen of Troy – their beauty would destroy nations.

Translator's Note

gigolo, little pretty boy, kept man.

Translator's Note

The term used is 始乱终弃 (subsequent abandonment), which is specifically used to describe the behavior of men to discard women after playing with them.

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  1. im confused, but I think its not good they give Lin Shu that title since it will atract unwanted attention to him and the technique.

  2. Me throughout this chapter:


    Thanks for the chapter♡

  3. everytime Xiao Lingyang come on stage, I always remember the ’12 Evil Deeds of Ling Fengxiao’ LOL

  4. So the hidden mysterious Sword Pavilion finally showed up and acknowledged Lin Shu as its master..? Till now they’re master less?

  5. its probably that word about him using Endless Yearning that the Sword Pavillion is coming to get him

  6. Is it me or did anyone else want Lin Shu to be more distant and just plain uncaring??

    The way the author setut up made it seem like he would undergo a huge personality shift bc of how far he progressed before the dual cultivation. However we barely see a change! He’s still just as confused and niave as before. And while I get he goes along with LFX bc that’s the new master, what the heck is this. You barely get a glimpse of his cold side.

    • It wasn’t really about the personality change. His personality is still the same because Endless Yearning has already affected it ( he has been cultivating it for half of his life, all throughout his formulative years). The thing is that just about the time he began going away from it’s influence (enjoying the food, feeling the temperature changes, assosiations with certian smells, having thoughts about wanting to protect something, someone being important to him and wanting to have a life and children with this important person) his cultivation was restored. It’s not about coldness (because to be cold you will need to have a certain arrogant air about you), I think it’s more about “they are nothing and I’m nothing and nothing matters”. Neither taste of a good meal, nor the warmth of the spring or the touch of his important person that made him feel happy and reassured.
  7. I fear that by the time they fully comprehend the sword styles, fate would have cut like a blade and they would have lost something exceedingly precious and feel overwhelming misery.

  8. How did the Sword Pavilion know that their master has awakened? Wow. Here I was thinking that he should go back into the Dreamland, use his own name and image, but still use the Folding Bamboo, just to surprise everyone and ward off rumors. But this is much better. 😂