Marshal, Please Calm DownCh041 - Formidable Foodie


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  1. Don’t worry WZM, someday you’ll get to taste the future bee pupae. Cooked by the famous Master Luo lol

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

  2. 😮 so such a thing happened to Luo Ye! I hope he finds people who can make him happy everyday again!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. Forgive me, but ‘chirp’ brings to mind another novel entirely… two novels.

    😆 Thank you

  4. Nooo. I just met him and I already like him. Luo Ye, I’m sorry about whatever happened to Luo Cheng. I hope you get your happy ending! And it sounds like Wu Zimo might have found another friend. I can’t wait to see what he nd his friends accomplish next. Thanks for the update!

  5. Wait so did our MC not eat the food cuz if he did then wouldn’t eggie come out like all the other animals came out? Then did the chef see eggie???? Thanks for the chapters.

  6. Is it just me or does anyone else think of another extremely good cook who’s surnamed Luo whenever they read Luo Yu’s name? Hint: said Chef Luo 2.0 just so happens to also be a half-demon who’s obsessed with his transmigrated Shizun

  7. Alguien me puede explicar a qué poder se refieren del poder xia Momo. Creo que cuando lo explicaron, no entendí muy bien 😁😥😆