My Fiancé Who Hates MeChapter 3

However, even after a week passed since the entrance ceremony, Michael-sama had not come to visit me, let alone talk to me. Since we were in different classes, it was not easy to meet by chance in this large academy unless you go out of your way.

I thought that since we got engaged, there would be some kind of interaction, but was I mistaken? jWS4H8

My father also told me to support Michael-sama, so I thought I would be able to have a deeper relationship with him.

I always refrained from going to see Michael-sama, who is a member of the royal family, because I was reluctant to talk to him, even though we are both students. But now, I decided to visit his class. I’m going to the royal castle soon to meet the current queen, Michael-sama’s mother, to learn about Queen Education, so I decided to visit his class as a way of greeting.

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It’s an open matter that Michael-sama and I are engaged, and it’s widely known both within the nobility and the academy. That’s why it shouldn’t be strange for me to go and talk to him.

When I arrived at the S class and looked into the classroom, someone called out to me. 3unIoL

“What’s the matter? Are you looking for someone?”

“Ah, yes. Is Michael-sama here?”

“Your Highness? He’s here, but …um, you are…?”

“Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Leon Fermar.”


“Fermar… Eh, then you’re the one in the rumor!?”

I tilted my head wondering what the rumor was, but I nodded thinking it was probably about the engagement.

The student in front of me stares at me and seems to be quite surprised.

That’s probably the case. Even though they know that it was the second son of the Marquis Fermar who was betrothed to Michael-sama, not many people know that it was me. aDOGX2

For, if I say so myself, I am an unremarkable student. Even though I’ve been attending the Royal Academy since middle school, roughly few people other than my close friends know that I’m from the Marquis’ family.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktja’r qgbyjyis yfmjerf P’w j wfvlbmgf qfgrbc klat j ojlgis bgvlcjgs jqqfjgjcmf atja vbfrc’a ibbx wemt ilxf ws ojatfg jcv ygbatfg, ktb tjnf fzmfiifca jcv yfjealoei ibbxr. P’w jirb cba nfgs ubbv ja lcafgjmalcu klat qfbqif, jcv ws ijmx bo lcafgfra lc fzqjcvlcu ws gfijalbcrtlqr yfsbcv mfgajlc oglfcvr wjs yf j mbcaglyealcu ojmabg.

Perhaps because of that, I feel like I’m in trouble whenever the students in front of me stare at me from top to bottom.

Maybe they’re wondering why such a mediocre guy becomes the crown prince’s fiancee. AiBDva

My hair is a dull hazel color that bears no resemblance to either my mother’s beautiful silver hair or my father’s golden brown hair like a lion’s mane, and my height and build are so frail for a man that you would not recognize me even if I were standing next to some young lady. My facial features are not so similar to that of my elder brother, who has the same handsome, chiseled features as our father. If I were to say, I resemble my mother’s face, but I still can’t compare to my mother’s beauty.

I guess his classmates couldn’t believe that I’m Michael-sama’s fiancee.

As I was wondering what to do, Michael-sama noticed us and came over in a panic.

“Leo… … why did you come to my classroom?! Over here!” b3QOK8

Michael-sama grabbed my arm as if to pull me away from the student I was talking to.

Just like that, I was taken somewhere else.

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When we arrived at the back of the library, far away from the classroom, Michael-sama, who finally stopped, didn’t even try to look at me as if he was angry.

“I’m sorry, I went overboard.” 29MQae

“No… I’m the one who’s sorry for the sudden…”

Perhaps noticing that he was holding my arm too tightly, Michael-sama let go of my arm with a huff as he apologized. However, his gaze remained down to the ground, so it was impossible to guess what kind of expression he was making.

After that, Michael-sama remained silent and didn’t say anything.

He won’t even look at me. Did I make him so angry? x6JuiK

As I thought, I shouldn’t have gone to see him without knowing my place. He must have felt annoyed. What if he would think that I was a brazen guy for trying to talk to him casually just because we got engaged?

“Uh… why are you in my classroom?”

When he finally looked up at me, he asked me why I came to see him, and I opened my mouth, bracing myself for the possibility of being scolded.

“Ah, well, I’m having an audience with the Queen this weekend, so I thought I’d report that to you…” KF3m0y

“My mother?”

“Yes, she will be giving me instructions about Queen Education.”

When I said that, Michael-sama seemed to be caught off guard, but then he regained his composure. He nodded his head and calmly put his words together.

“Oh, I see. That’s right, I guess… Can you say hello to my mother for me?” rW18E3

“Ye, yes!”


“What is it?”

I wondered if there was anything else he would like to tell the Queen, so I urged Michael-sama, who was reluctant to say anything, to go on. WOF5Uk

I was so happy that I’m being relied on, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I wonder if he acknowledges me as his fiancee enough to ask me to deliver a message.

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“Can you refrain from coming to my classroom in the future?”

But his following words left me frozen in place. Es7Jpj

“Ah… well, I'm very sorry.”

I knew I was bothering him. I somehow managed to move my frozen mouth and apologized.

I don’t know if my fleeting apology has reached Michael-sama.

Why did I do such a reckless thing like barging into Michael-sama’s classroom? 9mQdXl

“There are a lot of people in the classroom…if you want to come over next time, please go to my office. That way we can be alone…”

I was so caught up in my own remorse that I could hardly hear what Michael-sama said after that. All I could think about was that I shouldn’t cause Michael-sama any trouble. I didn’t even remember how I got back to my classroom.


Hi! I read about the comment on “uke” and “seme” and “shou” and “gong”. So here’s some fun fact :blobrofl: OZU 4x


Uke and Seme = Japanese

Shou and Gong = Chinese

Bottom and Top = English XYHlA

Translator's Note

“Moushiwake, ari, masen” = Formal and serious way of apologizing

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  1. I think him thinking of himself having an ordinary appearance may contribute to him being so self-deprecating and low-esteemed. Michael-sama, please shower our cutiepie Leo with lots of love!

  2. Aheemmm, I’m gonna warn you about chapter 4 (evil smile). Wait for next week’s update guys hehe~

  3. Omgg is this the misunderstanding route😩 Prince you should get better at conveying your feelings if that’s the caseee

  4. Poor Leo ;-;

    I can relate omg its like u know smth deep down but on the surface your insecurities confuse you into thinking dumb stuff

    Hopefully Micheal helps Leo out 😭

  5. so he doesn’t hate him this kid just has a complex and probably didn’t visit him afterwards at all… 💚 thanks for translating