Marshal, Please Calm DownCh040 - The Incredible Chef


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  1. Waaaaaaa marshal, marshal!!!! Somebody seems to want your wife’s chrysanthemum! Code red! Code red!

    And yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!! Ares is back!!!!!

  2. He wanted to flip a table! Did all icebergs have a tsundere heart?! Salah, so it turns out you’re really like this!

    Don’t worry Wu Zimo, you’ll get your own iceberg tsundere soon enough. But what is this??? A new contender?????? (๑°⌓°๑)

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. Salah u thirsty…. haha so quantum beasts can eat this? .. I wonder what effects it will have on the egg~

  4. Is it just me or it seems like Luo Ye is also a transmigrator. Lololol..


    • OMG that would be too awesome. He’d become MC’s best friend if that were the case! (sorry Lyle)

  5. So Luo Yue going be the one cooking up past Wu Zimo’s favorite foods after wondering how it was made after talking?

  6. I bet this Luo Ye is reynolds’ honey lol

  7. Loved that meng Egg, >-<

    the writor is very creative. She / He could created many type of facial expressionjust by using KB.

  8. HELP!!!!!!

    I’ve become crazy!!!!!!!!I don’t know why but I can’t seem to get out of my head the idea that Luo Ye is also a transmigrator >-<