Too Bad Master Died EarlyCh125 - Sacrifice


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Translator's Note

Refer to Chapter 112 after King Yin escorted Cheese and Mengmeng to the daoist sect members, specifically these two lines which hinted at the theft:

Mu He kicks Faceless away from Xie Zhiwei: As he flew out in mid-air, a foot connected with his wrists and sent the White Lotus chains flying far away.

Faceless flees and Xie Zhiwei assumes he took the chain: He looked in the direction where Faceless had fled, but there was nobody there. Even that shiny length of chain was gone, a testament to Faceless’s efficiency.

Translator's Note

敬酒不吃吃罚酒 jing jiu bu chi chi fa jiu – A saying that means “hesitate to do something until forced to do even more.”

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  1. My heartuuuu. Originally I’m only going to comment about how Yin Canshang is one of the most slippery, unlikeable, but formidable villain I have read in a while, which is a big plus for plot point. But then these thing happen to Mengmeng 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。

    What a revelation! Not really a twist, but amazing foreshadowing! I haven’t even commenting on Mengmeng’s changes when it turned out she had never really changed!

    Thank you for picking up this novel and introducing Mengmeng and everyone to us!

  2. ah i knew it! and she treasured the fur cloak till the end QAQ

    i wonder if muhe gave in in giving the lotuses with condition of letting them go?

  3. Noooo, my lovely daughter! ლ(ٱ٥ٱლ) I can’t believe author-sama did that to us all! (*꒦ິㅿ꒦ີ) I seriously have to stop love a characters, cause always something bad happening to them! She was and still is my favourite charecter of this novel and I love that she wasn’t like a heroines in other, especially BL novels where they are terrible and only plotting against MC. She was a wonderful, really warm person despite her cold outside persona. I will miss her dearly, because I read mostly for her (。•́︿•̀。) MY BELOVED DAUGHTER 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。



    Thank u for the chapter~~😭

  5. Omg… Tan tai meng is truly the best female character I’ve read in a danmei. Her reactions and motivations are so three dimensional. Our poor girl…

  6. I appreciate that the author said Mengmeng was a cold outside warm inside character in the original story, and then proceeded to show it through her actions. All too often people use “tsundere” to justify rudeness/spoiledness, but never actually show the “dere”. The story had me worried with how they killed off every other female character in the early stages, but Mengmeng’s comeback arc was really magical.


  8. Nooooo tantai I’m sorry 😭😭😭😭😭 u shouldn’t have died. I wanted to kill u off in the past chapters because i didn’t like ur cold self but shit i didn’t know u still had ur previous warm self hidden underneath. Don’t die mengmeng😭 that BASTARD yin deserves to die, not u. Sorry mengmeng , i didn’t expect ur death to actually hurt me so much.

  9. Mengmeng is truly one of nicely written female character in danmei with a good development (which is rare to be found). She reminded me of another nice female character that I’ve found before, with their similar setting and development. She is Baili Qingmiao from the novel Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know. I said they’re similar, because originally Qingmiao was a goddess who rebirth and forgotten her past, while Tantai Meng was amnesiac. They’re also going through built up development, where Qingmiao was trying let go of her blind & abusive love for the supposely protagonist of the world and focusing to cultivate her strength, while Mengmeng was maturing despite her constant struggles and still kind inside even though she revert back to her aloof self. You can’t help but feels like watching your daughter grown up as you witness their development to be better. It’s just that kind of feeling I guess